While Qin Lie was chatting with Murong Huanyu, a man and a woman were having a secret conversation in a European castle thousands of miles away, and the content of their conversation was about Qin Lie.

"A Leng is a waste, let her kill Qin Lie, she almost killed Murong Huanyu, it's really not a pity to die!"

The man scolded coldly. He didn't have a trace of sadness for the death of his subordinates, and vividly explained what it means to be cold-blooded and ruthless.

"This is the end of the matter. Tell your people not to touch Qin Lie. If the Murong family finds out that it was our hand, it will definitely affect our next actions."

The woman then chimed in.

After the devastating blow to Hades Island, Yehun expanded rapidly, and has now successfully replaced the position of Hades Island, becoming recognized as the world's number one killer organization.

But compared with a super family like the Murong family, they are still a lot weaker.

After all, every aristocratic family has hundreds of years of heritage, and it is simply not comparable to a rising star like Yehun.

So after learning that Murong Huanyu was injured and that the Murong family had begun to investigate the matter, the two of them met immediately and finally decided to suspend dealing with Qin Lie.

First, to avoid being found by the Murong family and getting burned.

The second reason is that according to the information they have at present, Qin Lie should not be a remnant of Hades Island, so they naturally don't need to waste time and energy on an insignificant person.

"Okay, then do as you said. By the way, how's the experiment going?"

The man turned around.

"It's very unsatisfactory at the moment. All the experimental subjects in the first phase have died. I don't know which link went wrong."

The woman replied with a heavy expression.

Hearing this, the man frowned.

"I didn't give him everything Pan Yunhe wanted, why did the experiment fail?"

The man asked angrily.

"The specific reason is still unclear, but he has already sent autopsy on those experimental subjects, and some details should be found in the near future."

The woman replied.

"Tell Pan Yunhe to let him speed up the progress of the experiment. I can satisfy any request he has, but if it will delay our night soul's plan to dominate the world, I will sacrifice him to the sky!"

The man said ruthlessly.


The woman nodded in response, then said goodbye and left the room.


Because the injury was not serious, Murong Huanyu went through the discharge procedures that afternoon.

Several people were drinking afternoon tea in the hotel, when Prince Rashid of the United Arab Emirates suddenly appeared.

"Brother Qin, did the kidnappers treat you well?"

After seeing Qin Lie, Rashid immediately asked him with concern.

"I'm fine."

Qin Lie shook his head and said.

"Brother Qin, I'm really sorry. I just went to Europe these days, and I couldn't help you. Please don't mind."

Rasheed said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, the kidnappers kidnapped me carefully, you are useless even in Xiangjiang."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Although Rashid is the prince of the United Arab Emirates, Xiangjiang is not within the sphere of influence of their family, and his presence or absence will have little impact on whether he can be rescued or not.

After explaining that he did not stand idly by, Rasheed waved to his bodyguard, and one of the bodyguards immediately carried a large, assured box and put it on the table.

"What is this?"

Qin Lie asked curiously.

"You'll know when you open it."

Rashid smiled, deliberately maintaining a sense of mystery.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was not polite, got up and opened the box.

"This is... a chicken head!"

After seeing the contents of the box clearly, Qin Lie unconsciously showed a hint of shock.

"Yes, this is the chicken head of one of the zodiac beasts. I got news that it was in the hands of a European collector, so I made a special trip to Europe. It took me two days to Successfully persuaded him to transfer this chicken head to me."

"Now I give it to you as a testimony of our friendship."

Rasheed said with a smile.

Since Qin Lie told Rashid that he was willing to give him the golden scepter for free, Rashid began to think about how to repay Qin Lie.

In his opinion, Qin Lie should not be short of money, he must give him something meaningful, and other animal heads are undoubtedly excellent gifts.

So after going through some soft grinding and hard foaming, he finally successfully got the chicken head, returned to Xiangjiang, and sent it to Qin Lie.

"Thank you Prince Rashid, then I'm welcome."

If it was other gifts, Qin Lie might have refused, but the animal head is very meaningful, he couldn't ask for it, and naturally you would reject it again.

"Brother Qin, you're welcome, it's just my little care, as long as you like it, it won't be in vain for my hard work these days."

Rasheed replied with a smile.

You know, even if he is picking up girls, he has never been so concerned, but in order to successfully get back their holy golden scepter in the Arab world, he can do anything.

"By the way, Brother Qin, when I bought the chicken head, I also found out the whereabouts of the dragon head. It is now in the hands of the head of the Cape family, Worms."

Rashid then gave Qin Lie another big news.

"Can you help me contact this Worms, as long as he is willing to sell me the dragon head, the price is negotiable."

Qin Lie said quickly.

Among the twelve animal heads of the Chinese zodiac, the dragon head is undoubtedly the most special one. After all, the Chinese are the descendants of the dragon, and the dragon has a very high status in the hearts of all Chinese people.

If the dragon head can be returned to the motherland, the whole of China will surely be boiling for it.

"I had someone help to contact Worms before, but he made it clear that he would not sell the dragon head, and from the information I got, the dragon head may never be able to return to China."

Rasheed said with some regret.

"Don't sell it, I'll think of other ways."

Hearing Rasheed's words, Qin Lie didn't say anything more.

In his opinion, the animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs were plundered back then, and as long as the dragon heads can be returned to the motherland, he doesn't mind using some special means.

"Brother Qin, aren't you planning to rob it? I advise you not to do this, or you will be killing yourself."

Rashid quickly reminded the well-meaning Qin Lie.

"Listen to what you mean, is this Cape family very powerful?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise, he had never heard of this family before.

"The Cape family can no longer be described as powerful. It should be said that terror is more appropriate. Their influence spreads throughout Europe, and they are the well-deserved first family in Europe!"

Rashid has always been wild and uninhibited, and no one pays attention to him, but when he mentioned the Cape family, his face became obviously restrained.

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