"I do this also to stimulate your potential to the greatest extent, so that you can be promoted to the ranks of the top masters as soon as possible. Don't let me down with my good intentions."

Qiu Bai said eloquently.

When it comes to Qin Lie's strength, ordinary training can hardly improve his strength, so he specially tailored a series of devil training for Qin Lie.

He wants to push Qin Lie to the limit, squeeze out all the potential hidden in his body, and make him truly become a top player who can win the world.

"Forget it, I'm so desperate!"

Qin Lie gritted his teeth and didn't complain any more. He came to the pool, took off his weight vest, and put on the special sponge suit Qiu Bai gave him.

This dress is still quite soft when you just put it on, it is estimated that it is only one or two pounds, and it will not make people feel any pressure at all.

However, from the moment Qin Lie went into the water, everything changed.

The sponge clothing quickly absorbs water, and in just two minutes, a two-pound piece of clothing becomes thirty or forty pounds!

Because he has lived by the sea since he was a child, Qin Lie is definitely a good swimmer, but after putting on the sponge suit, he felt like he was carrying a giant mountain on his back, and every time he waved his arms, it became very difficult.

Fortunately, Qin Lie's physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he quickly completed the first lap.

Then the second lap, the third lap...

By the tenth lap, Qin Lie's physical fitness almost reached its limit. He felt that it was more tiring than the last time he fought with more than 40 thugs.

After all, he is in the pool now, and he doesn't even have time to breathe. Once he stops moving, he will inevitably sink to the bottom of the water.

There was no way, Qin Lie could only grit his teeth and continue to persevere.

In this way, lap after lap, it took Qin Lie more than an hour to complete twenty laps.

In the last few laps, he basically held on with his steely will, and when he climbed to the shore, he couldn't stand up.

"Give you ten minutes to rest. After the rest, let's start practicing boxing."

After saying this, Qiu Bai also handed Qin Lie a bottle of glucose water.

Qin Lie didn't have the strength to speak at this time, so he lay on the ground and rested for five minutes before getting up and drinking water, adding a little strength.

Qiu Bai grabbed the watch and came to Qin Lie's side when ten minutes were up.

"Put on the weight vest, and I'll start teaching you Bajiquan now."

"Master, let's practice again tomorrow, I really have no energy now."

Qin Lie said weakly, he was exhausted at this time, let alone practicing boxing, even if a beautiful woman took off her clothes and put it in his arms, he would not have any reaction.

"Get up, don't give me nonsense!"

Qiu Baili shouted very seriously.

Qin Lie smiled bitterly and could only stand up.

"Bajiquan has a total of eight ultimate moves. Now I will teach you the first move, the three-point hand of the King of Hell. You can show it to me, and I will demonstrate it to you first."

After Qiu Bai finished speaking, he stopped and started the demonstration.

In order for Qin Lie to see clearly, his every movement was deliberately slowed down, but even so, Qin Lie could still feel an invisible pressure.

"How, do you understand?"

Qiu Bai looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"Look, I understand, but I don't have the energy to practice at all."

Qin Lie replied with a bitter face.

His strength had already been exhausted, and he was still wearing a weight-bearing body, so practicing boxing at this time was a complete nonsense.

"You imagine that you are being chased and killed now. If you don't fight back, you will die. I think you should be strong."

Qiu Bai helped Qin Lie come up with a solution.

"Master, you can't do this, I really can't get up."

It's not that Qin Lie doesn't want to practice, but that his body has reached the limit, and he doesn't even want to lift his arms.

"If you don't want to practice, you have to practice. I'll let you go. Either practice boxing, or I will abolish you. You can choose."

Qiu Bai directly forced Qin Lie up.


"Okay, then I'll scrap you now, I don't need trash to be an apprentice."

Qin Lie didn't give Qin Lie a chance to bargain, his palms turned into eagle claws and suddenly grabbed towards Qin Lie's arm.

Seeing that Qiu Bai seemed to be playing for real, Qin Lie quickly stepped back and said at the same time, "Master, I was wrong, I will start practicing now."

Hearing this, Qiu Bai let Qin Lie go.

"Contact the first trick I called you a hundred times first. After you have fully mastered it, I will serve as a sparring partner for you."

Qiu Bai continued.

Qin Lie knew that he had no other choice, so he could only forcefully perform the first move of Bajiquan, the three-point hand of the King of Hell.

At this time, Qin Lie felt that his hands and legs were no longer his own, and every time he waved his arms, it seemed like he was going to drain the last of his strength.

Over and over again, after Qin Lie played the first move a hundred times, Qiu Bai began to act as his sparring partner.

In order to let Qin Lie master the essence of Bajiquan as soon as possible, Qiu Bai could be harsh to him, beating and scolding him at every turn.

But Qin Lie didn't have any resentment. He knew that Qiu Bai was doing it for his own good, so he could only train more attentively.

Even though he had already reached the limit of his body, he still held on with the breath of his heart.

Just like that, when night fell, Qin Lie finally ended the first day of devil training.

At this moment, he was like a puddle of mud, unable to get up when he was lying on the ground.

Qin Lie originally thought that the first day of training would be the hardest, but this was just the beginning of his nightmare.

In the next half month, Qiu Bai will increase Qin Lie's load every day, and his various trainings will become more and more abnormal. If Qin Lie has not experienced special childhood, plus his heart is like a rock, he estimates that he really will collapse.

However, after half a month of devil training, Qin Lie also had a reborn change.

If he used to be a stubborn and unyielding weed, now he is a steel that has been tempered and refined, and his strength has increased by at least 30%!

Especially Bajiquan, although he has just glimpsed the door for the first time, he already has the power to open the monument and crack the stone!

"I have given you all the eight ultimate moves of Bajiquan. Today is Lao Tzu's ultimate test for you. If you can pass the test, you will be my Qiu Bai's closed disciple in the future. If you can't pass the test, then I will replace it. You collect the corpse."

After breakfast, Qiu Bai suddenly said something like this to Qin Lie.

"I don't know how Master do you want to be assessed?"

Qin Lie raised his brows and asked. He still has confidence in his own strength. Unless Qiu Bai takes action himself, he really doesn't care about other assessments.

"You'll know when you come with me."

Qiu Bai did not explain much, but took Qin Lie to the backyard to practice martial arts.

What was different from before was that the martial arts field was surrounded by iron railings, and ten large iron cages were placed on the edge of the martial arts field. Each cage contained a saliva-looking Tibetan mastiff that looked extremely ferocious. !

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