"I tell you, my brothers are all downstairs, as long as you dare to do something, I will immediately let them come up and destroy you!"

The exploding head pointed at Chen Jinhu and shouted sharply.

Looking at his stern look, Chen Jinhu instantly determined that he must be bluffing.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if what he said was true, Chen Jinhu would not be afraid.

"You wait for Lao Tzu, I'm going to ask someone to go, let's go."

However, before Chen Jinhu started, the explosive head turned around and ran towards the stairwell.

"If your Grandpa Chen lets you run away today, my name will be read backwards!"

Chen Jinhu sneered and quickly chased after him.

"Wait my brother tiger."

Qi Tianchang liked to follow Chen Jinhu to abuse a gangster like Chen Jinhu, so he quickly followed.

"Come on, let's go back to the room first."

Qin Lie said to Lin Qiuzhu, he believed that Chen Jinhu's strength was definitely enough to deal with these gangsters, and he didn't need to take action at all.

The three walked along the corridor to the guest room. Qin Lie took out the key card and opened the door.

In just an instant, Qin Lie realized something was wrong!

First of all, there was a smell of smoke left in the house, knowing that he had never smoked in the house, and secondly, there was a Coke can on the coffee table in the living room, he was sure that this was not what he or Chen Jinhu drank.

Without thinking much, Qin Lie quickly rushed into the bedroom and opened the closet.

Looking at the empty wardrobe, Qin Lie's face darkened instantly.

The snake head was stolen!


You must know that Qin Lie spent 200 million yuan in order to photograph the snake head, but the snake head was stolen before it was warm in his hands. No matter how broad-minded Qin Lie was, he would be angry at this time Seven orifices smoke.


Just then, another scream came from outside.

Qin Lie quickly came out of the house and saw three strangers who appeared in the house at an unknown time. These three people were wearing masks and could not see their appearance clearly, but it was not difficult to see from the guns in their hands that they were definitely not good people!

At this time, Christina and Lin Qiuzhu had already been held hostage by these people.

"Cuff your own hands."

One of the men, who appeared to be the lead, pointed a gun at Qin Lie and threw a pair of handcuffs at Qin Lie.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Qin Lie looked at the man very calmly and asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly put the handcuffs on!"

The leading man replied coldly without giving any explanation.

"What do you want, we can sit down and talk slowly, no need..."


Qin Lie was about to stabilize these people, and then try to escape, but he fired before he finished speaking.

But what was different from what Qin Lie expected was that the gun shot was not a bullet, but a needle!

Qin Lie pulled out the needle and looked at it. There should have been some kind of liquid in the needle before, but now, the liquid was injected into his body.

Before Qin Lie could speak again, a strong sense of dizziness came over.

Immediately afterwards, he felt as if his body was suddenly hollowed out, and he couldn't even stand.

"Shit, it's anesthesia."

Qin Lie immediately realized what was in it, but unfortunately, it was too late, and he fell to the ground in the dark before his eyes.

Seeing that Qin Lie was numb, the person who shot just now gave Lin Qiuzhu and Christina another shot. The two of them persisted for a shorter time than Qin Lie, and fell into a coma after ten seconds.


The lead man gave an order, and the other person quickly took out two large suitcases from the bathroom, and then put Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu into the suitcases respectively.

"Brother, you go first, I'll go back alone later."

The shortest man suddenly looked at the leader Human Road.

"Do you want to sleep with this girl?"

The leading man looked at the short man and said.

"Hey, big brother really can't hide anything from you. This girl is a rare and excellent quality. I want to have a good time and leave."

The short man said with a wicked smile.

Christina is a half-breed, she can be said to be charming, especially her body is quite hot, she is a natural beauty, as long as normal men will definitely fall under her pomegranate skirt.

So the first short man who saw Christina just now had a wicked thought.


The leading man slapped him directly in the face.

"You really don't have a long memory when riding a horse. Let me tell you, this is the last time. If you think about women when you dare to work again in the future, I will give you a shot!"

The leading man pointed at the short man and shouted sharply, and it was not difficult to see from his fierce tone that he was definitely not joking.

"Yes, yes, I know I'm wrong, big brother."

Seeing that the leading man was angry, the short man quickly admitted his mistake.

"Jiguang, it's not wrong for eldest brother to scold you. You can have a snack. Don't forget that last time you spent eight years in prison because of bad things about women. Don't you want to go in and live for a few more years?"

The other person spoke up.

"I know it's wrong, Brother Huan. I promise that I will never touch women again without my brother's orders in the future."

Yang Jiguang hurriedly promised, and the trace of evil thoughts in his heart was completely put away.

"For the sake of godmother, I'll give you another chance. If there is another time, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

The leading man warned Yang Jiguang again, and they left the hotel with two suitcases.

At this time, Chen Jinhu and the exploding head fought in the corridor on the tenth floor. The result is self-evident. The exploding head group was completely exploded, and the beatings were crying fathers and mothers.

The person in charge of the hotel's security saw them fighting through surveillance, and quickly brought a team of security guards to the scene, but the explosive head bit back, saying that Chen Jinhu was a young and dangerous boy and wanted to blackmail him.

Seeing that the two sides disagreed, the hotel security manager called the police.

Twenty minutes later, the police arrived at the scene and took Chen Jinhu and the explosive head directly to the police station.

At the beginning, the exploding head insisted that Chen Jinhu wanted to blackmail him, but an hour later he suddenly changed his tune, took the initiative to admit that everything was his fault, and agreed to reconcile with Chen Jinhu.

In this way, after wasting more than an hour at the police station, Chen Jinhu returned to the hotel.

"Bang bang bang."

Standing at the door of the room, Chen Jinhu knocked on the door several times in succession. Seeing that Qin Lie did not open the door, Chen Jinhu dialed his cell phone number, but the voice indicated that Qin Lie's cell phone had been turned off.

"Strange, why is brother lie's phone still off?"

Chen Jinhu frowned and said, a bad premonition in his heart at the same time.

"If you don't give Sister Qiuzhu a call, maybe they will go out for supper."

Qi Tianchang suggested.

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