The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 584 Bitcoin Plummeted, Blood Loss Of 15 Billion!

"Sister, in the future this guy dares to harass you again - tell me if I don't break his legs, I won't be named Qin!"

Qin Lie said very domineeringly.

For him, Ye Yuqing is his ban, even if it is the king of heaven, don't even think about hitting Ye Yuqing's idea.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you if he comes again in the future. Come, drink some water."

Ye Yuqing said and quickly changed the subject.

She knows Qin Lie too well. She values ​​love and righteousness, and is rebellious, but sometimes she acts too impulsive.

Because of this, she didn't tell Qin Lie when Du Yuheng came to harass her these days, mainly because she was worried that if Qin Lie made a mistake and killed Du Yuheng, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And now Qin Lie gave Du Yuheng a warning, so that Du Yuheng would not dare to harass her at will in the future, the result was better for her.

After the two chatted in the office for a while, Ye Yuqing took Qin Lie to a candlelight dinner at Qinglu restaurant outside.

After eating, seeing that it was still early, the two took a walk along the road and unknowingly came to the vicinity of Wang Congcong's company Panda Entertainment.

Qin Lie looked up at Wang Congcong's office and found that the lights were still on in his office, so he discussed with Ye Yuqing and the two came to Wang Congcong's company together.

"Is your President Wang still in the office?"

In the lobby on the first floor, Qin Lie looked at the security guard on duty and asked.

"Yes, he is still working overtime."

Security replied.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

After confirming that Wang Congcong was in the company, Qin Lie went upstairs. The security did not stop him because he had seen Qin Lie and knew that he was a friend of Wang Congcong.

After arriving at the door of Wang Congcong's office, Qin Lie did not rush in, but put his ear on the door to eavesdrop on the movement inside.

"Xiaolie, what are you doing?"

Ye Yuqing asked in confusion.

"Shh, be quiet, let me see if Wang Congcong is really working overtime or picking up girls in the name of overtime."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

As far as he knows, Wang Congcong is not the kind of workaholic who forgets to eat and sleep, so he seriously suspects that this overtime is tricky.


After hearing Qin Lie's words, Ye Yuqing couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him.

However, Qin Lie didn't care, he lay on the door and eavesdropped for a while, until he was sure that nothing happened in the room as he imagined, and then he knocked on the door.

Soon a voice came from inside the house.

Qin Lie pushed open the door and entered. At a glance, he was sure that Wang Congcong was not hiding in the house, and he was the only one in the room.

"Just put the takeaway on the coffee table."

After saying this sentence without raising his head, Wang Congcong continued to stare at the computer screen and kept tapping the mouse and keyboard, unaware that Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing came in.

Upon seeing this, Qin Lie quietly came to Wang Congcong's side.

In front of Wang Congcong were two computers with multiple pages open. Qin Lie looked at them, but they were all in English, and he couldn't understand them either.

"Cong Cong, why are you working so hard today that you don't even care to eat? This doesn't fit your image."

Qin Lie patted Wang Congcong's shoulder and joked with a smile.

Hearing someone talking to him, Wang Congcong turned his head.

When he found out that it was Qin Lie, Wang Congcong was taken aback.

"Qin Lie? When did you come?"

Wang Congcong asked in surprise.

"It's only been two minutes."

Qin Lie replied.

"You sit there for a while, and I'll talk about it later."

After saying this, Wang Congcong continued to operate the computer.

Seeing that Wang Congcong was so busy, Qin Lie didn't bother him and sat down on the sofa with Ye Yuqing.

A few minutes later, a takeaway came and delivered a cross-bridge rice noodle to Wang Congcong.

Considering that the cross-bridge rice noodle would be boring for too long and not tasty, Qin Lie told Wang Congcong to let him come over for dinner first, but the guy hummed and continued to focus on his computer.

Ye Yuqing and Wang Congcong have known each other for more than two years, and it was the first time in her life that she saw Wang Congcong so sleepless.

Out of curiosity, Ye Yuqing came to Wang Congcong's computer to see what he was doing.

"Fuck, finally stabilized the fundamentals!"

At this moment, Wang Congcong slapped the table and stood up abruptly from his seat.


After taking a deep breath, Wang Congcong turned his attention to Qin Lie.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, hurry up and eat, the rice noodles are all full."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Wang Congcong walked to the coffee table, opened the box, and ate it in a big mouth. If he hadn't known Wang Congcong's identity, no one would have thought that this would be a top rich second generation.

After eating all the rice noodles, Wang Congcong drank two more sips of soup, then wiped his mouth and said, "Qin Lie, what's the matter with you coming to me?"

"It's alright, I didn't just walk with Sister Yuqing and just walked to your company to stay, so I came to see you."

Qin Lie explained with a smile, and then the conversation changed, "What were you doing just now, why don't you even bother to eat?"

"I was adding bitcoin just now. I've been busy with it for the past three days. Let alone eating, I can't even sleep. You see, I have dark circles under my eyes."

Wang Congcong pointed at his eyes.

Qin Lie glanced at it, Wang Congcong really had dark circles under his eyes, and his face was much haggard than before.

"It seems that Shao Wang has been working really hard recently. By the way, what is the current bitcoin price? Are we winning or losing?"

Qin Lie asked next.

Since he decided to partner with Wang Congcong to speculate on Bitcoin, Qin Lie has invested more than 3 billion at one time. The most important thing is that Wang Congcong directly made a tenfold leverage, which is almost equivalent to investing more than 30 billion. The risk behind this is quite huge.

"Cough, that... the current market situation is not very good, but you don't have to worry too much, everything is still under my control."

Wang Congcong coughed dryly, his expression very unnatural.

"So, it should be a loss, right?"

Qin Lie stared at Wang Congcong and said.


Wang Congcong nodded.

"How much did you lose?"

Qin Lie continued to ask.

"I lost... I lost..."

Seeing that Wang Congcong hesitated for a long time without giving an accurate number, Qin Lie was also a little impatient.

"Just say how much you lost, and I won't hit you."

"I lost almost thirty percent."

Wang Congcong said after hesitating for a while.

"What's wrong with me, can you give me a specific number!"

Qin Lie shouted with a dark face.

Although he only invested more than 3 billion, Wang Congcong added ten times the leverage. Only based on his total investment can he calculate how much he lost.

"I invested nearly 50 billion back and forth, and I am currently losing nearly 15 billion."

Wang Congcong knew that paper could not contain fire, so he could only tell Qin Lie the truth.

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