The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 557 I Only Want Money, Not Killing People

"Damn, I only make a few dollars in total selling a painting, why don't you tie up the person who buys the painting, that's the prince of the United Arab Emirates, let alone 600 million US dollars, even if it is 6 billion US dollars, they will definitely pay Take it out."

Qin Lie cursed with a dark face.

He earned more than six hundred million dollars from selling a painting, but this amount of money was nothing to Rashid. If he did, he would definitely make Rashid a kidnapping target.

"I also considered kidnapping Rasheed before, but his identity is too special and the risk is too great. Even if it succeeds, we will definitely be wanted by the world in the future. It's not worth it, so I finally decided to kidnap you."

"The risk is small, the benefit is big, and it kills two birds with one stone. Why not do it."

Zhang Ziheng talked with a smile on his face.

In Zhang Ziheng's eyes, Qin Lie is a fat sheep, and the key to kidnapping him is the least risk. As long as he finishes this vote, he can basically wash his hands in gold to retire.

After listening to Zhang Ziheng's explanation, Qin Lie couldn't help feeling the urge to curse her mother.

However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and he finally endured it.

"My painting was sold for more than 600 million yuan, but after deducting the commission, I actually got more than 500 million yuan, and I have been in debt recently. I sold the painting itself to repay the debt. After paying off the debt, I have nothing left. It's more than a hundred million dollars, and I can't take out six hundred million dollars."

In order to delay time, Qin Lie deliberately made up a lie to deceive Zhang Ziheng.

"I don't care whether what you said is true or not. I said that $600 million is $600 million. If you lose a penny, I will tear up the vote."

Zhang Ziheng said with a sneer.

As a habitual offender, kidnapping is something he has long been familiar with. He knows very well that usually the hostages who are kidnapped will say that they have no money, just like Qin Lie, so he doesn't believe Qin Lie's words at all.

"Can you be a little bit less, $600 million is really too much, I really can't come up with it."

Qin Lie replied with a bitter face.

"Don't haggle with me, stop talking nonsense, I'll kill this woman first, and then I'll take off your leg."

Zhang Ziheng said coldly.

Qin Lie knew very well that Zhang Ziheng was famous for his ferocity and murder, and he absolutely did what he said.

In order not to anger the gangster, Qin Lie finally decided to stabilize him first, and slowly figured out a way to escape.

"Well then, I'll call my family to see if they can find a way to collect the ransom. Don't worry, as long as there is money, my family will definitely give it to you."

Qin Lie continued.

Zhang Ziheng gestured to Yang Jiguang, and Yang Jiguang immediately took out an old Nokia and handed it to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu after picking up the phone.

At this time, Chen Jinhu was anxiously waiting for news in the hotel. When he saw his phone ringing, he thought it was the police who found something, and quickly answered it.

"Hello, Jinhu, I'm Qin Lie."

After the call was connected, Qin Lie first revealed his identity.

"Brother lie, where are you now?"

Chen Jinhu asked hurriedly.

"I was kidnapped, and I don't know where I am. Now the kidnappers are asking me for a ransom of 600 million US dollars. You and Sister Yuqing think of a way to see if you can get it together."

Qin Lie replied.

He didn't finish his sentence when Zhang Ziheng grabbed the phone.

"It's 8:07. I'll send you a bank account later. If I don't receive $600 million within 48 hours, I'll tear up the ticket!"

Zhang Ziheng said to Chen Jinhu.

"Brother, I will definitely find a way to get the money for you, but can you give me a few more days at this time, two days is too tight."

Chen Jinhu discussed with Zhang Ziheng that he also did this to delay time so as to find a way to rescue Qin Lie.

"I'll say it one last time, you only have forty-eight hours, and if you lose a penny, you won't want to see the two of them again."

Zhang Ziheng replied coldly.

He is a kidnapper, not a vegetable seller, so he won't let anyone bargain with him.

"Okay, I'll collect the money now, but you have to promise not to touch my elder brother."

Chen Jinhu took the initiative to compromise, after all, Qin Lie is now in Zhang Ziheng's hands, and it would be dangerous to anger Qin Lie.

"I only want money, I don't kill people, but if I can't get the money, none of them want to live. Also, remember not to call the police. If I know the police are involved, I will still tear up the ticket."

After saying this, Zhang Ziheng hung up the phone and gave Chen Jinhu a bank account.

In order to avoid being tracked by the police, the cautious Zhang Ziheng threw away the calling card in his mobile phone and replaced it with a new one.

"Jiguang, Xiaohui, A Shou, you three are watching them here, A Huan, you go out with me."

Zhang Ziheng didn't sit there and wait, leaving three people to guard Qin Lie and left here.

Ten years ago, Qin Lie was still in high school. At that time, when he saw the news of Li Ji's kidnapping, he paid more attention to some related reports, so he knew more about Zhang Ziheng's gang.

He found that among the five people just now, in addition to the leader Zhang Ziheng, there were also two old subordinates, Ye Huan and Yang Jiguang.

According to news reports, Ye Huan was a sinister and murderous man. He killed more than a dozen people and even seven or eight-year-old children. He was Zhang Ziheng's first dog-legged military division and concurrent The first warrior.

On the other hand, Yang Jiguang belongs to the type with a simple mind and developed limbs. He has no heart, but he is loyal to Zhang Ziheng.

Because of his arrest, he was recognized by the police as one of the kidnappers who kidnapped Li Li, and he was arrested and imprisoned.

However, no matter how the police interrogated this guy, they never confessed to Zhang Ziheng. In the end, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Later, I heard that he had made a merit and got a commutation of his sentence. Yokosuke Zhou is abusive.

As for the others, Qin Lie is not familiar.

Looking at the two people guarding outside, Qin Lie began to plan to escape.

Ye Huan is very cunning, he can't take advantage of the other party at all, but Yang Jiguang has a lot of weaknesses, maybe he can find a way to escape through this person.

Qin Lie didn't start in a hurry, but ate the bread first.

In order to pass the time, Yang Jiguang brought Liao Hui and Qian Hanshou to play poker.

I don't know if it was Yang Jiguang's bad luck or his poor skills, and he lost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in a short while.

"Damn, what kind of cards did you give Lao Tzu, why are you so bad!"

Yang Jiguang, who had been losing all the time, threw away the playing cards in his hand, his face looked gloomy.

"Brother Guang, you can't blame me, I posted them in order."

Liao Hui replied immediately.

"Brother Guang, you can't afford to lose, can you?"

Qian Hanshou, who won the money, joked with a smile.

"I can't afford to lose? What the hell are you doing! Let me tell you, I lost more than 10 million in one night in Macau casinos without even frowning!"

Yang Jiguang stood up and shouted aggressively.

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