"Mr. Zhou, come, let me toast you again, and wish us a happy cooperation."

While speaking, Chen Jinhu poured another glass of wine for Zhou Chuanfeng.

Zhou Chuanfeng didn't want to drink anymore, but he couldn't bear Chen Jinhu's persuasion, so he had to do it.

Next, Chen Jinhu toasted Zhou Chuanfeng several times in various names, and Zhou Chuanfeng drank completely.

"Mr. Zhou, what time do you think this is?"

Chen Jinhu gestured with a finger and asked.

"I don't care what the fuck you are, continue drinking, whoever dares not to drink is the grandson!"

The drunk Zhou Chuanfeng directly picked up the wine bottle and touched Chen Jinhu.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Chen Jinhu let a man who was waiting outside come in.

"Mr. Zhou is good."

As soon as the man entered the door, he quickly said hello to Zhou Chuanfeng.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Zhou Chuanfeng asked in a daze.

"I'm Xiao Zhao. Didn't you ask me to find Shui Jun to spread all kinds of rumors about fairy cream on the Internet? I did as you said. Do you think you can pay me for your hard work?"

The man said happily.

"How do I remember the money I already gave you?"

After Zhou Chuanfeng hiccups, he asked with some doubts.

"You remember wrong, you haven't given it yet, the money is all with me."

Chen Jinhu said, and quickly opened a box of cash and handed it to Zhou Chuanfeng.

"Where did all the money I said go, it turned out to be taken by you."

Zhou Chuanfeng's thinking had fallen into chaos at this time, and he was completely unaware that he was being led by Chen Jinhu's nose.

"You take the money and I will give it to you. As long as you work hard for me, I guarantee that you will eat and drink spicy food."

Zhou Chuanfeng said very generously.

"Thank you Mr. Zhou. When I go back, I will let those sailors increase their efforts to spread rumors. I will make fairy ointment a trash product that everyone spurns within three days."

The man who called himself Xiao Zhao quickly assured.

"It's still Mr. Zhou who is very good. He can easily play his competitors in the palm of his hand, but you must not let those consumers know about this, otherwise it will be unimaginable."

Chen Jinhu pretended to remind Zhou Chuanfeng of the road.

"Don't worry, those consumers are just a bunch of ignorant stupid pigs. Even if I give them a piece of shit, they have to serve as treasures."

Zhou Chuanfeng said very arrogantly.

Their products are low cost, but relying on a series of hype, he easily packaged his products into high-end products with astonishingly high profits.

In the eyes of Zhou Chuanfeng and other company executives, those consumers who bought their products have always been pigs waiting to be slaughtered. With these people, he has already made a lot of money, so he would say such words in a state of drunkenness. .

Seeing that Zhou Chuanfeng was so cooperative, Chen Jinhu wanted to give him the Best Madman Award.

Under Chen Jinhu's intentional guidance, Zhou Chuanfeng made a lot of amazing remarks, all of which have been recorded by the miniature camera installed in the box.

"Brother Qin, do you think Zhou Chuanfeng will slap himself after seeing this video tomorrow?"

In the monitoring room, Qi Tianchang asked with a smile.

"I don't care if he will slap him, I just know that their company is over."

Qin Lie smiled coldly.

He set up tonight's bureau itself mainly to clarify those rumors on the Internet. Who would have thought that Zhou Chuanfeng would be so crazy that he didn't care about his parents at all.

Since he committed suicide, of course Qin Lie will fulfill him.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie asked the editor to edit the video that was just recorded overnight. The part about Chen Jinhu was cut out, while the series of killing operations by Zhou Chuanfeng were completely preserved and specially made. Various versions have been spread online.

That night, Zhou Chuanfeng was very drunk, but Chen Jinhu asked his driver to come and take him home.

The next morning, the drunk Zhou Chuanfeng was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes and glanced at the company's vice president Yang Kailuo.

"Hey, why did you call me early in the morning?"

Zhou Chuanfeng, who had not slept enough, asked impatiently.

"Mr. Zhou, something has happened. The video of you chatting with others last night was exposed on the Internet. Now our company has become the target of public criticism, and the whole Internet is criticizing us!"

Yang Kaiyuan said hurriedly.

"What video?"

Zhou Chuanfeng frowned and asked, he still didn't understand what was going on.

"It's a video of you chatting with others in a bar. Forget it, you can check it out on Weibo."

Yang Kaiyuan replied quickly.

Hearing this, Zhou Chuanfeng, who was full of doubts, opened his mobile phone Weibo. When he saw the edited video on the Internet, Zhou Chuanfeng was stunned.

He only remembered that he drank a lot last night, and did not remember saying these words at all.

"Mr. Zhou, what should I do now, the whole Internet knows that it is the fairy cream you sent people to smear, especially the sentence you compare consumers to stupid pigs, which has aroused public anger, and many people have started to co-brand online. Boycott our products."

Yang Kaiyuan asked anxiously.

Many Internet celebrity companies regard consumers as pigs, but this kind of thing can be said behind the scenes, and must not be made public, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

"First issue a clarification announcement, and then buy me a hot search. These negative news must be suppressed!"

Zhou Chuanfeng said with a gloomy face, he didn't remember exactly what he said yesterday, but he was not a fool, he knew very well that he was being calculated. If he could not properly handle this crisis of public opinion, he would A company built with many years of painstaking efforts may be destroyed in one fell swoop!

"I posted the announcement, but it was useless. I also called on Weibo's hot search. They said that the search has been tight recently, and they didn't dare to commit crimes to control public opinion, otherwise they should be named and rectified."

Yang Kaiyuan replied.

If it was a normal negative news, they would spend a little money to settle it, but this time it was different. Qin Lie had already made the matter known to everyone, and even the official Weibo officials did not dare to blatantly withdraw from the hot search.

Hearing this, Zhou Chuanfeng's face became even gloomier.

"You ask the public relations department to find a way to create some celebrity gossip to divert the topic, and I'll go to the company immediately."

After instructing Yang Kaikai again, Zhou Chuanfeng drove to the company without even bothering to wash his face...

"Brother Qin, Zhou Chuanfeng is here."

Qi Tianchang, who had been guarding the downstairs of Fu Leishi Company, saw Zhou Chuanfeng driving to the company, and quickly told the news to Qin Lie who closed his eyes and rested in the back seat.

"Go ahead and play with us, President Zhou."

Qin Lie opened his eyes and said coldly.

Getting Zhou Chuanfeng drunk, asking him to tell the truth after drinking, and then recording a video to expose it is only the first step of Qin Lie's counterattack, and then the good show will officially debut!

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