Hearing Qi Tianchang's words, Chen Jinhu called Lin Qiuzhu's cell phone number, but Lin Qiuzhu's cell phone was also turned off!

This time, Chen Jinhu, who was already alert, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He knew very well that it would be normal if Qin Lie's cell phone was out of power and shut down, but it was impossible to shut down Lin Qiuzhu's cell phone together. There was no such a coincidence in this world.

Chen Jinhu didn't think much, he raised his foot and kicked out the door.

The doors of five-star hotels are still very strong, but Chen Jinhu kicked the door open with brute force.

Looking at the figure lying on the ground, Chen Jinhu's heart throbbed even more.

He walked quickly to the figure, only to find that it was Christina.

"Miss Tina!"

Chen Jinhu shook Christina, but she didn't respond.

Chen Jinhu probed Christina's breath, and after finding that she was still breathing, he quickly asked Qi Tianchang to call an ambulance.

Then Chen Jinhu went to the hotel monitoring room to retrieve the surveillance video, and soon he saw three men leaving Qin Lie's room with two suitcases.

In an instant, Chen Jinhu judged that Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu must be in the suitcase!

Because he also used the same method to pretend to be an enemy two years ago.

If it was in Lucheng, Chen Jinhu could immediately contact his friends on the road to help him track down Qin Lie's whereabouts, but this is Xiangjiang.

At the same time, Qi Tianchang called Murong Huanyu and told about Qin Lie's disappearance.

Today's Murong Huanyu has long regarded Qin Lie as his good friend. As soon as he heard that he was missing, he began to mobilize the forces of the Murong family to track down Qin Lie's whereabouts.

It's just that Xiangjiang is one of the most prosperous cities in the world after all. In addition to the special geographical location here, this place is mixed with dragons and snakes. There are all kinds of people from the three religions and nine classes gathered here. It is because of the power of the Murong family that I want to find out the identity of the kidnappers. And figuring out where Qin Lie was sent is not an easy task.

Time passed, and on the next morning, Qin Lie moved his body and slowly opened his eyes.

After his vision was clear, Qin Lie saw at a glance that he was locked in a large iron cage, with handcuffs on his hands and chains on his feet.

As for Lin Qiuzhu, he was locked in an iron cage next to him.

She was in a slightly better position, her hands and feet were not tied.

"Qiuzhu, wake up!"

Qin Lie called out Lin Qiuzhu's name, and Lin Qiuzhu woke up after a while.

When he found out that he was behind bars, Lin Qiuzhu panicked.

"Qin Lie, what's going on? Those people aren't trying to kill us, are they?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked indifferently.

She finally returned from the deserted island to a civilized society, but she didn't want to die.

"Don't panic, I'm here, I won't let you have any trouble!"

Qin Lie immediately appeased Lin Qiuzhudao.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Lin Qiuzhu instantly calmed down.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and then the door opened, and the kidnapper who kidnapped Qin Lie last night walked in.

There are five people in total, and the first one has a long scar at the corner of his eye, which looks very scary.

But Qin Lie's focus was not on the scar, but on the person's appearance. He always felt that he had seen this person somewhere, but he couldn't think of anything.

"I woke up in time, let's eat something."

The scarred man waved his hand, and Yang Jiguang immediately distributed a piece of bread to Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu, and also gave them a bottle of mineral water.

"Who are you and why did you bring us here?"

Qin Lie looked at the scarred man and asked.

The Scarred Man didn't answer Qin Lie's question, but looked at Qin Lie with a smile and said, "I don't know if you have read a news story, ten years ago, someone kidnapped Li Li, the son of Li Cheng, the richest man in Xiangjiang at the time. Successfully obtained a ransom of one billion yuan, which was a sensation in Hong Kong at the time."

Hearing this man's words, Qin Lie's face suddenly changed, and at the same time he exclaimed: "You are Zhang Ziheng!"

"Not bad, I didn't expect that after ten years, someone still remembers me Zhang, it seems that I am still very successful as a thief."

Zhang Ziheng said with a smug smile.

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Ziheng in front of him. He didn't speak, but there was already a storm in his heart.

He felt that this person was a little familiar just now, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him. Now he finally understands that this person is actually Zhang Ziheng, the gangster who made a sensation in Xiangjiang ten years ago!

The former Zhang Ziheng can be said to be quite famous in Hong Kong. He robbed banks, robbed gold shops, murdered, kidnapped and ransomware. He committed almost all evils and committed countless crimes!

And what really established his murderous name was the kidnapping of Li Cheng's son Li Ju.

Back then, Zhang Ziheng kidnapped Li Ju with his accomplices. He was so daring that he came to Li Cheng's house alone wearing clothes full of bombs, and finally took a billion in cash.

I don't know if it's because I'm worried about Li Cheng's revenge or because the ill-gotten money I grabbed has already been spent. After finishing that vote, Zhang Ziheng disappeared from the world, and there has been no news for ten years.

Qin Lie never expected that Zhang Ziheng would return to the arena ten years later, and he became the opponent's meat ticket. He didn't know whether he was lucky or unfortunate.

"Did you arrest me for ransom?"

Qin Lie, who had regained his calm, asked again.

"Smart, I like talking to smart people."

Zhang Ziheng said with a smile.

"As long as you don't hurt me, I'll give you as much as you want."

Qin Lie replied without thinking.

Originally, he was worried that this man was invited to kill him, but after finding out that he was for the ransom, Qin Lie was not as worried as before.

After all, for him now, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

"I'm even more happy if you're happy, transfer me 600 million US dollars, and I'll let you go, otherwise, both of you will have to feed the fish."

Zhang Ziheng quickly stated the ransom amount.

"Six hundred million dollars? It's too much. I can't come up with that much money at all."

Qin Lie frowned and replied.

"Do you know why I don't tie up so many rich people in Xiangjiang, but you are from a continent?"

Zhang Ziheng asked with a playful look on his face.


Qin Lie asked, this is also a question he really wants to know the answer to.

"Because I know that you just sold a painting for more than 600 million US dollars, enough to pay for the money I want."

Zhang Ziheng replied with a smile.

Before starting, Zhang Ziheng had originally chosen other targets, but later learned that Christie's auction house was going to auction Da Vinci's oil paintings, and after finding out that the seller was Qin Lie, he immediately regarded Qin Lie as his prey.

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