"I have money, I can raise as many women as I want, can you manage it!"

Seeing that Lin Qiuzhu started acting, Qin Lie immediately cooperated.

"You are so shameless. Your money is not earned by my dad. Without my dad's support for you, you are not even a waste!"

Lin Qiuzhu continued to curse.

"Come on, you think I don't know that your dad has been taking advantage of me all the time. If it wasn't for this old thing like him, I could make more money."

Qin Lie retorted with a sneer.

"You are shameless, you bastard, I was so blind that I fell in love with you in the first place!"

Lin Qiuzhu scolded furiously, his chest trembled with anger because of his anger.

Then Lin Qiuzhu suddenly turned his gaze to Yang Jiguang, who was watching the play next to him.

"Brother, you helped me kill this scumbag, and I asked my dad to give you ten million!"

Lin Qiuzhu said angrily.

"Tsk tsk, give me 10 million if you kill someone. It's a lot of money, but unfortunately, I wouldn't dare to kill him without Big Brother's order."

Yang Jiguang shook his head.

In other places, he would definitely agree to Lin Qiuzhu without hesitation, but now he doesn't dare to kill Qin Lie, otherwise Zhang Ziheng will definitely kill him.

"Then you help me beat him, otherwise I can't swallow this breath."

Lin Qiuzhu continued.

"That's fine, but if I help you, how will you repay me?"

Yang Jiguang stared at Lin Qiuzhu with a sinister expression.

"I can repay you with my body!"

Lin Qiuzhu replied without hesitation.

She was still thinking about whether to take off her clothes to tempt Yang Jiguang. Who could think that this guy would bite the hook himself, which saved her a lot of trouble.

"you sure?"

Yang Jiguang's eyes lit up.

The first time he saw Lin Qiuzhu, he had already begun to covet Lin Qiuzhu's beauty, but because of Zhang Ziheng's warning, he tried to restrain himself.

But now Lin Qiuzhu took the initiative to repay himself with his body, which was undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

"Sure! Qin Lie, the bastard, told him just now that he has kept several fox spirits in the golden house outside. Since he is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, and I will also put a green hat on him!"

Lin Qiuzhu said angrily, as if he really broke up with Qin Lie and wanted to get revenge on him.

"Okay, remember what you said, and I'll beat him up for you."

Yang Jiguang was already fascinated by sex, so he ignored Zhang Ziheng's warning, picked up a stick from the side and hit Qin Lie.

"Brother, please stop fighting."

Qin Lie hurriedly begged for mercy, but Yang Jiguang ignored him at all and slapped him on the body.

Seeing Qin Lie being beaten, Lin Qiuzhu felt distressed in her heart, but at this time she had to show a happy look and clapped her hands at the same time.

After hitting Qin Lie for two minutes, Yang Jiguang stopped.

"How are you, are you satisfied?"

Yang Jiguang looked at Lin Qiuzhu and asked.


Lin Qiuzhu nodded.

"Then you should honor your promise just now?"

Yang Jiguang asked impatiently.

"No problem, but you have to get me out of the iron cage first, right?"

Lin Qiuzhu replied.

"it is good."

Yang Jiguang didn't hesitate, took out the key and unlocked it.

"Let's go, let's go to another room, there is a bed there, I will make you feel good then."

Yang Jiguang couldn't wait to hug Lin Qiuzhu's waist.

He has found many young ladies over the years, many of them are models and 18th-tier actresses, but even those top brands of more than 100,000 yuan a night will become a foil in front of Lin Qiuzhu.

After all, Lin Qiuzhu is a stunning beauty, and she is not comparable to those vulgar fans.

Especially Lin Qiuzhu's noble princess temperament made Yang Jiguang fascinated.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to get Lin Qiuzhu's body, even if it was only once, he would have no regrets in his life.

After all, as the old saying goes, it is better to die under flowers than to be a ghost!

To be able to sleep with someone like Lin Qiuzhu, even if he was killed by Zhang Ziheng, he would be willing.

"Brother, is there a toilet here? I want to go to the toilet first."

Lin Qiuzhu asked while holding back the nausea in his heart.

"There is a toilet outside, I'll take you there."

Yang Jiguang said, and took Lin Qiuzhu out the door.

Soon the two came to the toilet.

However, this so-called toilet is just a hole dug on the ground, and there is not even a bit of shelter around it.

"Brother, can you turn your body around first, so that I can't get out when someone sees me."

Lin Qiuzhu discussed with Yang Jiguang.

"Hey, we'll go to bed soon, what are you afraid of me watching?"

Yang Jiguang said with a wicked smile.

"Brother, I beg you, you should turn around first."

Lin Qiuzhu pleaded with a bitter face.

"Okay, then I'll turn around first, but you're not allowed to run away, or I'll break your leg!"

After saying this, Yang Jiguang turned around.

Lin Qiuzhu first looked around, and she found that they should be in a forest now, with no buildings and no roads around.

Without wasting any more time, Lin Qiuzhu, who was already holding a pee, quickly squatted down.

Hearing the sound of the rushing water, Yang Jiguang's heart was even more itchy.

"I'm fine bro."

After urinating, Lin Qiuzhu got up and came to Yang Jiguang, and followed Yang Jiguang to another wooden house not far away.

This wooden house was very messy, with many empty wine bottles and deli packaging bags thrown on the ground.

And in the corner of the wooden house is a table with a submachine gun on it!

Lin Qiuzhu wanted to pick up the gun and kill Yang Jiguang, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

One is that she is not sure whether there are bullets in the gun, and the other is that she is not sure that she will be able to grab the gun. In case of failure, death is likely to be waiting for her.

"Come on baby, big brother will make you happy today."

Yang Jiguang, who couldn't wait for a long time, immediately rushed to Lin Qiuzhu.

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Qiuzhu suddenly pushed Yang Jiguang away.

"You won't change your mind when you step on a horse, right?"

Yang Jiguang stared at Lin Qiuzhu with a gloomy expression.

"I haven't changed my mind, I just want to drink some water. That...you can take off your clothes first, and I'll make you feel comfortable later."

Lin Qiuzhu said with a strong smile.

"I tell you, don't play tricks on Lao Tzu, or I will tell you that life is better than death!"

Yang Jiguang pointed at Lin Qiuzhu and warned her.

"Brother, don't worry, I really just want to drink some water."

Lin Qiuzhu explained with an apologetic smile that at this time, her chest was pounding like a deer, for fear that Yang Jiguang would force her.

"Hurry up and drink, don't give me dawdling."

Yang Jiguang is not afraid that Lin Qiuzhu will deceive himself. Anyway, today Lin Qiuzhu has decided to eat. If Lin Qiuzhu is ignorant later, he doesn't mind the overlord's hard bow!

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