The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 527 Bloody Battle Of Tibetan Mastiffs!

"Master, don't you want me to fight these Tibetan mastiffs?"

Qin Lie asked after swallowing dryly.

"After a while, you can run 10 kilometers with a weight of 80 pounds, then go to the swimming pool for 30 laps, and then you can fight against these ten Tibetan mastiffs."

"In order to stimulate the ferocity of these Tibetan mastiffs, I deliberately let people starve them for three days. If you can't kill them with Bajiquan later, you will become their food."

Qiu Bai said without hesitation.

This is his ultimate assessment of Qin Lie.

"Master, are you sure you are testing me and not killing me?"

Qin Lie was about to cry at this moment.

If it was a normal unarmed fight, he would still be sure to kill these ten Tibetan mastiffs.

But Qiu Bai let him run with weight first, and then finish swimming. At that time, his physical strength is estimated to be less than one-third. If he went to fight ten hungry Tibetan mastiffs, he felt that he was very powerful. There may not even be bones left.

"For ordinary people, this assessment is a bit cruel, but you are not ordinary people, you are my Qiu Bai's apprentice, the difficulty of the assessment should not be too low."

"Besides, it is only between life and death that a person's greatest potential can be stimulated. If you can survive, Xingtian will be trampled under your feet in the future. If you can't survive, then there is no need to live to shame me."

Qiu Bai said calmly.

Of course he knew how dangerous this assessment was, but this life-and-death experience was absolutely beneficial and harmless to Qin Lie.

After all, the stronger the strength, the more terrifying the enemies he will face in the future. He definitely doesn't want Qin Lie to riot in the wilderness one day in the future.

Qin Lie was silent for dozens of seconds without saying anything. He silently put on the weight-bearing equipment and started a 10-kilometer long run.

After finishing the run, Qin Lie swam another thirty laps in the pool.

Even though Qin Lie's stamina has long since reached a new height, after this lap of training, his strength is still huge, less than one-third of his peak.

Knowing that Qin Lie was going to fight the ten Tibetan mastiffs, Chu Xiong and others came to the martial arts field, but they just stood on the periphery and did not enter the iron fence.

"Be careful, don't let me collect the body for you."

Just when Qin Lie was about to prepare the iron fence, Qiu Bai suddenly came over and warned him.

"Don't worry, I will come out alive."

After replying with confidence, Qin Lie took off his weight and walked into the fence without hesitation.

"Hoo! Wang Wang Wang!!!"

Seeing Qin Lie, the Tibetan Mastiff, who had been hungry for a long time, immediately roared wildly.

"Open the cage!"

Qiu Bai gave an order, Chu Mingchen pressed the switch, and the doors of the ten cages opened at the same time.


The first Tibetan mastiff had green eyes and rushed towards Qin Lie, whom he regarded as food.

After it, the rest of the Tibetan Mastiffs rushed towards Qin Lie, completely tearing him to pieces.

Rao Shi Qin Lie has experienced life and death, but his heart is still tight in the face of ten ferocious Tibetan mastiffs.

But he didn't flinch.

He knew very well that retreating at this time would only kill him faster.


After roaring, Qin Lie rushed to the Tibetan mastiff closest to him without fear of death.



The fist that condensed Qin Lie's whole body slammed into the Tibetan Mastiff's head, shattering its skull in an instant, and the Tibetan Mastiff was killed on the spot after a scream!


Seeing Qin Lie kill a Tibetan mastiff with one punch, Chu Mingchen standing outside immediately cheered.

At the same time Qin Lie killed the Tibetan mastiff, three more Tibetan mastiffs rushed towards him at the same time.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a hero can't hold back too many wolves, let alone these beastly Tibetan mastiffs.

One of them was thrown into the air with a punch, and the other Tibetan Mastiff's claws caught Qin Lie's back.


Qin Lie's back was dripping with blood immediately.

After smelling the blood, these Tibetan mastiffs became more violent, biting at Qin Lie like crazy.

Qin Lie could only do his best to fight back.

In the blink of an eye, the battle entered a white-hot stage, and the scene looked extremely bloody!

"Old Qiu, you asked Qin Lie to fight with ten Tibetan mastiffs at the same time. Isn't it too embarrassing for him, or let's reduce a few."

Chu Mingchen looked at the bloody Qin Lie and said worriedly.

He couldn't imagine how much pressure Qin Lie would be under at this time. Anyway, if it were him, there would be only a pile of minced meat left.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine."

Qiu Bai said lightly.

Despite his indifference on the surface, he didn't seem to care about Qin Lie's life or death at all, but his heart was already very nervous. He didn't want his only apprentice to die because of his harshness.

But in order to hone Qin Lie, he had to be cruel.

After all, there is a great terror between life and death. The human body is like an undeveloped divine treasure. The more it is on the verge of death, the more it can stimulate the infinite potential in the human body.

He did it all for Qin Lie.

Of course, he was ready to attack at any time. If Qin Lie really lost to these Tibetan mastiffs, he would definitely rescue Qin Lie before he was torn apart.

The battle became more and more intense. At this time, the Tibetan Mastiff only had animal instincts and desperately wanted to tear up Qin Lie and eat it.

In order to survive, Qin Lie used a set of Bajiquan to the extreme.

In the moment of exerting force, it must be as strong as a broken bow, as fast as lightning, and as fast as lightning!

That terrifying aura made him like an unparalleled god of war, invincible and invincible!

But it was the King of Dogs who fought him, all of them were rough-skinned, fierce and irritable, and it was not easy to kill them.

Except for the first unlucky guy who was killed by Qin Lie with one punch, so far, Qin Lie has not been able to kill the second one.

However, the other Tibetan mastiffs were more or less injured, and Qin Lie broke a leg in three of them.

As the battle continued, Qin Lie's physical strength became more and more exhausted, and his attacks were not as violent as they were at the beginning.

But Qin Lie knew in his heart that he must not show any weakness in the face of these ferocious beasts, otherwise only death would greet him!


After roaring again, Qin Lie suddenly pounced on one of the Tibetan Mastiffs whose right leg was broken, and strangled its neck before it retreated.

Aware of the danger, the Tibetan Mastiff twisted his body desperately, trying to break free, but Qin Lie didn't give him the chance, grabbed the dog's head with both hands, and then twisted his neck mercilessly at the same time!

Without waiting for Qin Lie to breathe a sigh of relief, another cunning Tibetan mastiff took the opportunity to attack Qin Lie from behind, biting Qin Lie's left arm.


The Tibetan Mastiff let out a low growl, shook his head vigorously, and forcibly tore a piece of flesh from Qin Lie's body!

Rao is that Qin Lie has long been used to being injured, but the piercing pain still makes Qin Lie take a deep breath.

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