The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 530 The Pre-Sale Exploded, And The Joy Was Filled With Sorrow!

Qin Lie just wanted to go back to his office and tell Ye Yuqing that the pre-sale was only a few thousand. The moment he opened the door, Qi Long, the director of the technical department, suddenly came over.

"Hey, Mr. Qin, you are here too. I just have something to report to you."

Qi Long quickly looked at Qin Lie and said.

"What's up?"

Qin Lie asked in disinterest.

"It's like this, there are too many people snapping up the fairy cream, which directly squeezed the background of our official website and collapsed. Consumers have been stuck on the homepage and cannot perform any operations."

Qi Long said with a look of embarrassment.

Hearing this, Qin Lie, who was originally frustrated, instantly became excited.

He said that they advertised so well why no one bought it, because the website was paralyzed and couldn't buy it.

After holding down the excitement in his heart, Qin Lie couldn't help but get a little angry again.

"Qilong, what is your technical department doing? Didn't Mr. Ye tell you to upgrade the server in advance when we had a meeting the night before? What's your job?"

Qin Lie reprimanded Qi Longdao as a leader.

"Mr. Qin, you calm down, I really finished the server upgrade ahead of time, and even increased the maximum number of simultaneous users to 3 million, but our product is really popular, and the number of simultaneous visitors jumped to 5 million in an instant. , the background directly collapsed."

Qi Long explained with a bitter face.

"So it is."

After learning that it was not the technical department's problem, Qin Lie's anger instantly disappeared.

"Then when will your technical department get the website back to normal?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"It's expected to take about half an hour."

Qi Long replied.

"Okay, then you repair it quickly, don't make me wait too long."

Qin Lie did not continue to blame Qi Long. After all, they estimated the maximum number of simultaneous visitors the night before yesterday was 2.5 million, which has doubled all of a sudden. It is conceivable how terrifying Su Xiao's influence is!

Qi Long didn't dare to waste any more time, and hurried back to his department to let the technicians repair the backend. Qin Lie asked Su Xiaoxiao to post a message on Weibo, telling consumers all over the network that the backend of the website was paralyzed and they could not order temporarily. product news.

Qi Long was afraid that Qin Lie would fire him again because of his poor work, and it took only 18 minutes to complete the server upgrade.

After learning that the official website had resumed normal operation, Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing and Su Xiaoxiao came to the sales department at the same time.

Ten thousand, twenty thousand, fifty thousand, eighteen thousand, three hundred thousand...

Looking at the rapidly rising number of orders in the background, Qin Lie and the others were psychologically prepared, but they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

No one would have imagined that in less than thirty minutes, the pre-sale number of Fairy Cream would exceed the 500,000 mark!

You must know that the current official price of fairy cream is 588 a bottle, and the sales of 500,000 bottles is 294 million!

This is definitely an astonishing number. At present, only the top brands in the cosmetics industry have such a terrible ability to attract money.

Half an hour later, the rush to buy the fairy cream is not as intense as before, but the number is still slowly increasing, and it is already a sure thing for the pre-sale to exceed 300 million.

"It has to be a good celebration tonight."

Qin Lie said excitedly.

Although he is not short of 300 million, the success of the pre-sale of fairy cream is definitely a good start for him, which makes him more confident to build his own business empire.

"Just celebrate, I'll be leaving later."

Su Xiaoxiao said.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? You are the biggest contributor to our pre-sale explosion. How can you do it without you at the celebration banquet?"

Qin Lie hurriedly held back.

He is very clear that the fairy cream is a new product that has not yet been launched. Even if the effect is good and it is not famous, many people will not buy it.

But it's different now. Su Xiaoxiao is their spokesperson. It is with Su Xiaoxiao's publicity that the fairy ointment has been successfully sold.

This is the so-called celebrity effect, otherwise there is no need for those big companies to spend tens of millions of dollars every year to invite a large group of celebrities to advertise themselves as endorsements.

"Xiao Xiao has to go back to filming. When she has time, let's celebrate again."

Ye Yuqing said.

Su Xiaoxiao came here today or asked for leave, she had to rush back overnight.

After all, she is the heroine. If she doesn't go back, the entire crew will have to stop work and wait for her.

"OK then."

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao was so busy, Qin Lie did not hold back any longer.

After chatting for a while, Su Xiaoxiao didn't even eat lunch, and flew to Ganzhou again.

That night, Qin Lie held a celebration banquet with all the employees of the company, and also sent out one hundred thousand yuan red envelopes.

Although the amount of red envelopes is not large, it is mainly to liven up the atmosphere, so that everyone can have some fun in addition to eating.

In addition, Qin Lie also promised at the celebration banquet that at the end of the year, he will give out at least 10 million yuan as a bonus to reward outstanding employees, which has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of all employees.

Because he was happy, Qin Lie drank a lot of wine that night, and fell asleep after returning home.

The next morning, Qin Lie, who was sleeping, was suddenly called up by Ye Yuqing.

"I said sister, can't you let me sleep a little longer?"

Qin Lie glanced at the time, it was only after five o'clock.

"Don't sleep, something has happened. Now there are a lot of negative news on the Internet that spread rumors to smear our fairy cream. I suspect that someone is behind us."

Ye Yuqing said with a serious look.

Hearing this, Qin Lie woke up instantly as if a basin of ice water had been thrown on his head.

"How could this be? Do you know who did it?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, you quickly get dressed, let's go to the company for a meeting first."

Ye Yuqing only learned the news just after receiving a call from someone else. She knows very well that public opinion in this society is fierce now. If these negative news are not quelled as soon as possible, the reputation of fairy cream will be destroyed, which will directly lead to a collapse in sales. .

Qin Lie understood the seriousness of the matter, quickly put on his clothes, washed his face casually, and followed Ye Yuqing to the company meeting room.

Because the core members of the company are currently living in the staff dormitory, when Qin Lie arrived, everyone else was already there.

"Liu Qihong, please report the current return situation first."

Ye Yuqing sat down and looked directly at the head of the sales department.

"According to backstage statistics, there have been large-scale returns since 11:00 last night, and as of 5:30 in the morning, the total number of returns was 143,433 bottles, which is almost a quarter of our total sales. "

Liu Qihong quickly returned to Daohui to report.

Hearing this news, Ye Yuqing's face sank.

She didn't expect the situation to be worse than she expected.

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