"Is this family really as strong as you say?"

Qin Lie asked suspiciously.

He knew that there were many ancient and low-key families in Europe, but he really didn't know anything about this Cape family.

However, the other party turned out to be the first family in Europe, which is really unbelievable.

"The Cape family is even more terrifying than what he just said. Let me tell you this. This family was once the most powerful royal family in Europe. Their family originated in China, but they ruled Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Lithuania, Belgium, Brazil, Albania, Greece, the Latin Empire and many others.”

"It is said that in the history of their family, a total of 38 French kings and 9 Portuguese kings have been born, and there are countless other nobles in European countries!"

"To this day, the Capet family has already become the number one family in Europe. They are rich and rival the country, secretly manipulating the economy and politics of Central Europe. They call the wind and call the storm and cover the sky with one hand. In front of the Capet family, even the British royal family is nothing but a A decoration."

Murong Huanyu suddenly interjected to say what he knew about the Cape family. It was not difficult to see from his face that he also had deep fears for the Cape family.

"Then I don't know who the Cape family is stronger than your Murong family?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask.

"Although I don't want to admit it, to be honest, the Cape family is much stronger than our Murong family. Among the eight major families in China, only the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family should be able to stabilize them."

Murong Huanyu said in a deep voice.

The Murong family is a super family with a history of hundreds of years and has a strong heritage, but the Cape family has a long history of nearly a thousand years. In addition, this family has had many kings who ruled Europe, and the family power is indeed more terrifying than them.

After listening to Murong Huan's description, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the stronger the power, the more low-key it is.

Originally, he was thinking of using some special methods to get the dragon head back, but the plan was stillborn before it was implemented.

But this made Qin Lie a little fortunate.

Thanks to him not doing it, if he did, it would be more serious than stabbing a hornet's nest. With his strength against the European overlord, that would be the old birthday star eating arsenic - courting death!

"Brother Qin, I don't think you should play the idea of ​​the dragon head. As far as I know, Worms likes this collection very much. He will never allow anyone to touch the dragon head again."

Rashid persuaded Qin Lie earnestly.

He is a prince of the United Arab Emirates, and he can be regarded as a prominent family, but let alone him, even his father, the king of the United Arab Emirates, can only bow his knees and bow in front of the head of the Cape family.

After all, with the energy of the Cape family, it is enough to kill his father and replace the UAE with a new king.

Of course, unless you really offend the Cape family, the other party will not be able to do such a thing that subverts the regime of another country casually.

"Well, for the time being, I definitely won't think about getting the dragon head back."

Qin Lie nodded.

He never underestimated himself, but he still had self-knowledge.

He is very clear that compared to wealth, he is a poor man in front of the Cape family, and compared to power, people can kill him with a fart. If he goes to grab food from the head of the family, he is really close to death. Far.

But thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, he is still young now, and no one can guarantee how far he will grow in ten years, or even thirty years later.

Maybe at that time, he would starve to death on the street, but he might also become a giant on an equal footing with the Murong family and the Cape family. At that time, he would naturally be able to find the other party and ask for the dragon's head back.

However, no one can tell what will happen in the future. What he has to do now is to keep his feet on the ground, step by step to the top of this world, until he becomes a person that others look up to!

That night, Rashid invited Qin Lie to have dinner with them.

I have to say that this prince is a prince, and he can play even more than Murong Huanyu. He even specially invited five Michelin three-star chefs from abroad and cooked them a sumptuous meal that was comparable to a full-fledged Manchurian feast.

The only pity is that the amount of each dish is too small. If the amount can be doubled, then this dinner will be perfect.

After eating and drinking, Rashid pretended to ask Qin Lie when he would return to Longcheng.

Qin Lie knew very well that Rashid wanted to get the golden scepter as soon as possible.

Considering that he had nothing to do in Xiangjiang, he told Rasheed that he planned to go back tomorrow. Rasheed immediately said that Qin Lie would take his own plane and that they would go together.

The next morning, Qin Lie and his party came to the airport and flew back to Longcheng by Rashid's private jet.

This is not the first time Qin Lie has taken a private jet. The last time he returned to China was Lin Zheng's private jet.

In comparison, Rashid's private jet has a larger space, with a private cinema, small bar, bathroom, karaoke room and other entertainment facilities.

Qin Lie also wanted to own a private plane of his own, so he asked the price of Rashid's plane in the lobby.

After listening to Rashid's introduction, Qin Lie directly dismissed the idea of ​​buying a plane.

Because according to Rashid, the market price of his aircraft is 350 million, but the annual operation and maintenance costs add up to nearly 60 million, which is almost one-fifth of the price of the aircraft.

In other words, five years of operating and maintaining a private jet can buy a new one.

As a person who knows how to be diligent and thrifty at home since he was a child, and Qin Lie is not the kind of business tycoon who needs to fly all over the world, there is really no need for him to buy a private jet just to pretend.

After all, his money is not enough to spend.

At 1 noon, Qin Lie and the others arrived at Longcheng safely.

The group went to have lunch first, and then went to the Lin Family Manor together.

At this time, Lin Zheng had been waiting at home for a long time in advance.

"Qin Lie, the snake head, take it out and let me see it."

Lin Zheng asked impatiently.

"The snake head was sold to Japan..."

Qin Lie didn't hide anything, and simply told Lin Zheng the news that the snake head was stolen and sold.

"Damn, I dare to make any money, this Zhang Ziheng really deserves to be slashed by a thousand swords, and he should be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!"

After listening to Qin Lie's words, Lin Zheng, who has always been happy and angry, couldn't help but swear.

In addition to the preciousness of the snake head itself, there is a more important reason.

He is also a snake. He has been thinking of waiting for Qin Lie to come back, use this real snake head as a model, and then build a fake snake head for his own collection.

But he didn't expect such bad news, Lin Zheng was so angry that he wanted to hack Zhang Ziheng to death.

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