"Officer Wang, did they say Cai Zhixiong's whereabouts?"

Chen Jinhu looked at Wang Ping, the police officer in charge of the case, and asked.

"I have interrogated them, but they all said they didn't know Cai Zhixiong's whereabouts."

Wang Ping replied.

"These guys must be deliberately not telling the truth. You asked me to be alone with them for a few minutes, and I guarantee they will spit out everything they know!"

Chen Jinhu said fiercely.

"There's no need for that. They're just a group of scoundrels hired by Cai Zhixiong. It should be impossible to know Cai Zhixiong's whereabouts."

Wang Ping shook his head.

"Then when will you find Cai Zhixiong?"

Chen Jinhu asked anxiously.

"I can't guarantee this, but we will do our best to search for Cai Zhixiong's whereabouts. I will definitely notify you as soon as there is news."

Wang Ping replied.

"Doing your best is for nothing, but the kidnappers said that if they don't pay the ransom within two days, they will tear up the ticket."

Chen Jinhu said anxiously.

"Mr. Chen, don't be angry, we have done our best."

Of course, Wang Ping wanted to find Cai Zhixiong as soon as possible, but this guy seemed to have evaporated from the world. At present, they haven't got any news about him, so they can only reply to Chen Jinhu like this.

"Jin Hu, don't rush Officer Wang, let's go back first."

Murong Huanyu said.

He has already approved the high level of the Xiangjiang police, and the other party will definitely try their best to track down Cai Zhixiong's whereabouts. Now all they need to do is wait patiently.

After all, there is no point in rushing to get angry.

Chen Jinhu stopped wasting time at the police station, and followed Murong Huanyu to the hotel first.

No one noticed that when Chen Jinhu and the others left, a car parked on the road opposite the police station drove away at the same time, and the people sitting in this car were Zhang Ziheng and Ye Huan, who had been guilty of many crimes.

"Brother, your plan is really good. I don't think the police will be able to find us in this lifetime."

Ye Huan praised with a smile.

"Don't say that, there are still smart people in the police force who will find us sooner or later, but we'll have gone to Hawaii to enjoy life by then."

Zhang Ziheng said with a smug smile.

He deliberately exposed the explosives to the police, and they were exposed to Cai Zhixiong by Zhang Ziheng.

Because Cai Zhixiong is also notorious in Hong Kong, he does anything like drug trafficking, kidnapping, and murder. As long as the exploding head confesses that he committed the crime, the police will certainly not be too suspicious.

With Cai Zhixiong as the smoke bomb, the police and Chen Jinhu will focus their attention on him. Zhang Ziheng's side is much safer. He has a lot of time to complete the extortion and transfer the ransom.

This is his genius!

It's just that the police will never find Cai Zhixiong, because he was killed by Zhang Ziheng half a month ago, and the body has long been chopped and thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

"Brother, do you really plan to retire after finishing this vote?"

Ye Huan hesitated for a while and then asked.

"Well, it's time to retire. In the future, this arena will be left to young people. It's time for us to enjoy life."

Zhang Ziheng replied without hesitation.

He is not young anymore, he has already passed the age of blood, and now he just wants to live the rest of his life in peace.

"Well then, our brothers will retire together, anyway, this ransom is enough for us to retire."

As a murderous gangster, Ye Huan has long been accustomed to the life of licking blood, but he still agrees with Zhang Ziheng's choice.

After all, it is basically impossible for bandits to die, and sooner or later they will die on the streets, but if they retire bravely and go into hiding, they can enjoy their old age with their huge wealth of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Seeing that it was noon, the two parked the car on the side of the road and entered a fairly decent restaurant.

They are not afraid of being recognized, firstly because they wear masks to cover their faces, and secondly because Zhang Ziheng has disappeared for ten years since he blackmailed Li Cheng. Someone will recognize them.


When Zhang Ziheng and the two were out, Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu nibbled bread again.

As for the food of Yang Jiguang and the others, they are slightly stronger than Qin Lie and the others, at least they have roast chicken and beer.

After eating and drinking, Yang Jiguang and the three went to another room for a lunch break. Only Qin Lie and Lin Qiuzhu were left in this wooden room.

"Qiuzhu, if Yang Jiguang comes in alone later, you will deliberately quarrel with me to attract his attention, and then seduce him, find a way to get out of the iron cage and find a wire or nail to come over. "

Qin Lie whispered to Lin Qiuzhu.

"What do you want iron wire for?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked in confusion.

"As long as you give me a wire, I can open the handcuffs and shackles and escape from this iron cage!"

Qin Lie quickly explained.

As a rural child, Qin Lie used iron wire to pry his classmates' desks when he was a child. For him, this skill is easy to master.

If he hadn't studied some grades and still thought about it, he would have been able to become a professional locksmith if he was admitted to university.

"Oh, okay, I see, but what if that Yang Jiguang doesn't fall for it?"

Lin Qiuzhu knew that Qin Lie let herself seduce Yang Jiguang in order to escape, and she completely risked it, but she was afraid that Yang Jiguang would not give her this chance.

"Don't worry, Yang Jiguang is a lecher, he will definitely be fooled."

Qin Lie said with certainty.

The news reports said that Yang Jiguang was very lecherous, and most of the dirty money he got from the robbery was spent on a few women he raised. Even he was arrested and imprisoned that year because he went to prostitute in the limelight. Just got recognized by the police.

And today, Yang Jiguang looked at Lin Qiuzhu with a hint of lewdness in his eyes. As long as Lin Qiuzhu was a little more active, it would be easy to take him down.

"Well, I'll try it out."

After thinking about it, Lin Qiuzhu had no choice but to agree.

"Later you remember to look at me and act."

Qin Lie instructed Lin Qiuzhu again and then stopped talking.

About half an hour later, the door opened, but it was Liao Hui who entered.

After confirming that both Qin Lie and Qin Lie were still in the cage, he went out again.

Another hour later, it was Yang Jiguang's turn to inspect.

Like Liao Hui, he glanced at the door and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Lin Qiuzhu suddenly spoke.

"Qin Lie, you dare to raise another woman behind my back, you really have no conscience. After I go out, I will definitely let my dad break your legs!"

Lin Qiuzhu pointed at Qin Lie and cursed according to the plan.

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