"Why, why do you treat me like this, I love you so much, what do you think of me!"

Chen Zhibo asked angrily.

Since the formal establishment of the relationship, he can be said to have taken care of Liu Ruohan in every possible way.

For Liu Ruohan's sake, he skipped classes, cheated his family for money, and even almost turned against his brother.

But today he found out that this woman, who he regards as his life, has been deceiving himself and playing with herself like a fool, and his whole person is about to collapse.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. You think I don't know you are a poor boy, and you make up stories to deceive me as a rich second generation. You really think I'm one of those ignorant girls."

Liu Ruohan smiled disdainfully, she didn't think she was wrong at all.

"Liu Ruohan, can you fucking need your face, I have never seen such a shameless woman like you in my life!"

Hu Xingxu, who really couldn't bear it, pointed at Liu Ruohan and scolded him angrily.

"How do I care about your business, don't mind your own business!"

Liu Ruohan replied arrogantly, then looked at Chen Zhibo and said, "Chen Zhibo, let's break up. We won't meet again in the future. You have passed yours and I have passed mine, so we don't know each other."

For Liu Ruohan, what she needs is a big boss or a rich second-generation who can really satisfy her vanity. An honest person like Chen Zhibo can just play, even if the fact that she has multiple boats is not exposed, she will Will take the initiative to break up with Chen Zhibo.

"No, I don't want to break up with you! Ruohan, as long as you promise me that you will only love me in the future and never meet other men, I can forgive you, and I promise to make you happy."

Chen Zhibo suddenly grabbed Liu Ruohan's hand and said affectionately.

Qin Lie was stunned by his actions.

In his understanding, if a man finds out that his girlfriend turns out to be a flirtatious green tea bitch, he will never hesitate to cut off his love with her.

But Chen Zhibo actually said that he could forgive her, which made Qin Lie stupid.

He didn't know if it was because Chen Zhibo really loved Liu Ruohan or if Liu Ruohan's poison was too deep in him.

On the other hand, Liu Ruohan was also stunned for a moment, but she still did not hesitate to break free from Chen Zhibo's hand.

"Don't be delusional, we can't be together at all."

Liu Ruohan was able to promise Chen Zhibo at the beginning, mainly because he was honest, and it happened that she was dumped by another rich second generation, so she could use Chen Zhibo to heal her emotional injury.

Now that she has caught up with the new rich second generation, she has to deal with various bosses every day, but she has no intention of playing with Chen Zhibo any more games of holding hands and growing old together.

"Ruohan, I beg you not to leave me, I can't live without you!"

Chen Zhibo did not give up because of Liu Ruohan's refusal, but knelt down and hugged her leg and pleaded bitterly.

Seeing Chen Zhibo, who was kneeling down to try to save Liu Ruohan, Qin Lie, who was still looking down on him, suddenly became heavy.

He could see that Chen Zhibo really loved Liu Ruohan, and he loved her to the core.

Because only when you truly love someone can you be so humble in front of love!

"Let go of me, I've made it very clear, it's impossible for me!"

If this were another girl, I'm afraid that she would have been moved long ago, but for a material girl like Liu Ruohan who only cares about money, love is just a joke, money is the key.


Chen Zhibo rushed towards Liu Ruohan again, trying to keep her, but unfortunately Liu Ruohan rudely pushed her aside.

"Ruohan, please don't leave me, I really can't lose you..."

At this moment, Chen Zhibo, a big man, burst into tears instead.

"Zhibo, stand up for me, don't cry like a woman, be strong!"

Chen Xiaoyu pulled Chen Zhibo up from the ground and scolded sharply.

In the past, she also liked to look for the rich second generation, but she was looking for a backer to get her family out of poverty, not to satisfy her own selfishness.

Seeing Liu Ruohan treating her brother like this, she was so angry that her lungs would explode. If it weren't for the murderer, she really wanted to chop Liu Ruohan into minced meat with a knife.

However, Chen Zhibo was like a puddle of mud, and soon collapsed on the ground again.

"Clap clap clap!"

Chen Xiaoyu showed no mercy, and slapped Chen Zhibo three times in the face, and Chen Zhibo stopped crying all of a sudden.

"Chen Zhibo, are all women in the world dead? Make you cry so hard?"

Chen Xiaoyu shouted sternly.

"Sister, I really really love Ruohan very much."

Chen Zhibo replied in a choked voice.

"A bitch like her is not worthy of your love at all. Remember to me that you are the man of our Chen family. Even if the sky falls, you can't kneel down, let alone for a shameless bitch!"

Chen Xiaoyu shouted in an imperative tone, "Who are you calling a slut!"

Liu Ruohan retorted unconvinced.

"Of course I'm talking about you, a slut is a slut, and you can only be played by men all your life!"

Chen Xiaoyu glared at Liu Ruohan and said, the fierce eyes instantly scared Liu Ruohan too scared to refute.

"Brother Ming, she scolds me, you must do justice to me."

Liu Ruohan didn't dare to scold Chen Xiaoyu, so she acted like a spoiled brat to the bald man.

The bald man was about to show his prestige in front of Chen Xiaoyu when the elevator door opened suddenly, and then a group of women came out.

This group of people soon came to Liu Ruohan's room door.

Seeing these people, Qin Lie took the initiative to pull Chen Xiaoyu and the others back to the side.

"Qian Chongming, you dare to raise fox spirits outside, you are really fat!"

A fat woman stared gloomily at the bald man.

"Wife, I... I was wrong. She was the one who seduced me first."

Seeing his tigress, the bald man was so frightened that he couldn't speak, and in order to alleviate his guilt, he immediately threw the blame on Liu Ruohan.

"You go away to the old lady, and I will clean up you when you get home!"

The fat woman shouted loudly, then looked at Liu Ruohan.

"Sao fox, dare to seduce my man, I think you are really impatient!"

The fat woman stared at Liu Ruohan with a gloomy face.

"I didn't hook up - Brother Yinming, he took the initiative to find me."

Liu Ruohan defended in a panic.


The fat woman slapped Liu Ruohan's face directly.

"Sisters, kill me this slut fox!"

The fat woman gave an order, and a woman rushed to the front and beat Liu Ruohan in an instant.

Seeing Liu Ruohan being beaten, Chen Zhibo felt distressed for a while, and he was ready to come forward to save her as soon as he moved.

"You stop for me!"

Chen Xiaoyu shouted and stopped him.

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