
Qin Lie was talking to Chen Jinhu and the others when his cell phone rang.

He looked down and saw that the call was from Ye Yuqing.

"Hey, Qin Lie, let me tell you the good news, those consumers who returned the goods have re-ordered again, and they have also added a large number of orders. At present, the total pre-sale in the background has exceeded 660,000, and we will officially ship the goods. By then the pre-sale volume should reach a record 800,000!”

On the other end of the phone, Ye Yuqing said excitedly.

In the beginning, because of a series of rumors spread by Zhou Chuanfeng, the reputation of the fairy cream suffered a devastating blow, the pre-sale was even more bloody, and the number of returns once reached two-thirds!

But since Qin Lie released the video of Zhou Chuanfeng in the bar box, the reputation of the fairy cream has slowly returned, and the pre-sale volume has also been rising, which makes Ye Yuqing, who has been hurting for many years, excited.

"800,000 orders, 588 per order, that's 470 million, the speed of making money is really good."

Qin Lie couldn't help but have a smile on his face after simply checking the sales.

"What is good, this is simply a new record in the cosmetics industry!"

"As far as I know, the pre-sale record of cosmetics has always been created by a whitening essence cream from L'Oreal. It pre-sells 630,000 bottles a week, and the pre-sale amount is 320 million. Whether we are in pre-sale or pre-sale They are far more than they are."

Ye Yuqing corrected quickly.

"Hey, that's called a blessing in disguise."

Qin Lie smiled and said that he is quite satisfied with the current pre-sale amount.

"You are right, we are lucky in disguise."

"But having said that, we really have to thank Zhou Chuanfeng. He indirectly helped us save hundreds of millions of advertising costs. Otherwise, our fairy cream pre-sale of 600,000 would be sky-high, how could it be like now? In this way, everyone in the country knows it, and even many people abroad know our brand."

Ye Yuqing deliberately said the opposite.

"Don't worry, I'll give Mr. Zhou a big gift right away."

Qin Lie said with a smile and a knife.

This time, Zhou Chuanfeng originally wanted to destroy their company, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be self-defeating and helped them gain popularity, but his company suffered heavy losses, which was equivalent to losing his wife and losing his army.

But Qin Lie won't let Zhou Chuanfeng go because of this, he must make Zhou Chuanfeng pay for what he did!

"I don't care what you do, but you must protect yourself and don't get hurt again."

Ye Yuqing specifically told Qin Lie.


Qin Lie responded quickly.

The two chatted for another ten minutes, Qin Lie hung up the phone, then called Huang San, and the group went to the Magic Capital Hotel together.

In addition to celebrating their great victory in the fight against Zhou Chuanfeng, today's dinner is to thank Huang San.

After all, Huang San has done a lot of hard work these days. He was able to get to Zhou Chuanfeng and several high-level executives who bought Fu Leishi are all thanks to Huang San.

Huang San didn't take credit for himself. He knew very well that Qin Lie was a brother to Murong Huanyu. As long as he could curry favor with Qin Lie, he could do anything.

Between pushing the cups and changing the cups, before I knew it, the time came to eleven o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Lie said goodbye to Huang San.

Because of the need to drive, Chen Jinhu did not drink a drop of alcohol.

Ten minutes later, when Qin Lie and the others passed Xueyuan Road, a figure suddenly jumped out from the road.

Because of the sudden incident, Chen Jinhu had no time to adjust his direction, so he could only slam on the brakes.

In a screech of brakes, the car's tires smoked, but it eventually hit the man who had charged in front of their car.

Fortunately, after the sudden braking, the speed of the car has dropped a lot, and the man was just knocked out by more than three meters, otherwise he would be killed on the spot!

Chen Jinhu was still in shock, the man who was knocked down actually got up from the ground, and then directly hit Qin Lie and the others on the front of the car, and at the same time shouted: "Kill me, if you have the ability, you will kill me. !"

"I'm stupid, isn't this a touch of porcelain?"

Chen Jinhu, the co-pilot, glanced at the man shouting outside.

"Whether he touches porcelain or not, let's see how I teach him to be a man again!"

After saying this, Chen Jinhu took out the baseball bat from the car, opened the door and walked out.

"Dog thing, dare to come to Lao Tzu to touch porcelain, I think you are tired of living!"

Chen Jinhu pointed at the man outside with a baseball bat and cursed fiercely. He would never show mercy to those who touched porcelain.

"I'm just tired of living, you beat me to death."

The man did not have any fear at all, instead he took the initiative to rush towards Chen Jinhu.

"Did I go to you!"

Chen Jinhu kicked the opponent to the ground with one kick, and with a baseball bat he was about to break the man's leg to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

However, just when Chen Jinhu was about to start, his baseball bat suddenly stopped in the air.

"Are you a college student?"

Chen Jinhu frowned and asked the man in front of him.

"You kill me, if you have the ability, you kill me."

However, the man ignored Chen Jinhu's inquiry, and instead hugged Chen Jinhu's thigh like a lunatic, as if he wanted to die.

Chen Jinhu didn't do any more, turned around and looked into the car: "brother lie, come out."

Hearing Chen Jinhu calling him, Qin Lie, who didn't care much about it at first, got out of the car.

"Brother Lie, this guy seems to be the college student who had a conflict with Qi Tianchang last time at the Modu Hotel. I forgot his name."

Chen Jinhu pointed and hugged his leg, and kept shouting at the man who killed him.

Hearing this, Qin Lie walked to Chen Jinhu's side. He took a closer look and quickly determined that this was the college student Meng Xiangsong he had seen at the Magic City Hotel before.

"I didn't expect it to be you, it's really a narrow road for enemies."

Qi Tianchang's memory of Meng Xiangsong is still fresh. After all, if he hadn't pointed out that he had put medicine in another female student's drink in time, he would not have knelt down and apologized.

"Meng Xiangsong, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Lie pushed Meng Xiangsong and asked.

"You are killing me, there is a way to do it!"

Meng Xiangsong's hair was disheveled, and he shouted madly, while he smelled of alcohol, obviously drinking a lot of alcohol before.

Seeing him in such a state, Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense, just raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

"What's the matter with you, what's your nerve?"

Qin Lie questioned again.

Meng Xiangsong had been beaten awake at this time, he looked up at Qin Lie, and quickly recognized him.

However, Meng Xiangsong didn't make any response, and actually burst into tears.

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