The next day, Qin Lie took the earliest flight to Shenchuan.

After casually teasing Qin Lie, Qiu Bai took him to the Chu family's practice ground.

"Boy, do you know Bajiquan?"

Qiu Bai asked suddenly.

"I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it."

Qin Lie told the truth.

"Then let me briefly tell you about Bajiquan first. Bajiquan is the most powerful and domineering boxing method in Chinese boxing. The name of the boxing is taken from the meaning of 'between heaven and earth, Kyushu Baji'."

"Bajiquan belongs to the short punching method. It exerts force on the heel, runs on the waist, runs through the fingertips, and the explosive force is extremely powerful. There is a saying that Taiji can make the world safe, and Wu has eight extremes that will set the world."

"And what I want to teach you today is my stunt Bajiquan. As long as you can practice the Bajiquan I taught you to a perfect level, you will be able to walk sideways in this world in the future."

Qiu Bai looked at Qin Lie and said solemnly.

"Then quickly teach me."

Qin Lie said impatiently.

He followed his grandfather to learn boxing for a period of time, and most of the time he practiced on his own.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you the key to practicing Bajiquan first. The so-called Baji corresponds to the eight parts of a person's head, shoulders, elbows, hands, tail, hips, knees, and feet."

"Bajiquan takes the head and feet as the universe, shoulders, knees, elbows and hips as the square, the arms face each other in front and back, and the Dantian holds the Yuan in the center to create the door."

"When punching, you need to use the mind to lead the qi, and use the qi to destroy the force. The three sets and six points are combined inside and outside, and the momentum is majestic. Spirit is infinite."

"Once you have reached the stage of Bajiquan, you can punch out like a dragon and a tiger, enough to collapse mountains and mountains, and kill gods and immortals!"

After saying this, Qiu Bai suddenly punched the practice stake in front of him.


In an instant, the entire stake was torn apart!

"I rely on!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie took a deep breath.

You must know that the stake is made of pine wood, which is very strong. Qin Lie punches it, leaving a white mark at most, and it is absolutely impossible to hurt the stake.

However, Qiu Bai shattered it with one punch. This force was so powerful that it was simply terrifying!

This is also thanks to the fact that this punch was hit on the stake. If it hits a person, it is estimated that it will leave a blood hole directly on the person.

"See, this is the power of Bajiquan."

Qiu Bai said lightly, as if he had done a trivial thing.

"Master, if you simply compete in martial arts, your strength should be invincible in the world, right?"

Qin Lie looked at Qiu Bai with admiration.

"It can't be said that, in this world, there are many people who have extremely terrifying strength but are willing to be a nameless person. My strength can only be regarded as the top, not to the point of being invincible in the world. Not to mention, the strength of Xingtian on Hades Island should already be higher than mine."

Qiu Bai shook his head.

When he was young, he once thought he was invincible, but the older he got, the more he understood the truth that a mountain is taller than a mountain.

After hearing Qiu Bai's words, Qin Lie couldn't help being curious about Xing Tian's strength.

You must know that Qiu Bai is already so powerful, and Xing Tian is even stronger than Qiu Bai, so how terrifying should he be?

The most frightening thing is that Xing Tian is much younger than Qiu Bai, he is almost the same age as Qin Lie!

So young, yet possessing such a powerful strength, this kind of martial arts talent is truly a monster.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. You have entered the ranks of first-class masters without any instruction or training. Your talent is definitely not worse than Xing Tian, ​​or even stronger than him. As long as you are willing to work hard, at most three years, I promise to let you follow Xingtian competes for strength!"

Qiu Bai looked at Qin Lie and said.

Qin Lie can be regarded as the one he grew up with. In terms of martial arts talent, Qin Lie can also be regarded as a genius.

It's just that he was wiped out all over the world back then, and if his heart was dead, he had no intention of accepting apprentices, and he didn't want Qin Lie to be involved in the blood and rain of the arena. master.

After listening to Qiu Bai's words, Qin Lie also felt a little excitement in his heart.

As long as he is a man, no one does not want to become stronger, and Qin Lie does the same.

If he had the terrifying strength of Xingtian, he would definitely have the power to rule the world and be all-powerful!

"Come on, put these on, let's officially start the special training."

Qiu Bai pointed to the leggings and weight vest not far away.

Qin Lie didn't think much, stepped forward, reached out and grabbed a legging.

"I'll wipe, Master, you have lead in your leggings, right?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask.

"That's right, it's full of lead blocks, which I specially prepared for you."

Qiu Bai smiled lightly.

"Master, how can I train with something so heavy on?"

Qin Lie asked with a wry smile.

This one lead block leggings has five pounds, two are ten pounds, and the key weight vest is estimated to be twenty pounds, which adds up to thirty pounds.

At first glance, 30 pounds may seem like a lot, but the key Qin Lie has to train, which is not easy.

"Don't complain to Lao Tzu, let me tell you, when Lao Tzu was young and ran 50 kilometers a day with a weight of 100 pounds, you are nothing at all."

Qiu Bai said unceremoniously.

He knew very well that Qin Lie was quite talented, but his foundation was too poor. Now he had to help Qin Lie build a solid foundation again.

As long as the foundation is solid, Qin Lie will be able to do more with less by practicing boxing.

Otherwise, he would not be able to control the fierce and domineering Bajiquan at all, let alone practice it to the transformation realm.

Hearing Qiu Bai's words, Qin Lie put on the leggings and the weight vest without saying a word.

"Follow me now."

After saying this, Qiu Bai began to lead the way, and Qin Lie quickly followed.

With Qin Lie's strength, he can still run with a load of 30 pounds, but the power consumption will definitely increase exponentially.

After running less than five kilometers, his heartbeat began to accelerate, and when he reached twenty kilometers, he became out of breath.

At this moment, Qiu Bai suddenly stopped.

Qin Lie thought that the weight-bearing run was over, and was about to take a breath. Who knew that Qiu Bai suddenly pointed to the outdoor swimming pool of Chu's house.

"There's a piece of clothing I made with sponge by the pool. You change it and go to the pool for another twenty laps."

"Master, are you a devil? I won't be exhausted after swimming 20 laps."

Qin Lie asked with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

If the difficulty of running with weight is normal, then swimming in a sponge that is easy to absorb water is definitely a hell-level mode. Qin Lie is worried that he will drown in the pool while swimming.

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