"Okay, I'll contact the police now, don't hang up."

Chen Jinhu didn't dare to waste time, so he picked up Qi Tianchang's mobile phone and called Wang Ping.

"Qiuzhu, you stay behind this bush and wait for rescue, I'll deal with Zhang Ziheng."

Qin Lie then instructed Lin Qiuzhu to say.

"Why don't you go and wait for the police to come and let them catch those bad guys."

Lin Qiuzhu said with a worried look, she knew very well that Zhang Ziheng's group were all murderous murderers, and she didn't want Qin Lie to take any more risks.

"I can't do it if I don't go. I have to do it myself. Otherwise, if he runs away, it will be difficult to catch him later."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Zhang Ziheng is a sinister and cunning man. If the police can catch him, he will not be able to get away with justice for ten years, so Qin Lie must do it himself.

Otherwise, Qin Lie would have trouble sleeping and eating at the thought of being stared at by such a murderous demon.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Lin Qiuzhu suddenly hugged Qin Lie and kissed him deeply.

"Bring me back alive, if you die, I'll feed your corpse to the dog, and let you be a lonely ghost, never to live forever!"

Lin Qiuzhu's mouth was very vicious, but she was a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person, and her eyes were already misty.

"Don't worry, I haven't lived enough yet, wait for me to come back."

Qin Lie replied calmly, then turned away without hesitation.

After a while Qin Lie came to the place where he had been imprisoned.

Because he had been locked in an iron cage before, Qin Lie didn't know which room Zhang Ziheng lived in, so he picked one at random.

Coming to the door, Qin Lie gently pushed the door, and soon found that the door was plugged in from the inside.

These wooden houses are very simple to build, not even a window, using the old-fashioned latches, it is difficult to open from the outside without disturbing the inside.

In order not to startle the snake, Qin Lie turned around and came to the second wooden house, thinking about his luck.

With a slight push, the door of this room opened, and at the same time, there was a tinkling sound of bells in the room.

This bell was specially made by Zhang Ziheng, in order to prevent someone from attacking and plotting against him, and he was able to live for so many years by these inconspicuous little organs.

So Zhang Ziheng was awakened the moment the bell rang. He grabbed the pistol and aimed it at the door, shouting at the same time, "Who?"

Qin Lie knew that he was exposed, and without saying a word of nonsense, Qin Lie fired two shots at the place where the sound came from, and then quickly retreated.

The gunshots sounded, and Ye Huan and Liao Hui, who were sleeping in the other two rooms, were awakened.

Almost instinctively, the three of them rushed out the door with their guns in their hands.

At this moment, Qin Lie was lying in ambush outside. When he saw someone rushing out, he fired several shots without mercy. Liao Hui, who rushed in front, died tragically on the spot without even shouting!

Qian Hanshou, who lived in the same room with Liao Hui, was frightened into a cold sweat, quickly retreated to the door, and without aiming, pulled the trigger and shot blindly outside, but he couldn't injure Qin Lie at all.

Without waiting for Qin Lie to fire again, Zhang Ziheng suddenly jumped out of the house and fired several shots in the direction Qin Lie was hiding.

Taking advantage of Qin Lie being suppressed, Zhang Ziheng hid behind a big tree stump.

"Huan, Hui, and Shou, I will cover you and join me immediately."

Zhang Ziheng shouted, and there was another burst of fire in the direction of Qin Lie. Ye Huan and Qian Hanshou quickly ran over.

"Where's Ahui?"

Seeing that only Qian Hanshou came over, Zhang Ziheng asked subconsciously.

"He is dead."

Qian Hanshou replied.

"Oh shit!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ziheng immediately cursed.

"Zhang Ziheng, wash your neck, I will cut off your dog's head with my own hands later!"

Qin Lie, who was hiding behind the big tree, deliberately used words to stimulate Zhang Zihengdao.

In an instant, Zhang Ziheng judged that it was Qin Lie's voice.

He didn't respond, but bent down and quickly ran back to the wooden house where Qin Lie had been imprisoned before.

Even though there was already speculation in his heart, when he saw Yang Jiguang lying in a pool of blood, Zhang Ziheng still felt a surge of anger in his heart.

For him, Yang Jiguang is not only one of his subordinates, but also his brother. Because of this, he is so tolerant of Yang Jiguang.

But now, Yang Jiguang was killed by Qin Lie, which left him with only one thought, kill!

"Qin Lie, if you can't escape, I will not only kill you, but I will also destroy your whole family. I will use the heads of your whole family to pay homage to Ah Guang!"

Zhang Ziheng growled at Qin Lie.

"Hey, you can do it if you have the ability. Do you think you can kill Lao Tzu?"

Qin Lie replied proudly.

He could have escaped quietly, but he chose to return, in order to kill Zhang Ziheng, a group of beasts full of evil, and to console the innocent souls who were tortured by them!

"Huan, you outflank from the left, A Shou, from the right, listen to my signal, we will attack at the same time, I will burn him to ashes!"

Zhang Ziheng roared with murderous intent.

Ye Huan and Qian Hanshou nodded and walked towards the left and right sides respectively.

Qin Lie knew very well that Zhang Ziheng's firepower was much stronger than his own, and he only had three bullets left. If he fought recklessly, he would just hit the stone with an egg.

So without waiting for Zhang Ziheng to make a move, Qin Lie crawled and fled into the woods ahead under the cover of the night.


Zhang Ziheng gave an order, and the three rushed towards Qin Lie from three directions at the same time. As long as Qin Lie dared to show his head, he would definitely be beaten into a sieve.

Unfortunately, when Zhang Ziheng arrived at the tree where Qin Lie was hiding, he discovered that Qin Lie had long since disappeared.

"Zhang Ziheng, your grandfather Qin is leaving, so you don't need to send him off."

Qin Lie, who escaped dozens of meters away, deliberately stopped and shouted at Zhang Ziheng.

He knew in his heart that if he fought recklessly, he would definitely not be able to defeat the powerful Zhang Ziheng, but as soon as he entered the forest, it would be equivalent to his home field, and he would be easy to take care of these people!

"Follow me!"

The angry Zhang Ziheng didn't think much, and immediately gave the order to pursue.

The situation in the forest was complicated. Zhang Ziheng soon lost Qin Lie's shadow and could only order to pursue them separately.

And the moment he gave this order, their nightmare began.

In the dark night, Qin Lie came quietly behind Qian Hanshou like a ghost.

Before Qian Hanshou could react, the sharp dagger cut his throat.

Gudu, Gudu.

Blood spurted out from the wound like spring water, and with fear of death, Qian Hanshou's body fell softly to the ground.

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