After confirming that Qin Lie's injury was not serious, Qiu Bai said again: "Although your strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the past half month, you are still a long way from the real top powerhouse. Don't be arrogant and arrogant."

"Master, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know who I am if I have some grades."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

"Well, I'm more at ease with you on this point."

Qiu Bai nodded, and suddenly changed the subject: "I have something to do next, so I won't accompany you. You can practice Bajiquan several times a day, as long as you can truly understand the true meaning of Bajiquan. , there will not be many people in this world who are your opponents in the future."


Qin Lie is very clear that there is no shortcut to martial arts, and he must practice hard every day.

After telling Qin Lie a few more words, Qiu Bai left Chu's house without telling Qin Lie what he was going to do.

Considering that the factory has been completed, Qin Lie bought the nearest air ticket and flew back to Lucheng.

Although he hasn't come back for a while, he called Ye Yuqing on the fifth day of the devil training and asked her to come to Lucheng to transport the production equipment to the factory. In recent days, the production line has been installed and debugged.

"Yo, our shopkeeper is finally willing to come back, it's not easy."

Seeing Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing directly joked about him.

"Cough cough, didn't I learn boxing with my master, or else I would have come back long ago."

Qin Lie coughed dryly and said embarrassedly.

"Oh, I thought you had a new love again, and you are not happy anymore."

Ye Yuqing continued to joke.

"Okay, sister, don't make fun of me." Qin Lie replied shyly, and quickly changed the subject, "How about it, when will our factory be officially put into production?"

Hearing Qin Lie asking about the business, Ye Yuqing also recovered her seriousness.

"At present, the equipment installation inspection and the preparation of personnel have been completed, and it is expected that production will officially start the day after tomorrow."

Ye Yuqing replied.

"The day after tomorrow? Do we need to start the pre-sale in advance?"

Qin Lie thought about it and asked.

"Don't worry, I have already contacted Xiaoxiao, she will come to Lucheng the day after tomorrow, and the official announcement that she will become our product spokesperson will start the pre-sale at the same time."

Ye Yuqing replied.

"Sister Yuqing is still thoughtful."

Qin Lie quickly flattered.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If everything waits for you to do it, the daylily will be cold."

Ye Yuqing rolled his eyes and said.

"Hey, it's not that you are here with Sister Yuqing, otherwise I would dare to be so leisurely."

Qin Lie replied with a full of flattery.

Ye Yuqing is not only the queen of the business world, but also a wise helper. He is really lucky to have such a confidante as Ye Yuqing.

"Okay, don't put a high hat on me."

Ye Yuqing glanced at Qin Lie angrily, and Qin Lie immediately respected him with her charming look.

"Sister, do you have anything else to do, why don't we talk about life?"

Qin Lie took Ye Yuqing's hand and said with fiery eyes.

"No, I'm not as cheeky as you. I think about those things in the daytime."

Ye Yuqing had an idea in her heart, but she didn't admit it.

"Let's go, sister, I know you definitely want it too."

Qin Lie smiled wickedly and quickly slipped his hand in.

Ye Yuqing resisted symbolically twice, and her body soon felt it.

Unable to bear Qin Lie's soft and stubborn stubbornness, Ye Yuqing finally went to the manor with Qin Lie.

Now, the interior of the manor has been completely renovated, because the integrated wall panels are used, and you can move in directly, and the furniture here are all pre-adjusted by Qin Lie, and they are all high-end furniture.

Especially the bed in his bedroom, which he specially ordered from the Furniture City, is an extra-large bed of 2.2*2.5 meters. If there is a chance, he will ask Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing to play a three-person game together. Absolutely not crowded.

As the so-called "little best" wedding, Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing, who were undisturbed, completely released themselves and fully enjoyed the indescribable happiness.

After a full two hours, the two left the nest and returned to the factory.

"Qin Lie, I forgot to tell you just now. I named our cosmetic company, Qingqing Beauty, and the cosmetics we produce are called Fairy Cream. Do you think these two names will work?"

Ye Yuqing asked Qin Lie for advice.

"Okay, of course it's okay, these two names are so nice, just follow this name, and our products will be popular all over the world."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

The two names sounded poetic, and he liked them very much.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll go to the industry and commerce for the record later. You go and pick up Professor Wu. Let's have a meeting in the evening."

Ye Yuqing continued.


After Qin Lie agreed, he went into the city. Ye Yuqing didn't go with Qin Lie because he had something to do.

In the evening, Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing, Wu Bo and several senior executives specially recruited by Ye Yuqing held a meeting together to finalize the marketing plan for the fairy cream and formulate the company's long-term development plan.

Time passed, and it was the day of the spokesperson of the official product. Qin Lie picked up Su Xiaoxiao from the airport early in the morning.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Xiaoxiao's current popularity is completely comparable to that of first-line stars. In addition, Ye Yuqing deliberately bought the hot search and found a lot of news media to help with publicity. Today's press conference is quite popular. The outskirts are already overcrowded.

If Qin Lie hadn't asked Chen Jinhu to bring a large group of villagers to maintain order at the scene, the stampede would most likely have occurred.

In order to thank the fans for their support, Su Xiaoxiao also sang a song specially, and the sound like the sound of nature helped her gain a large number of fans again.

After Su Xiaoxiao, other famous celebrities who were invited came to perform on stage one by one, and the atmosphere was suddenly pushed to Gao Chao.

When the press conference is over, the pre-sale of fairy cream will start simultaneously.

"How is it, has the pre-sale exceeded 100,000?"

Qin Lie came to the office in person and asked Liu Qihong, the head of the sales department.

"Not yet, the pre-sale just broke 5,000."

Liu Qihong replied after taking a look at the backstage.

"What? Only five thousand? Are you sure you didn't read it right?"

Hearing this number, Qin Lie's eyes widened.

In order to increase the popularity of Fairy Cream, they spent money on hot searches, and invited Su Xiaoxiao, who is currently the most talked about, to be the spokesperson, and even spent a lot of money to hold a huge press conference.

According to expectations, the pre-sale in ten minutes should be at least 100,000, and even Ye Yuqing estimated that it would exceed 300,000.

However, Liu Qihong told him that the pre-sale was only 5,000, which was dozens of times worse than their expectations, so that Qin Lie was a little suspicious of life.

After all, the gap between effort and return is simply too outrageous.

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