The Tibetan Mastiff who tore off a piece of flesh seemed to be afraid that others would snatch the food from it, so he swallowed Qin Lie's flesh into his stomach without chewing it.

After eating the meat, the Tibetan Mastiff licked the blood on his lips and looked at Qin Lie even more scarlet bloodthirsty!

"Damn, let me die!"

Qin Lie didn't care that the wound was still bleeding, his figure flashed, and he appeared beside the Tibetan mastiff that ate his head at a very fast speed.

Seeing this Tibetan mastiff screaming wildly, he took the initiative to pounce on Qin Lie.

Qin Lie took a kick, and the Tibetan Mastiff was kicked and flew out, hitting the iron railing heavily.

Before the Tibetan Mastiff could get up, Qin Lie rode on it, and then his fists hit the Tibetan Mastiff's head like raindrops.

One punch after another, Qin Lie threw a dozen punches in one breath.

Although the damage of each punch is not high, it can't stand Qin Lie's dozen punches at the same time.

Qin Lie was just about to break its neck in one go, when another Tibetan mastiff slaughtered him from the side.

Qin Lie didn't resist, he rolled over to dodge it, and let go is a black tiger's heart.

The terrifying force instantly destroyed the Tibetan Mastiff's abdominal rib, Qin Lie then used the Bajiquan trick to break the reins, and smashed its spine very roughly.

With a wailing cry, the Tibetan Mastiff lay on the ground, unable to move any longer. Death is only a matter of time.

And the Tibetan Mastiff, who was beaten by Qin Lie to the point of bleeding from its seven orifices, stood up again, like a moth to a flame, and rushed towards Qin Lie again.

Before taking a step, this Tibetan Mastiff would ooze a lot of blood from its mouth and nose, and before it could run to Qin Lie's side, its body fell to the ground with a thud, with no vitality!

By this time, the strength in Qin Lie's body was almost exhausted, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and his steps were no longer as flexible as before.

Those Tibetan Mastiffs seemed to see that Qin Lie was at the end of the fight, and even rushed towards Qin Lie at the same time.

It's just that at this time, they also became afraid of Qin Lie. Instead of biting like before, they slowly began to surround him.

Qin Lie knew that once he was surrounded, he had no choice but to die. In order to survive, he took the initiative to fight with them without fear of death.

But because of the exhaustion of strength, Qin Lie's fist could hardly do any more damage to the Tibetan Mastiff at this time.

One of the Tibetan mastiffs collided and Qin Lie fell to the ground immediately.

"Damn, you can't beat a group of beasts."

Qin Lie leaned on the ground with one hand, half kneeling on the ground, a miserable smile appeared on his face.

"Qin Lie, stand up, don't kneel on the ground like a waste!"

Outside the fence, Qiu Bai deliberately stimulated Qin Lie with words.

Although Qin Lie is in a precarious situation now, the martial arts person pays attention to neither breaking nor standing. If Qin Lie wants to go further, he must push himself into a desperate situation!

And now is the key.

Looking at the Tibetan Mastiff who treated himself as food, saliva dripping from his mouth, and kept approaching him, Qin Lie took a deep breath and stood up abruptly from the ground.

"Fuck, I won't let you eat it even if I die!"

Qin Lie's eyes flashed fiercely, ready to fight the Tibetan Mastiff.

At this moment, a feeling of blessing came to the soul, Qin Lie's body was like opening a Pandora's box, and a large amount of energy suddenly poured out continuously.

In an instant, Qin Lie's exhausted physical strength was replenished.

Feeling the power that could destroy everything, Qin Lie was overjoyed.

"Beasts, die!"

Qin Lie shouted loudly, and a monstrous wind burst out from his body.

In the next second, he was like a bloody god of war, taking the initiative to confront these vicious Tibetan mastiffs.

The previous Qin Lie spent most of his time finding the opportunity to kill the Tibetan mastiffs in one go, but at this time, he didn't need to do any evasion at all, and directly started to fight with these Tibetan mastiffs in a head-to-head situation.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and these Tibetan mastiffs were no longer Qin Lie's opponents, and one by one they were sent to Huangquan by Qin Lie.

The scene turned directly into a massacre!

"Okay, as expected of my Qiu Bai's apprentice!"

When the last Tibetan mastiff was killed by Qin Lie, Qiu Bai applauded happily.

"Old Qiu, what's going on? Qin Lie didn't have the strength just now, why did he suddenly become so powerful like being possessed by a demon?"

Chu Mingchen, who was dumbfounded, couldn't help but ask.

He just thought that Qin Lie would be torn apart by the Tibetan mastiff, but he never expected Qin Lie to suddenly counterattack, and the whole process was so neat.

"Qin Lie successfully broke through the shackles just now, and the hidden power in his body was unlocked. Now he has stepped into the threshold of the top powerhouse. Over time, his achievements in martial arts will definitely surpass mine. As for how far he can reach, it depends on His creation is complete!"

Qiu Bai said excitedly.

His talent is limited, and his current strength is almost the limit he can achieve in this life.

But Qin Lie is different. He is still young, and he is very likely to touch the field that he cannot touch in the future.

Inside the fence, Qin Lie took off his blood coat and walked out without haste.

"Thank you Master."

After coming to Qiu Bai, Qin Lie bowed deeply to Qiu Bai first.

He is very clear that his strength can be improved to a higher level, and it is entirely thanks to Qiu Bai's teaching and this man-mastiff battle, otherwise he may stay in place for the rest of his life.

"Thank you, this is all the result of your own efforts. To receive such an excellent apprentice from you is definitely the most correct choice I have ever made in my life."

Qiu Bai replied with a smile on his face.

As the saying goes, the master leads the door to practice in the individual, Qin Lie can successfully break through the shackles, mainly because he has a strong heart, otherwise Qiu Bai will not be able to help him break through even if he has the ability.

"Mingchen, hurry up and take Qin Lie down to clean it up, and then apply this bottle of Jinchuang medicine to him."

As Qiu Bai said, he handed Chu Mingchen the unique secret gold creation medicine he had prepared.

Although Qin Lie won ten Tibetan mastiffs, he was also bruised and bruised all over his body by the bites of the Tibetan mastiffs.

Qin Lie didn't waste any time, and followed Chu Mingchen to their personal doctor.

After cleaning the wound, Chu Mingchen helped Qin Lie to apply Jinchuang medicine all over the wounds all over his body, and then made him a new suit.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Chu Mingchen suddenly found that Qin Lie now has a very special temperament than before, just like an ancient emperor, which makes people unconsciously respect.

"Let's go, let's find my master."

Qin Lie didn't notice the change in Chu Mingchen's eyes, so he got up and went to see Qiu Bai.

"How is it, is there any problem with the injury on your body?"

Seeing Qin Lie, Qiu Bai quickly asked with concern.

"Don't worry, it's all flesh wounds, not serious."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

Although his injury looked bloody, it was actually not fatal. What's more, he had already applied the golden wound medicine, and he only needed a little rest for a while to recover.

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