Qin Lie didn't take care of Qian Hanshou's body, and after taking the walkie-talkie from him, he disappeared into the night again.

"A Huan, A Shou, have you found Qin Lie over there?"

Seeing that he had nothing to gain, Zhang Ziheng asked Ye Huan and the two through the walkie-talkie.

"I haven't found it yet."

Ye Huan responded quickly.

"I found out here that Qin Lie is right here with me and has already killed me."

Qin Lie said instead of Qian Hanshou with playfulness.

"Qin Lie, you're dead, I won't kill you if I don't kill you!"

Zhang Ziheng roared in exasperation.

"Can you stop playing tricks, you can kill me if you have the ability."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"Wait, I will definitely kill you!" After saying this, Zhang Ziheng said to Ye Huan, "Huan, go east and join me immediately."

Zhang Ziheng knew very well that he underestimated Qin Lie. He had to call Ye Huan back quickly, otherwise they would be defeated.

After Ye Huan responded, he quickly moved closer to Zhang Ziheng, while Qin Lie quietly walked towards Ye Huan under the cover of the night.

As a rural child, Qin Lie walked through the jungle like walking on the ground, especially after several months of life on a deserted island, and within a few minutes, he successfully locked Ye Huan's position.

He didn't act in a hurry, but hid behind a big tree in front of Ye Huan.

The moment Ye Huan arrived near him, Qin Lie suddenly stabbed the dagger out.

If this were an ordinary person, he would definitely bleed on the spot, but Ye Huan had been in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, and he was always vigilant at any time and anywhere. Almost at the moment Qin Lie fired his knife, he rolled on the spot and escaped dangerously. .

After seeing that the person who attacked him was Qin Lie, Ye Huan raised his gun and was ready to shoot.

But Qin Lie was faster than him, rushing to Ye Huan with one lunge, kicking the gun in Ye Huan's hand away with one kick.

Ye Huan did not give up resistance, and quickly took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed Qin Lie hard.

Qin Lie sneered and blocked Ye Huan's attack with a backhand move, then grabbed Ye Huan's arm with his left hand and twisted it suddenly.


The sound of bones breaking sounded, and Ye Huan let out a shrill scream at the same time.

"Let him go!"

Just when Qin Lie was about to send Ye Huan to see God, Zhang Ziheng finally came over.

"Brother, save me!"

Ye Huan was cold-blooded and cruel, killing without blinking an eye, but when he faced death, he was still afraid, and hurriedly reached out to Zhang Ziheng for help.

"Let him go!"

Zhang Ziheng pointed the gun at Qin Lie and shouted again.

"Well, as long as you're willing to take your life and trade your life for his, I'll let him go, how about it?"

Qin Lie grinned, and calmly discussed with Zhang Ziheng.

"I'll say it one last time, let him go, or I'll kill your whole family!"

Zhang Ziheng roared with murderous intent.

"Hey, it seems that your elder brother still loves himself a little more, don't blame me for being cruel, he is unwilling to save you."

After saying this, Qin Lie grabbed Ye Huan's hair with one hand and waved the other hand suddenly.


In a flash of cold light, Ye Huan was also blocked by a knife!

"Big... big brother..."

Ye Huan stretched out his hand, he wanted to live, but life stopped at this moment.

"Ah, I killed you!"

Seeing his brother being killed with his own eyes, Zhang Ziheng instantly transformed into a furious beast, pulling the trigger and firing at Qin Lie.

Qin Lie is only flesh and blood, so of course he can't resist bullets, he dodged behind a big tree in a flash.

bang bang bang...

Sawdust was flying, but Qin Lie was not hurt in the slightest.

"I'm so angry? Why didn't you think about how painful it would be for others to lose their loved ones when you killed innocent people?"

Behind the tree, Qin Lie sneered coldly.

Zhang Ziheng's group of people have done a lot of evil, and their hands are covered in blood. There are dozens of people who died at their hands just by being reported by the news. If you add those who have not been reported, there are probably hundreds of people.

Therefore, these people are all dead, and Qin Lie will not be merciful to them!

Zhang Ziheng has stopped talking at this time, he just wants to kill Qin Lie and avenge his brother!

After a while, Zhang Ziheng's gun ran out of bullets, he changed another magazine, and kept approaching Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't make any reply, and quietly climbed to the top of a big tree on the left.

Soon, Zhang Ziheng came to the place where Qin Lie hid before.

"Qin Lie, get out of here!"

When he saw that Qin Lie had disappeared, Zhang Ziheng raised his submachine gun and shot at random in the woods.

"Grandpa is here."

The moment Zhang Ziheng's gunshots stopped, Qin Lie suddenly jumped down from the tree.

Unprepared, Zhang Ziheng was kicked to the ground by Qin Lie, and Qin Lie kicked his gun aside.

"Aren't you going to kill grandpa, do it, don't say I won't give you a chance."

Qin Lie looked at Zhang Ziheng with a smile.

If Zhang Ziheng had a gun, Qin Lie would be afraid of him for three points, but without a gun, he would be a toothless tiger, and Qin Lie could crush him to death!


Zhang Ziheng roared angrily, took out his dagger and stabbed Qin Lie.

Qin Lie smiled disdainfully, and ducked away.

Zhang Ziheng didn't give up and kept attacking Qin Lie, but even though he tried his best, he couldn't even touch the corner of Qin Lie's clothes.

On the other hand, Qin Lie had a cat-and-mouse look, and he made it clear that he was playing with Zhang Ziheng.

"I surrender, as long as you are willing to let me live, I can give you all the wealth I have robbed over the years."

However, at this moment, Zhang Ziheng suddenly knelt on the ground and begged Qin Lie for mercy.

"Zhang Ziheng, you are so disappointing to me. I thought you were a hero who would rather die than surrender, but I didn't expect you to be a coward who is greedy for life and fears death."

Seeing Zhang Ziheng kneeling on the ground without dignity, Qin Lie sneered at him directly.

"I have old people and young people. I don't want to die. I beg you to spare my life. I kowtow to you."

While speaking, Zhang Ziheng knocked his head several times at Qin Lie.

However, in the next second, Zhang Ziheng suddenly grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and threw it towards Qin Lie's face, and at the same time stabbed the knife in Qin Lie's heart.

This is Zhang Ziheng's last killer move.

He has used it several times before, and it can be said that it has been tried and tested. Several strong enemies were killed by him like this.

Unfortunately, the old Jianghu Qin Lie, who Zhang Ziheng faced, was doomed to return without success in this sneak attack.

I saw Qin Lie twist his head to the left, even if he didn't look with his eyes, he still kicked Zhang Ziheng's wrist very accurately.


The knife flew out and stuck on a tree trunk not far away. Qin Lie swept across, Zhang Ziheng flew out like a sandbag without any resistance, and finally hit a big tree heavily and fell to the ground.

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