"Sister, let's help Ruohan, she is so pitiful."

Chen Zhibo begged Chen Xiaoyu.

"She's pitiful? Why don't you think about yourself? They just got a sign with the word "stupid" on your neck!"

Chen Xiaoyu cursed angrily.

"Zhibo, this kind of woman is not worthy of sympathy, let alone your love. Don't interact with her again in the future."

Hu Xingxu persuaded earnestly.

"Brother, the old nonsense is right. You are so good, this woman is not worthy of you at all. When you have time, my buddy will introduce you to a better one."

Gu Fan continued.

He only knew that Liu Ruohan had a bad reputation before, but he never thought that she was such a shameless woman, otherwise he would definitely stop Chen Zhibo from chasing Liu Ruohan.

Fortunately, it is not too late to mend the prison, Chen Zhibo has already recognized Liu Ruohan's true colors, and he will no longer need to be deceived by her in the future.

Chen Zhibo didn't speak at this time, he was still thinking of Liu Ruohan in his heart.

After all, this is the first girl he loved deeply in his life, and he even fantasized about the two entering the marriage hall and growing old together.

When Liu Ruohan was besieged by a group of women, the elevator door opened again, and a handsome and handsome man came out.

"Brother-in-law, he is the rich second-generation Xiao Zhan that Liu Ruohan is dating."

Hu Xingxu quickly reported to Qin Lie.

Hearing this, Qin Lie took the initiative to step forward: "Brother, the one who was beaten on the ground was Liu Ruohan, and the one who beat her was the rich businessman's wife and her daughter."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhan's face suddenly sank.

"Stop me all!"

Xiao Zhan shouted violently and stopped everyone.

"Who are you?"

The fat woman looked up at Xiao Zhan arrogantly and asked.

"Brother Zhan, save me!"

After seeing Xiao Zhan, Liu Ruohan thought that he had found a savior, and ran to Xiao Zhan, ignoring that he had disappeared.


However, Liu Ruohan responded with another slap.

"Liu Ruohan, listen to me, you're done, I won't let you be a rat crossing the street with your surname!!"

Xiao Zhan's family has a lot of power in Qianzhou. He and Liu Ruohan are going to get married. Who would have thought that Liu Ruohan would cuckold himself, which he absolutely cannot tolerate.

He must make Liu Ruohan pay the price!

"Brother Zhan, I was wrong, please give me another chance."

Liu Ruohan hurriedly begged for mercy, she knew that Xiao Zhan had a prominent family, so her attitude towards him was completely different from that towards Chen Zhibo.

"Fuck you!"

Xiao Zhan kicked Liu Ruohan away violently, so he wouldn't want a woman like this.

Then Xiao Zhan walked away.

Seeing that Xiao Zhan was not here to help Liu Ruohan, the fat woman continued to pick up this vixen with her best friend.

"Xiaoyu, let's go."

Qin Lie glanced at Liu Ruohan and said.

He informed the wealthy businessman's wife and Xiao Zhan. Now Liu Ruohan has evil retribution, and he is no longer interested in staying here to watch the fun.

Chen Xiaoyu nodded and called Chen Zhibo to leave the hotel together.

Because they hadn't had breakfast yet, the group came to a restaurant in Fu's family.

Seeing Chen Zhibo's lifeless appearance, Hu Xingxu handed him his mobile phone.

"Zhibo, see for yourself. This is the black material I specially collected about Liu Ruohan. This woman is even worse than what I told you before. You must not fall for her."

Hu Xingxu said.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Zhibo opened the phone and took a look.

After reading these black materials that ruined the three views, the perfect goddess in Chen Zhibo's heart finally collapsed!

He finally woke up completely.

"I didn't expect the only woman I loved to live and die to be a son of a bitch. I'm so stupid. My fucking life is a joke!"

Chen Zhibo laughed at himself, and that miserable smile made people feel distressed for a while.

"Zhibo, you are just too simple and believe in the beauty of love too much. In fact, people in society are more complicated than you think, but I believe that after this setback, you will definitely find a woman who is more suitable for you. !"

Chen Xiaoyu quickly comforted his younger brother.

Although she wanted to cut Liu Ruohan in her heart, at the same time she wanted to thank her.

After all, his younger brother used to live under the wings of her and his parents, and it was almost always smooth sailing, but after experiencing the brutal beatings of the society this time, her younger brother will definitely grow up to be a real man on his own!

"Sister, don't worry, I won't sink into this woman anymore, I will definitely become your pride!"

Chen Zhibo said very solemnly.

Although Liu Ruohan's deception hit him very hard, it also made him understand a truth, even the most beautiful love should be based on money. Without money, the so-called true love is nothing but a mirror!

Seeing his younger brother recovering, Chen Xiaoyu was instantly overjoyed.

"You have always been the pride of my sister. I believe that you will be able to stand out in the future and create a world of your own!"

Chen Xiaoyu quickly encouraged his younger brother.

"Sister, there is one more thing I want to tell you. I don't want to learn painting anymore. I plan to switch to finance."

Chen Zhibo said suddenly.

"No, how good are you at learning to draw, why do you want to change majors?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"Sister, this is not a decision I made on the spur of the moment. In fact, I was thinking about it a month ago. Today, Ruohan Liu made me make up my mind completely."

"Don't worry, I will continue to regard painting as a hobby of mine, but I want to study finance more so that I can make more money and let our whole family live a good life!"

Chen Zhibo said in a deep voice.

He is very clear that many painters are unemployed after graduation, want to become a master of oil painting, and it is too difficult to make money by painting.

Therefore, if he wants to realize his dream and let his family live a prosperous life without food and clothing, he must change his major.

This is not only for his family, but also for everyone to prove that he, Chen Zhibo, will not be a poor man all his life!

"Well then, just do whatever you want, my sister will always support you!"

After confirming that Chen Zhibo was not impulsive, Chen Xiaoyu also expressed her attitude.

"Thank you ma'am."

For Chen Zhibo, the support of his sister is his biggest motivation, which makes him more determined.

"Well, in the future, there will be one less master in the oil painting industry, and one more evil capitalist in society."

Hu Xingxu exclaimed in a joking tone.

"Don't worry, I won't give up painting, I just postponed my dream of becoming a painter. When I have money, I will definitely hold a world tour exhibition to let everyone know that I am a painter!"

Chen Zhibo said with a smile.

His smile also means that he has really come out of the emotional haze. He will not go to love with his sons and daughters again in the future, but will only fight for his dreams!

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