The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 535 I Won't Give Him A Chance

"Then I'll go."

Qi Tianchang got out of the car after replying, and then waved at the car parked on the side of the road.

Seeing Qi Tianchang send a signal, the doors of the row of cars on the roadside were all opened, and dozens of people poured out all at once.

Under the leadership of Qi Tianchang, a group of people came to the downstairs of the Fu Leishi Company aggressively, and surrounded Zhou Chuanfeng who was about to go upstairs.

"Zhou Chuanfeng, you bastard, my daughter is disfigured because of using your company's cosmetics, you must give me an explanation today!"

"I used to support your Fuleishi products, but I didn't expect you to treat us consumers as pigs. With your words, if I buy another of your products in the future, I'll give you your surname!"

"This kind of black-hearted capitalist has no conscience, we must unite and boycott this garbage company!"

"I read the news the day before yesterday and suspected that someone was maliciously spreading rumors and smearing Fairy Cream. I didn't expect it to be your company again. You are so despicable."

"Bastard, it's you who caused my little company to be scolded, I really want to kill you!"


A group of people kept scolding Zhou Chuanfeng and scolded him to the point of being bloody.

"Don't be used by others. The video on the Internet is fake. I didn't say those words at all."

Zhou Chuanfeng quickly argued that he didn't dare to admit that he had done those things.

"Fuck, you still treat us as fools, I will kill you!"

Qi Tianchang shouted angrily and punched Zhou Chuanfeng directly in the face.

"You dare to hit me?"

Seeing the nosebleed on his hand, Zhou Chuanfeng immediately became angry.

"Brothers and sisters who have been cheated, let's beat this black-hearted capitalist to death together!"

Qi Tianchang gave an order, and his fists and feet immediately greeted Zhou Chuanfeng.

Zhou Chuanfeng resisted twice at first, but was quickly knocked to the ground and could only hold his head and beg for mercy.

On the other side, the security guard had already reported the news of Zhou Chuanfeng's beating to the security captain, who immediately rushed over with a group of people.

Because of their different positions, the two groups soon broke out into conflict.

The people Qi Tian often looked for were just ordinary people, and naturally they were not the opponents of these security guards. Zhou Chuanfeng was rescued soon after.

"Damn, hit me hard!"

Zhou Chuanfeng, whose nose was bruised and swollen, was furious in his heart, and immediately gave the order to activate his hand.

These security guards did not disobey Zhou Chuanfeng's order, and quickly surrounded and beat the ordinary people brought by Qi Tianchang.

Upon seeing this, Chen Jinhu immediately asked the reporters who had been waiting for a long time to rush to the scene, and filmed wildly at the scene. After the filming, he directly posted the video on the Internet with the title: Zhou Chuanfeng is mad and ordered the security guard to beat the demonstrators who came to seek justice. .

After the video was released, all the media companies that Huang San helped contact immediately forwarded it.

This time, Zhou Chuanfeng has completely become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats, confirming the fact that he does not treat consumers as human beings, and the negative public opinion further deteriorates.

In order to further crack down on Fu Lei Shi Company, Qin Lie spent a lot of money to bribe several high-level personnel in their company, one of whom was also Zhou Chuanfeng's entrepreneurial partner, and asked them to take the initiative to expose Fu Lei Shi in front of the media as "confessors" A series of black stuff.

Because these people are high-level executives of the Fu Leishi Group, their words are more convincing, and they pushed Fu Leishi to the forefront in less than a day.

At this point, let alone Zhou Chuanfeng's public relations department has limited capabilities, even Tenda Group, which is best at public relations, will be powerless to come forward!

"These bastards dare to betray me for the money I gave, I must kill them!"

In the office, Zhou Chuanfeng was furious when he saw the black material exposed by his partner.

If these people were in front of him, he might actually hack these people to death.

It's just that he never thought about it, if he hadn't acted arbitrarily in the company and made the company his own, and those start-up partners were excluded by him and had no status, and some people were even forced to quit the company, even if Qin Lie was willing to spend money Money may not be able to buy them off.

"Mr. Zhou, calm down first. Now is not the time to be angry. The key is how we can minimize these negative effects."

Deputy General Manager Yang Kailuo said with a heavy face.

Zhou Chuanfeng took a few deep breaths and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

After a while, he said: "Prepare to hold a press conference to admit those black materials exposed on the Internet, and then apologize to the public and beg for forgiveness."

"Mr. Zhou, if we admit it, wouldn't our brand image be completely ruined?"

Yang Kaiyuan asked worriedly.

"Do you think you can keep the company's image if you don't admit it?"

Zhou Chuanfeng asked back.

In one sentence, Yang Kaiyuan was speechless.

"Okay, stop the ink, go get ready, admit your mistake and maybe you can get a chance."

Zhou Chuanfeng ordered.

He is well aware that the Internet is overwhelmingly scolding their company, and no matter what they do, it is impossible to change the public's opinion of them.

Therefore, it is better for a strong man to break his wrist, admit his mistakes generously, and strive to establish an image of an entrepreneur who knows his mistakes and can correct them, so that they can win some popularity and die-hard fans for them.

Yang Kaiyuan knew that Zhou Chuanfeng's method was no way, so he acted quickly.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Fu Leishi Company released a new round of press conference.

At the press conference, Zhou Chuanfeng admitted all his mistakes with tears in his eyes, and knelt down in public to apologize and beg for forgiveness.

Under Zhou Chuanfeng's operation, Fu Leishi Company finally slightly reversed the direction of public opinion.

"This guy can really act. He is crying and kneeling. Those old actors must be experts in front of him."

After watching the press conference of Fu Leishi Company, Chen Jinhu directly started the mocking mode. He really did not expect that Zhou Chuanfeng would come to such a move, and I have to say that the effect of the other party's move was quite good.

"This Zhou Chuanfeng can endure what ordinary people can't bear, but he is considered a person. I think he is very likely to make a comeback in the future."

Qi Tianchang analyzed it from another level.

"Don't worry, I won't give him this chance."

Qin Lie smiled coldly.

As the saying goes, a hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff. After all, Fu Leishi is one of the industry leaders with annual revenue of six or seven billion. Even if they encounter a devastating blow this time, as long as they are given time, they may still make a comeback. .

However, Qin Lie will never give them a chance to revive. Since he has already made a move, he will completely eradicate this company, including Zhou Chuanfeng!

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