"It's still a brother who is loyal enough. If you need anything in the future, feel free to speak up. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Hearing that Zhang Ziheng was willing to help him kill Qin Lie, Hong Hanyi's attitude towards him was obviously more cordial before.

"Since Brother Hong said so, then I'm welcome. I hope Brother Hong can help me prepare a boat to the Golden Triangle in the early morning of the day after tomorrow. I plan to go there to avoid the limelight."

Zhang Ziheng thought for a while and said.

Although he has other channels to go to the Golden Triangle, if he is betrayed, he will not be able to escape.

Hong Hanyi is different. This guy is a drug lord and has very close contacts with the Golden Triangle. If he is willing to help, Zhang Ziheng can definitely reach the Golden Triangle very safely.

In this way, when the limelight of Qin Lie's incident passes, he can take the money and go abroad in style.

"It's okay, wrap it on me!"

Hong Hanyi patted his chest and vowed.

For him, it was just a matter of hand.

"Thank you, Brother Hong."

Hearing that Hong Hanyi promised himself, Zhang Ziheng quickly thanked him.

"Look at you and see the outside world again, right? You forgot what our brother's relationship was?"

Hong Hanyi's face froze, pretending to be angry.

"Sorry, Brother Hong, it's all my fault. I will definitely not be polite to you in the future."

Zhang Ziheng hurriedly smiled.

"That's right."

Hong Hanyi smiled with satisfaction, and then changed the conversation, "Ah Heng, let's have a few drinks together at night. Our brothers haven't had a drink together for many years."

"No, I still have something to do. When I have a chance next time, I will invite you, and we will not be drunk or home."

Zhang Ziheng politely declined.

"OK then."

Hong Hanyi knew what Zhang Ziheng was going to do, so he didn't force him any more.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Ziheng left with Ye Huan.

As soon as Zhang Ziheng left, Hong Hanyi picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, Xu Shao, it's me, Hong Hanyi."

Hong Hanyi said respectfully, and the person he called was Xu Fanzhou!

"Old Hong, how did I tell you how things went, can you kill Qin Lie without knowing it?"

Xu Fanzhou asked with murderous intent.

He hated Qin Lie for a long time, and wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but Qin Lie had a close relationship with the Chu family, and now he had a relationship with the Murong family. He didn't dare to do anything lightly, so he could only trick Qin Lie in secret.

However, yesterday he got the news that Qin Lie had been kidnapped. Xu Fanzhou was so happy when he heard the news that he almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

But he thought about it later, if the kidnappers took the money and released Qin Lie, Qin Lie would still be a thorn in his eye, so he contacted Hong Hanyi, who had a close relationship with their family, and wanted Hong Hanyi to find a chance Kill Qin Lie.

At that time, they will use a little more means to frame this incident and blame it on the kidnappers, and he will be able to get rid of it.

"Xu Shao rest assured, I promise to do this properly and leave no trace."

Hong Hanyi replied confidently.

Zhang Ziheng is very clear about the efficiency of his work. As long as he does it, others may not even find Qin Lie's body.

"Remember to kill all those who do it for me after it's done, and don't leave any job openings."

Xu Fanzhou said fiercely.

Kill Qin Lie and then kill him. In this way, no one will ever know that he killed Qin Lie.

"Xu Shao, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult to handle."

Hong Hanyi said with some embarrassment.

"What's the matter? Does the person who started it have something to do with you?"

Xu Fanzhou asked.

"That's not true. It's mainly because Zhang Ziheng is the one who did it. He is a cautious man and kills people like hemp. It's not an easy task to kill him."

Hong Hanyi explained.

He and Zhang Ziheng sold drugs together when they were young, and the two were considered deadly friendships. Because of this, he knew Zhang Ziheng better than others.

This person definitely belongs to the kind of Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Many people wanted to kill him back then, but in the end they all became his dead soul.

The most important thing is that Zhang Ziheng will get his revenge. Once you let him know that you are plotting against him, he will keep staring at you like a poisonous snake. Whenever he has the chance, he will kill you!

Cai Zhixiong was because he had plotted against Zhang Ziheng before, and Zhang Ziheng endured it for two years, and finally killed him more than half a month ago.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, even Hong Hanyi is not willing to be the enemy of Zhang Ziheng.

"The Zhang Ziheng you're talking about isn't the one who kidnapped Li Ju ten years ago, right?"

Xu Fanzhou asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's him."

Hong Hanyi replied.

"Why does this have anything to do with him?"

Xu Fanzhou asked in confusion.

"That's right. The person who kidnapped Qin Lie was Zhang Ziheng. He came to me to buy arms just now, so I just told him to let him get the ransom and kill Qin Lie."

Hong Hanyi quickly explained.

"No, how did I get the news that the person who kidnapped Qin Lie was Cai Zhixiong?"

Xu Fanzhou couldn't help but question.

He is more concerned about Qin Lie's kidnapping than Chen Jinhu. Any news about Qin Lie will be reported to him immediately, including the fact that Qin Lie was kidnapped by Cai Zhixiong.

"That's a smoke bomb that Zhang Ziheng deliberately released to divert his attention. This guy is cunning."

Hong Hanyi continued.

"I see."

After listening to Hong Hanyi's words, Xu Fanzhou suddenly realized.

"But still find a way to kill him, don't tell me you can't even do that."

Although he knew that Zhang Ziheng was not easy to mess with, Xu Fanzhou would not leave any hidden dangers in this world.

"Well, I'll find a way to deal with him."

Hong Hanyi didn't want to take on this hot job. The Xu family was his biggest backer. If he lost the support of the Xu family, he would not be far from death, so he had no choice but to promise.

"Very well, I'm waiting for your good news, don't let me down."

After saying this, Xu Fanzhou hung up the phone.

"Brother Hong, you don't really plan to attack Zhang Ziheng."

Hong Hanyi's confidant Yang Qi asked in a low voice.

"What if I don't do it? Unless I don't want to live anymore."

Hong Hanyi said with a gloomy face.

"Brother Hong, Zhang Ziheng is notoriously ruthless. If we offend him, the consequences will be disastrous."

Yang Qi then reminded Hong Han of righteousness.

"Nonsense, of course I know, so either don't do it, as long as you do it, you must cut the grass and roots!"

Hong Hanyi said with murderous intent.

He knows too well how terrifying Zhang Ziheng is. Once you offend him, he will take revenge on you crazily, and even your family will suffer.

So before starting, he must make a perfect plan to catch Zhang Ziheng and his men, and never have future troubles!

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