The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 569 I Won't Let You Die If I Can't Get The Money

Qin Lie walked up to Zhang Ziheng in a leisurely stroll, just like shopping in the street.

Zhang Ziheng still wanted to resist, but Qin Lie stepped on his back and stomped him under his feet.

At that moment, Zhang Ziheng felt like he was carrying a giant mountain on his back, and he couldn't even move.

"As for my money, spit it out for me!"

Qin Lie said coldly.

For Qin Lie, 100 million US dollars is not a small sum, and he will not be cheap for Zhang Ziheng.

"If you want money or not, you will die!"

Zhang Ziheng replied with a very bachelor.

"No tears without seeing the coffin."

Qin Lie sneered, picked up the dagger, and cut off a finger of Zhang Ziheng.

It is said that the ten fingers are connected to the heart. Usually, a slight injury to the finger is extremely painful, but this was cut off directly, and the pain caused Zhang Ziheng's face to turn pale in an instant.

But this guy is still very tough, he even gritted his teeth without humming.

"This is like a man, come on, let's continue."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and cut off one of Zhang Ziheng's fingers again.

Seeing that Zhang Ziheng could bear it, Qin Lie quickly cut off his third finger.

This time Zhang Ziheng couldn't bear it any longer, and he let out a howl like a pig.

However, Qin Lie did not stop, and cut off all five fingers of Zhang Ziheng's left hand with one knife.

"Can you give me the money back now?"

Qin Lie let go of Zhang Ziheng and asked with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, but his smile was like a devil's smile, even Zhang Ziheng, who was full of evil, only felt a chill.

"Kill me if you have the seeds, and I will never hand over the money in my hands!"

Zhang Ziheng gritted his teeth and replied.

At this moment, he had given up his counterattack. He knew very well that the gap between himself and Qin Lie was too great, and all his struggles were in vain.

But even in death, he would not return the money to Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, if you can't get the money, I promise you will never die."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, then tore Zhang Ziheng's clothes into strips of cloth, tied him and dumped him under a tree branch.

After that, Qin Lie immediately used the most cruel torture - Ling Chi!

Pieces of flesh were cut off by Qin Lie, the unspeakable pain made Zhang Ziheng feel the pain!

But at this time his mouth was blocked by Qin Lie, and he could only make a real whimper.

Fifteen minutes later, Qin Lie stopped and pulled out the cloth strip from Zhang Ziheng's mouth.

"Are you willing to exchange money now?"

Qin Lie asked lightly.

"I won't give you a penny."

Zhang Ziheng replied weakly.

He knew very well that even if he returned the money to Qin Lie, he would still be dead.

"Why do you think you are so hard-headed? Money is something you don't bring with you. What's the use of keeping it? Why don't you return it to me, so that I can give you a good time."

Qin Lie persuaded Zhang Ziheng earnestly.

He really didn't expect Zhang Ziheng to be so determined, even Ling Chi couldn't let him relax.

"Don't say it, if you have any tricks, just use it. If I admit it, I will be your grandson."

Zhang Ziheng smiled miserably and said, he was ready to die.

"I don't know how to lift."

Qin Lie didn't waste any more saliva and continued to torture him with Ling Chi.

However, seeing that Zhang Ziheng was bruised and bruised, he still did not compromise.

Qin Lie knew that this kind of physical torture could not open his mouth, so he had to find another way.

Then Qin Lie picked up Zhang Ziheng's mobile phone and checked the address book.

Originally, he was thinking of finding Zhang Ziheng's family's mobile phone number from above, but when he saw it, there was not a single number in it, and the call records were also deleted.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie immediately called Chu Mingchen.

It was already late at night and Chu Mingchen was sleeping, but he woke up when he heard the phone ringing.

Although it was an unfamiliar number, Chu Mingchen still took it.

"Hello, who is it?"

Chu Mingchen asked in a lazy voice, his consciousness was still a little chaotic.

"Brother Chen, it's me, Qin Lie!"

Qin Lie immediately identified himself.

"Qin Lie?"

After hearing this name, Chu Mingchen instantly woke up.

"Qin Lie, is it really you? Didn't you get kidnapped?"

Chu Mingchen asked in disbelief.

"I was kidnapped, but I have escaped, and now the leader of the kidnappers is in my hands."

Qin Lie replied succinctly.


After hearing the news, Chu Mingchen was also very happy.

"Brother Chen, can you find out the whereabouts of Zhang Ziheng's family?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"Zhang Ziheng? Why are you checking his family?"

Chu Mingchen asked inexplicably.

"The culprit who kidnapped me was Zhang Ziheng. He swallowed me 100 million US dollars, but this guy is very tough. No matter how I tortured him, he wouldn't give me back the money, so please help me find his family. I want to see if he cares more about money or family."

Although it is a bit despicable to threaten others with his family, he can only do anything in the face of a die-hard Zhang Ziheng, otherwise the 100 million US dollars will be lost.

"Give me three days, and I promise to find out all his relatives!"

The Chu family itself started out as an underworld. Even though Chu Xiong had washed his hands for many years, they were still inextricably linked with many forces on the Dao. As long as Chu Mingchen came forward, it would not be difficult to find out the whereabouts of Zhang Ziheng's family.

"Thank you, Brother Chen, then I will trouble you."

Qin Lie quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, this is just a sentence for me. If I hadn't been in Russia now, I would have gone straight to you."

Chu Mingchen replied indifferently.

"What are you doing in Russia?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"Our family's business here is in a bit of trouble, I'll take care of it."

Chu Mingchen explained briefly, but he did not say what it was.

Qin Lie is a smart guy, he didn't ask much.

"Then pay attention to safety, let's have a few drinks when you come back."

After chatting with Chu Mingchen for a while, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

Then, Qin Lie called Chen Jinhu's mobile number.

"Golden Tiger, have you figured out where I am now?"

Qin Lie asked after connecting the phone.

"I figured it out. According to satellite positioning, your current location is a barren island, about 30 nautical miles away from Xiangjiang. Master Huanyu and I have already flown to you by helicopter, and we are expected to arrive in ten minutes."

Chen Jinhu quickly replied.

"You don't have anyone from the police around you?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"No, we took the private plane that Master Huan Yu borrowed from a friend, and the speedboat driven by the police. We didn't set off together."

Chen Jinhu replied.

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