"Yang Jiguang, don't do it, I have a secret to tell you!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie quickly stopped Yang Jiguang.

"What secret?"

Yang Jiguang stopped and looked at Qin Lie.

"It's about Ahui and A Shou's secret. Come here and I'll tell you."

Qin Lie continued.

Hearing this, Yang Jiguang suddenly became interested and quickly walked to Qin Lie's cage.

"I heard Ah Hui and Ah Shou complaining that Zhang Ziheng gave them too little money this morning, so Ah Hui suggested that the black eat the black, and after I call in the money, they will take you Kill a few and take the money all by yourself."

Qin Lie lowered his voice and said seriously.

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe your nonsense?"

Yang Jiguang snorted coldly.

He might believe it in other things, but A Hui and A Shou betrayed Zhang Ziheng and made black and black, he didn't believe it at all.

This is not to say that the two are loyal to Zhang Ziheng, the main reason is that they have no courage to betray Zhang Ziheng at all.

"What I said is true, they really said these things, and at that time, Ah Hui also said that your dad deserved his broken leg, and that you were an idiot, if it wasn't for Zhang Ziheng protecting you , he killed you long ago."

Qin Lie continued.

Hearing this, Yang Jiguang frowned.

Although the grievance between him and Liao Hui's parents is not a secret, it is absolutely impossible for Qin Lie to know about it.

But now that he has said this, it is enough to show that at least part of what he said just now is true.

Thinking of this, Yang Jiguang couldn't help but re-examine what Qin Lie just said about Liao Hui and Qian Hanshou wanting to be black and black.

He already held a grudge against Liao Hui, and since what Qin Lie had said was similar, he also began to doubt Liao Hui in his heart.

"I'm not sure if they were joking just now. Anyway, I personally think you'd better watch out for these two people. It's funny not to be stabbed in the back by them."

Qin Lie continued to fan the flames.

Qin Lie didn't say anything more after saying this, because from the change in Yang Jiguang's expression, he was sure that his goal had been achieved.

Next, it would be best if the group of them could fight to the death. Even if they couldn't afford to fight infighting, they would no longer trust each other, which gave Qin Lie more chances to escape.

At this time, Yang Jiguang was no longer interested in venting his anger against Lin Qiuzhu. He kept recalling the recent actions of Liao Hui and Liao Hui. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the two of them were abnormal. At the same time, he also began to suspect that the two might have different opinions.

After having this idea, Yang Jiguang quickly left the wooden house and called Zhang Ziheng to tell his guess.

"You first stare at them and don't do anything. I'll talk about it when I go back."

Zhang Ziheng has always regarded Yang Jiguang as his confidant, but they don't trust Liao Hui so much. In addition, he is suspicious by nature. After hearing Yang Jiguang's report, he immediately became suspicious of the two.


Yang Jiguang answered and hung up the phone.

On the north bank of the Xiangjiang River, Hengyin Salted Fish Processing Factory.

Hengyin Salted Fish Processing Factory has a history of more than 30 years. The processed salted fish once sold well at home and abroad. However, due to the increasingly fierce market competition, after several consecutive years of losses, the original owner of Hengyin three years ago Sold it to someone else for a low price.

No one knows that the new boss is Hong Hanyi, a big drug lord in Hong Kong. The processing of salted fish is just a cover, and it has long been transformed into a drug factory.

At this moment, Hong Hanyi was sitting on his leather sofa sipping tea, and the two people sitting across from him were Zhang Ziheng and Ye Huan!

"How is it, these **** goods are good, right?"

Hong Hanyi put down the teacup and pointed to the guns and ammunition on the table.

"Well, it's really good stuff, thank you Brother Hong."

Zhang Ziheng quickly thanked him.

He had already thought about it with Ye Huan, and after getting the ransom, they would go to the Golden Triangle to avoid the limelight for a while, and then retire.

It's just that the Golden Triangle is not very peaceful, so before leaving, he specially came to Hong Hanyi and bought a batch of arms from him.

In this way, even if they kidnapped Qin Lie, they would have enough energy to escape.

"Don't be polite to me, who are we?"

Hong Hanyi waved his hand indifferently.

Then Hong Hanyi picked up the cup, took another sip of the tea, and then asked, "Ah Heng, tell me the truth, has Cai Zhixiong been killed by you?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Brother Hong. That's right, he was killed by me. The body has been thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

Zhang Ziheng knew that he couldn't hide it from Hong Hanyi, so he told the truth.

"In that case, Cai Zhixiong took the blame for you in the recent sensational case of Qin Lie's kidnapping?"

Hong Hanyi grinned and said with a playful expression.

"Brother Hong, just say what you want to say, there's no need for us to beat around the bush."

Zhang Ziheng knew in his heart that although he used a trick to confuse the police, when he first returned to Xiangjiang, he was looking for the guns and ammunition bought by Hong Hanyi. In addition, the two were very familiar with each other. These things could not be hidden from him. .

"Actually, I just wanted to ask you, what are you going to do with Qin Lie?"

Hong Hanyi asked with a smile.

"It's an old rule, as long as you give me the ransom, I'll let him go, but if he's reluctant to pay for his life, then I'll tear up the ticket."

Zhang Ziheng replied lightly.

In the past, Zhang Ziheng had done a lot of kidnapping and extortion. As long as the ransom was paid in full, he would release the hostages as agreed, but those who did not pay the ransom would eventually die miserably, and some would even lose their bones. The fate of no survival.

This is his style of behavior, and it is naturally the same when the other party Qin Lie.

"Do my brother a favor. After he pays the ransom, kill him. It's better to destroy the corpse and never let anyone find his body."

Hong Hanyi said suddenly.

Hearing this, Zhang Ziheng frowned.

"Brother Hong, does this kid have a grudge against you?"

Zhang Ziheng asked curiously.

He knew exactly what Hong Hanyi did. Generally speaking, if he provokes Hong Hanyi, he would almost certainly die, but Hong Hanyi let himself kill Qin Lie, which was very inconsistent with his character.

"Don't ask about that. Anyway, someone wanted him to die, so I just asked you to do it for you. What do you think? Would you like to help your brother?"

Hong Hanyi smiled slightly and did not explain much.

"This is no problem, I will make him disappear from this world forever!"

Although doing this is a bit unethical, Zhang Ziheng had already planned to retire, and he didn't care what others thought of him, so he finally agreed to Hong Hanyi.

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