"Could it be Sister Yuqing here?"

Lin Qiuzhu on the side guessed.

"Probably not."

Qin Lie immediately shook his head and said.

He still knew Ye Yuqing very well. If Ye Yuqing came over, she would definitely call herself, and she would never be so mysterious.

"Hey, why do you think so much? Brother lie, just go and see."

Chen Jinhu opened his mouth and proposed.

"Okay, then I'll go take a look first, and you can take all these things back to the room."

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time guessing randomly, everyone got on the elevator together, and when he reached the sixth floor, he and Lin Qiuzhu got off the elevator together.

Originally, Qin Lie planned to visit this friend alone, but when Lin Qiuzhu heard that the other party was a woman, she insisted on following her, so Qin Lie could only agree.

Soon Qin Lie came to the door of room 608.

He knocked on the door first, then opened the door and walked in.

At this time, the table in the house was filled with all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, but no one was there.

Just as Qin Lie was about to leave, a figure suddenly rushed towards him from the door.

Qin Lie thought that someone was trying to plot against him, but suddenly turned around and subdued the opponent with one move.


Just when he was about to make a ruthless attack, he suddenly stopped because he realized that the person who suddenly appeared was Christina!

"Oh, brother Qin, you are too ruthless, it hurts people's arms."

Christina pursed her lips and said resentfully.

"Uh, you can't blame me for that, who asked you to make a sneak attack."

Qin Lie replied embarrassedly.

Recently, he has experienced a lot of things, and the shot just now was basically an instinct for self-protection.

It was also thanks to him that he recognized Christina in time, otherwise Christina's arm would have been broken.

"Hmph, they just want to give you a surprise, who knew you would react so much."

Christina snorted in disbelief.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I'll say sorry to you."

Qin Lie didn't go to argue with Christina, and took the initiative to apologize.

"Tina, when did you come to Xiangjiang?"

Lin Qiuzhu looked at Christina with joy and asked.

As a companion who shared weal and woe together, I am really happy to see Christina Lin Qiuzhu again.

"I just arrived today, didn't I want to give you a surprise, so I specially booked a private room here, who knows I almost didn't get beaten up."

Christina explained quickly.

"How did you know we were staying at this hotel?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"I didn't know you were in Hong Kong at first. I originally planned to bid for the Da Vinci oil painting auctioned by Christie's first, and then go to you, but I was delayed for a while, so I asked Christie's auction house. General Manager Yang Can wondered if he could buy that oil painting in private."

"On this question, I found out that Brother Qin is the original owner of the painting, and you have already announced the public auction, so I bid on the phone. Who knew that the painting was fired to a sky-high price by you, so I can only give it up."

"Later, I asked my dad's friend in Xiangjiang to check it out for me. After learning that you were staying at this hotel, I came over directly."

Christina explained quickly.

"I see."

After hearing this, Qin Lie's doubts dissipated.

He was not surprised that Prince of Wales' friends could find out their information. After all, they didn't deliberately hide their whereabouts, and they could find out their addresses with a little bit of power.

After the three chatted for a while, Qin Lie called both Chen Jinhu down, and everyone didn't need to order any more food, and ate the dishes ordered by Christina directly.

"I originally planned to come to you a long time ago, but my father wanted to help me win the status of a royal princess. During this period of time, he kept me participating in various royal etiquette trainings, which almost suffocated me to death."

After eating and drinking enough, Christina began to spit bitter water at Lin Qiuzhu.

"You're not bad. My dad has left all the company's affairs to me, which makes me work overtime every day. I'm as tired as a dog every day, and I don't have any time for myself."

Lin Qiuzhu complained not to be outdone.

"Oh, it seems that the two of us are really sympathetic to each other. Come and toast to the freedom we lost."

Christina said and picked up the glass.

Lin Qiuzhu did not refuse, and immediately had a cup with her.

"Tina, according to what you just said, you should be the official canonized princess soon, right?"

Qin Lie chimed in.

"If all goes well, I may be canonized before the new year, but according to my father, it seems that someone inside the royal family disagrees. He is helping me fight recently, and I don't know if it will be successful."

"But it doesn't matter if it doesn't succeed. Anyway, I don't care about the title of this princess."

Christina is still very open. To her, happiness is the most important thing. As long as she can live happily every day, it doesn't matter if she is a princess or not.

Even if her father, Prince of Wales, kept insisting, she wouldn't have to learn those boring and tedious royal etiquette every day for a nihilistic title.

"You're right, we're already little princesses anyway, so there's no need to get someone else's canonization."

Lin Qiuzhu is not a princess, but her quality of life is definitely no worse than that of any princess.

After that, Qin Lie and the others talked about a lot of topics, and it was ten o'clock in the evening before they knew it.

Seeing that it was not early, the crowd dispersed.

Christina didn't go to open the room anymore. She had already told Lin Qiuzhu that the two would live in the same room later, so they just continued to talk for a long time.

Talking and laughing all the way, Qin Lie and the others soon came to the floor where the guest room was.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, the smile on Qin Lie's face disappeared.

I saw five young men standing in the corridor, the same people who had molested Lin Qiuzhu at the entrance of the hotel before.

"Yo, beauty, we're pretty destined to meet again, what's the matter, do you want to have a good time with your big brother?"

The head of the explosive head looked at Lin Qiuzhu with a lewd face.

Then he transferred the realization to Qin Lie, very arrogantly pointed at Qin Lie and said, "Boy, if you are literate, get out of here, or I will ruin you!"

"You really don't know how to live or die."

A cold light flashed in Qin Lie's eyes.

He can be sure that these people are deliberately blocking them here.

"Jin Hu, smash his dog's mouth to me, I want him to be unable to speak for three months."

Qin Lie then ordered.

He had let these people go once, but they didn't know how to provoke him. Qin Lie would never spare them again this time.


Chen Jinhu sneered, and when he squeezed his hands, there was a crackling sound between the joints.

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