"Okay, tell me when you arrive, I'm going to smuggle someone back."

Qin Lie is very clear that Xiangjiang does not have the death penalty. If Zhang Ziheng is handed over to the police, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment at most.

But compared to those innocent people he killed, this is absolutely unfair, he must let this guy pay his debts with blood!

What's more, because of Zhang Ziheng's insidious cunning, he is very likely to escape from prison during the process of being detained. Qin Lie is more assured to deal with him by himself.

After explaining to Chen Jinhu, Qin Lie hung up the phone, and then simply wrapped Zhang Ziheng's arms with cloth strips.

For him, as long as Zhang Ziheng doesn't die for a while, he doesn't care if Qin Lie's wound is infected or not.

After finishing all this, Qin Lie first took Zhang Ziheng back to the wooden house.

Qin Lie searched the wooden house and found nothing of value except a bag of arms. Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie quickly came to the beach.

At this time, Chen Jinhu had reached the seaside.

Seeing Qin Lie, Lin Qiuzhu was the first to run over.

"Qin Lie, are you injured? Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

Seeing Qin Lie covered in blood, Lin Qiuzhu, who was full of concern, hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not injured, these are Zhang Ziheng's blood."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

Although Zhang Ziheng and others were a group of gangsters, their kung fu was actually not that great. If they hadn't had guns in their hands, Qin Lie would have been much more difficult to kill them than to kill a few ants.

After confirming that Qin Lie was not injured, Lin Qiuzhu's heart was relieved.

"Brother lie, who is this guy?"

Chen Jinhu glanced at Zhang Ziheng, whose hair was disheveled and covered in blood.

"His name is Zhang Ziheng, and he planned this kidnapping case."

Qin Lie replied.

"No, I got the news that the mastermind who kidnapped you is Cai Zhixiong."

Chen Jinhu said with doubts.

"You must be mistaken, he was the one who kidnapped me."

Qin Lie didn't know about Zhang Ziheng's blinding, but he was sure that Zhang Ziheng was the real culprit behind the scenes.

Hearing Qin Lie say this, Chen Jinhu didn't ask any further questions.

After a brief exchange with Murong Huanyu and Qi Tianchang, Qin Lie asked them to take Zhang Ziheng away first.

Almost as soon as the plane took off, the Xiangjiang police in a speedboat arrived on the island.

Qin Lie briefly told the police about how he escaped and how to fight with the kidnappers, and led them to find the bodies of Liao Hui and others.

At the same time, Qin Lie made up a lie, saying that Zhang Ziheng jumped into the sea and escaped. As for whether the police wanted to believe him or not, he didn’t care at all.

After the confession was recorded, it was already dawn, and Qin Lie, who had returned to the hotel, fell asleep.

Qin Lie slept for six or seven hours and didn't wake up until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Afterwards, Qin Lie went to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then had lunch with Chen Jinhu and the others.

Qin Lie didn't rest after eating, and directly asked Chen Jinhu to take him to see Zhang Ziheng.

At this time, Zhang Ziheng was locked up in a warehouse in Nanwan. This warehouse was found by Murong Huanyu and was absolutely safe.

From the bloodstains on the ground and Zhang Ziheng's swollen face with a pig's head, it is not difficult to see that he was obviously taken special care after arriving at this warehouse.

"Oh, Jin Hu, you are going too far. How can you play such a heavy hand on Boss Zhang? Look at how you beat Boss Zhang."

Qin Lie pretended to be angry and accused Chen Jinhu of the road.

"Okay, don't be merciful, don't cry and be merciful. If you have any means, just use it. If I beg for mercy, I will be your grandson."

Although Zhang Ziheng lost his previous momentum, his mouth was still very hard.

"Oh, you said it's not good for you to take the initiative to cooperate with me, why do you have to ask for trouble."

Qin Lie sighed.

Zhang Ziheng snorted coldly and turned his head to the side, and did not respond any more.

"Jin Hu, help our Boss Zhang loosen his muscles and bones, just don't kill people."

Seeing that Zhang Ziheng was so ignorant of current affairs, Qin Lie didn't waste any more saliva, and handed him over directly to Chen Jinhu, while he and Murong Huanyu went outside for tea.

Chen Jinhu is well versed in many kinds of torture, and most people will collapse in less than half an hour after holding on to him, but he tried his punishments on Zhang Ziheng in turn, and Zhang Ziheng never gave in. .

Leaving aside the rest, Zhang Ziheng's unyielding temperament is quite admirable.

It's a pity that he didn't use it on the right path, otherwise he could at least become a hero of a generation.

"Brother lie, I have used all the methods I can, but this guy is too hard-hearted, he just won't say anything."

Chen Jinhu found Qin Lie and said helplessly.

"Forget it, wait until Brother Chen finds his family before interrogating him."

Qin Lie was not too surprised by this result, after all, the other party was not even afraid of Ling Chi.

However, he vaguely remembered that Zhang Ziheng was a dutiful son in a previous report. As long as he could find Zhang Ziheng's family, it should not be difficult to pry his mouth open.

Just when Qin Lie was about to go back to the hotel first, he suddenly received a call from Chu Mingchen.

"Hey, Qin Lie, my people have found Zhang Ziheng's family. They are hiding on a small island in Malaysia. Should I have someone send them to Xiangjiang now?"

Chu Mingchen said after connecting the phone.

"You don't have to be so troublesome, just let someone shoot a video for them and send it to me."

Qin Lie replied immediately.

"Okay, then I'll send you the video later, and hang up first."

After saying this, Chu Mingchen hung up the phone.

About ten minutes later, Chu Mingchen sent Qin Lie a video.

Qin Lie glanced at it and found that Zhang Ziheng had a good life, his wife was beautiful and sexy, he had both children, and his old mother was still alive.

After watching the video, Qin Lie went straight to Zhang Ziheng.

"Zhang Ziheng, look at these people, do you know them?"

Qin Lie smiled slightly and opened the video.

When he saw that the video turned out to be all his family members, Zhang Ziheng, who was already ready for death, was instantly furious.

"Qin Lie, if you dare to touch my family, I won't let you go!"

Zhang Ziheng roared angrily, his eyes flickering fiercely, as if he was going to swallow Qin Lie alive.

"Okay, don't scare me, I'm not scared."

Qin Lie smiled contemptuously, then glanced at the video again, and said with a pretentious expression: "Don't say, your wife looks really good, it makes my heart move, you ask me if I want to bring her here. , performing an old man pushing a cart in front of you?"

"If you dare to touch her, I will kill your whole family!"

Zhang Ziheng gritted his teeth and roared.

But at this time, he was like a beast trapped in a cage. Although he looked fierce, he couldn't pose any threat to people at all.

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