"The situation is like this. The buyer who filmed "The Girl in the Field" wanted to meet you. He said that he had to see you before he was willing to pay. I don't know if it is inconvenient for you to meet him? "

Yang Can respectfully explained the reason why he called Qin Lie.

"Okay, where's the meeting place?"

Qin Lie agreed after hesitating for a while, and he also wanted to meet this good-fortune boy in person.

"It's in the VIP room on the fifth floor of our auction. I'll pick you up if you want."

Yang Can quickly replied.

"No, I'll go by myself."

Qin Lie is now on the fourth floor, and he can reach the fifth floor by raising his feet.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at the elevator."

After saying this, Yang Can hung up the phone.

Qin Lie asked Lin Qiuzhu and the others to wait for him in the box, and he came to the fifth floor alone.

"Hello Mr. Qin, I am Yang Can, general manager of our Christie's auction company."

Seeing Qin Lie coming out of the elevator, Yang Can who was waiting at the elevator door quickly greeted him.

It was not surprising that the other party could recognize Qin Lie, because he provided his personal information to the auction house in accordance with the regulations before the auction started.

"Come on, take me to see Rasheed."

Qin Lie replied calmly.

It's not that he pretended to be cold on purpose, it was mainly because he was not familiar with Yang Can, and there was nothing to talk about.

"You come with me."

Yang Can made a gesture of invitation and brought Qin Lie to a VIP room on the innermost fifth floor.

After entering the door, Qin Lie found that in addition to Rashid, there were three foreigners in suits and unsmiling in the VIP room. From the fact that all three were standing, it was obvious that they should be Rashid's bodyguards.

"Prince Rasheed, this is Mr. Qin, the original owner of "The Girl in the Field". You chat first, and I'll go out first."

After briefly introducing Qin Lie, Yang Can took the initiative to leave the room.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I'm glad you agreed with me."

Contrary to Qin Lie's expectations, Rasheed greeted him in Chinese, and he spoke in a very eloquent and standard manner. Authentic Chinese.

"Hello, Prince Rashid, I don't know what you have to do with me?"

Qin Lie replied without being humble or arrogant.

"You all go out."

Rashid did not answer Qin Lie in a hurry, but drove his bodyguards outside first.

After only he and Qin Lie were left in the house, Rashid said, "Mr. Qin, I wonder if you can tell me where you got the painting "The Girl in the Field"."

"My ancestors."

Qin Lie said nonsense casually.

"Don't lie to me, Mr. Qin, this painting is definitely not from your ancestors."

Rasheed said with a wry smile.

"I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe it, forget it."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Getting the Roberts treasure was his biggest secret, and he wouldn't tell anyone, let alone that he didn't know Rashid well.

"Mr. Qin, I didn't mean to ask you the source of your oil painting. I just wanted to ask you about something. Please don't take me as a bad person."

Rasheed explained sincerely.

"What do you want to inquire about?"

Qin Lie asked lightly.

"A golden scepter, this is its shape."

Rasheed replied quickly.

While saying this, he also took out a piece of paper on which a scepter was drawn, and this scepter was exactly the same as the one he got in the Roberts treasure.

Qin Lie's face was calm, but his heart was filled with ripples.

He had no idea that Rashid would point out that he had the golden scepter, which was really surprising.

After all, the priceless treasures in the treasure were temporarily stored in the treasury of the Lin family by him. He never leaked this information to others. It stands to reason that Rashid should not know about this.

"Sorry, I haven't seen this scepter."

Qin Lie didn't know Rashid's real purpose for the time being, so he didn't tell him the truth.

"Mr. Qin, don't lie to me, I'm sure this golden scepter must be in your hands."

Rasheed looked at Qin Lie with certainty.

"How can you be sure it must be in my hands?"

Qin Lie asked rhetorically with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Because according to the parchment handed down by our family, the golden scepter and the painting "Girl in the Field" were taken away by Fernando, the governor of the Spanish fleet."

"But Fernando's fleet encountered a terrifying storm at sea, and the entire fleet was almost wiped out. The only surviving main ship was also attacked by pirates. After that, the golden scepter and the painting "Girl in the Field" disappeared completely. ."

"And now, "The Girl in the Field" has seen the light of day again. It is very likely that the golden scepter is also in your hands, or you should know the whereabouts of the golden scepter."

"This golden scepter was forged by our prophet Musa in the Arab world under the instructions of the gods. For you, it is just a piece of art for collection, but for us, it is the supreme holy thing!"

"As long as you are willing to return the golden scepter to me, I am willing to pay 800 million, no, a billion dollars!"

Rashid didn't hide anything, and quickly explained why he was sure Qin Lie had the golden scepter and the special meaning of the golden scepter to them.

When Rashid mentioned the golden scepter, there was an indescribable fervor in his eyes, which made Qin Lie immediately sure that he was telling the truth.

"Well, I admit that I lied to you just now, that golden scepter is indeed in my hand."

Qin Lie hesitated for a while and then told the truth.

Hearing the news, Rashid was instantly excited and burst into tears as if he had been beaten with blood.

"Mr. Qin, as long as you are willing to return the golden scepter to me, I am willing to pay any price!"

Rasheed resisted the excitement in his heart.

"I don't have to pay you anything, I'll give it to you for free."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"What? Give it to me for free? Are you kidding me?"

Rasheed's eyes widened, looking at Qin Lie in disbelief.

He wondered if he had hallucinations.

"I'm not kidding, I'll give it to you for free because it belongs to you."

Qin Lie said decisively.

Just like what Rashid said just now, the golden scepter is just a piece of art with collectible value in his eyes, and it has no other purpose.

But for Rashid's nation, it is the supreme sacred object, and its significance cannot be measured by money!

Qin Lie believes that even if he asks $2 billion, Rashid should agree.

But he won't do that.

Because if he asks for money, it's just a pure deal, and after the deal, he will have nothing to do with Rashid.

But if he gave it to Rashid for free, he could reap the friendship of the UAE and the entire Arab world. This intangible asset is far more valuable than a one-shot deal!

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