Although Ye Yuqing's body is also eager to be irrigated by the rain, but now it's daytime, plus this is his office, Ye Yuqing is embarrassed to be promiscuous in the daytime.

"What do I want now?"

Qin Lie said anxiously with a monkey face, and his fingers began to slide on the skin that was as smooth as suet and white jade.

"Hold it up! I don't have the willpower, how can it become a big thing in the future."

Ye Yuqing refused Qin Lie very decisively, and at the same time beat his groping hands aside.

"Okay, I'll listen to my sister."

Seeing that Ye Yuqing was unwilling to cooperate, Qin Lie could only try to restrain the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Ye Yuqing had come here, but she could tell at a glance that Qin Lie must be suffering from physical torture at this time.

In order to make him feel better, Ye Yuqing first took out a bottle of iced Coke from the small refrigerator beside the coffee table and handed it to Qin Lie, while changing the subject: "Is this the chicken head?"


Qin Lie nodded, opened the box, took out the chicken head and placed it on the table.

"As expected of a national treasure, this workmanship has nothing to say."

It was the first time Ye Yuqing saw the animal head of the zodiac, and she was immediately shocked by the vivid demeanor of the chicken head.

"This chicken head was bought by Rasheed from a collector in Europe. I'm going to donate it to the National Museum in a few days. What do you think?"

Qin Lie asked Ye Yuqing's opinion.

"Don't donate if you want me to say it."

Ye Yuqing said her attitude after thinking about it.

"Why? This thing is originally a national treasure, and it is only natural to donate it to the country."

Qin Lie asked inexplicably, he originally thought that Ye Yuqing would support him as always, but he did not expect Ye Yuqing to raise an objection.

"I understand what you mean, and I also agree to donate it to the country, but not now, but at an appropriate time."

Ye Yuqing explained.

"Then when do you say it's more appropriate?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"We will donate when we release new products. First, we will build momentum and earn traffic, and second, we will gain a good reputation. Only in this way can we maximize profits."

Ye Yuqing replied again.

"Sister, I don't think we need to donate animal heads to blog, right?"

Although Qin Lie can fully understand Ye Yuqing's intentions, the thought of linking good deeds with interests makes Qin Lie feel a little bit of a show.

"We're not getting attention, but using resources rationally. Anyway, you're all going to donate. I think it's good for us to make some money to enhance our brand influence."

Ye Yuqing has always been in business. In her opinion, donating animal heads is completely incompatible with them making money.

"And don't forget, you spent 200 million to photograph the snake's head before, and your money didn't come from the wind. You can't just spend it without earning it, and you can say it is not, so you will have no money in the future. If you go for development, how can you still have money to do charity and do good deeds? Think for yourself if this is true."

Ye Yuqing continued to analyze for Qin Lie, saying that each statement is reasonable and well-founded.

Originally, Qin Lie was still grumpy, but after hearing Ye Yuqing's words, his heart suddenly became clear.

He found that it was indeed that he had just stepped into a misunderstanding.

As long as he doesn't make unscrupulous money and don't eat human blood buns, even if he doesn't donate beasts to the capital, it's understandable, let alone just to promote a company incidentally when donating, no one can say anything about him.

"Okay, then do as you said, the snake will let you go first."

Qin Lie spoke again.

"Put it in the safe, it's not safe to put it outside."

Ye Yuqing said, got up and went to the safe, entered the password, and opened the cabinet.

Usually, some confidential documents are mainly stored in the safe, and the remaining space is still large, and it is more than enough to store a beast head.

Here, Ye Yuqing had just put the head of the beast in place when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Ye Yuqing replied, and the female secretary opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Ye, Du Shao is here to send you flowers again."

The female secretary said helplessly.

"Just say I'm not here."

Ye Yuqing replied impatiently.

"It's not good to teach others to lie."

A joking voice sounded, and then saw Du Yuheng, who had given medicine to Ye Yuqing and tried to do something wrong, came in from outside.

Originally, Du Yuheng still had the smile of a gentleman on his face, but when he saw that Qin Lie was actually there, his face instantly turned gloomy.

"Who am I supposed to be? It turns out that it's you, a stinky fly. It seems that you are itchy and itchy."

The corners of Qin Lie's mouth were slightly upturned, and he said without a smile.

When he arrived, he did not expect this guy to be immortal and dare to harass Ye Yuqing.

"I tell you not to mess around, or I'll call the police right away!"

Du Yuheng has always been domineering, but as the saying goes, the soft is afraid of the hard, and the hard is afraid of death. For Qin Lie, a ruthless person, Du Yuheng is still very jealous.

"Hey, Young Master Du has learned to call the police. It's really amazing. It seems that the last fight was not in vain."

Qin Lie sneered and continued to sneer.

"Qin Lie, I confessed to Ye Yuqing with integrity. If you dare to beat me again, I promise to put you in jail!"

Du Yuheng pointed at Qin Lie and said sternly.

"In front of my face, you want to confess to my woman, you are so daring, you have the guts to repeat what you just said!"

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous aura pervaded his body.

"You...don't be arrogant, I'm not...not afraid of you."

Because of the fear in his heart, Du Yuheng couldn't even speak.

"Looking at how cowardly you are, if I were you, I would have been hit and killed."

After coldly mocking Du Yuheng, Qin Lie's tone suddenly became sharp.

"Du Yuheng, listen to Lao Tzu. If you dare to attack Lao Tzu's woman, I will chop you up with my own hands!"

While saying this, Qin Lie suddenly burst out with a tyrannical killing intent.

In just an instant, Du Yuheng was enveloped by a strong breath of death.

That feeling, as if he suddenly fell into the nine hells, it seems that he will die without a place to be buried in the next second.

The fear in his heart made Du Yuheng no longer have the courage to stay here. He threw the rose in his hand to the ground and ran away, for fear that he would die in Qin Lie's hands if he ran too slowly.

"What a waste."

Looking at the back of the fleeing man, Qin Lie didn't pursue him any longer.

"This Du Yuheng has often come to send me flowers to confess to me in the past few days. It's so annoying, but after you scared him this time, I should be able to recover."

Ye Yuqing stepped forward and said.

She was very disgusted with Du Yuheng, especially when she was almost tainted by Du Yuheng, which made her feel sick when she saw Du Yuheng.

But Du Yuheng is as thick-skinned as a city wall. In the past few days, he has come to send flowers every day and stalked her. The key is that this guy has learned smart recently, and he has never used strength again, which makes her have nothing but hide from this guy Good solution.

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