Feng Xiao turned around and glanced at the source of the sound. In an instant, half of his soul was lost.

Not daring to pause, Feng Xiao quickly ran to the person who was speaking.

"Master, forgive me, I didn't mean to disturb you."

Feng Xiao bowed his knees, nodded, and bowed, it looked like a humble person.

"Tang Yuhuang!"

Qin Lie glanced at Feng Xiao, and was surprised to find that the person who came was Tang Yuhuang, a beautiful man who had a relationship with him!

Hearing someone calling his name, Tang Yuhuang turned to look at Qin Lie, and he also recognized Qin Lie.

With three steps and two steps, Tang Yuhuang quickly came to Qin Lie's side.

"Qin Lie, why are you here?"

Tang Yuhuang asked curiously.

"My brother was beaten, I'm here to seek justice for him, who knows that the manager of this nightclub is too double-standard, my brother was so angry that he kicked him, and then it turned into what you see now already."

Qin Lie explained briefly.

"Feng Xiao, is this the case?"

Tang Yuhuang turned to look at Feng Xiao and asked.

"That... eldest young master, I didn't know he was your friend."

Feng Xiaocheng replied in a panic.

Don't look at him usually showing off his power in the prosperous dynasty, but in front of Tang Yuhuang, he didn't dare to make a sound.

Although Feng Xiao did not give a positive answer, Tang Yuhuang had already guessed what happened just now.


Tang Yuhuang slapped Feng Xiao's face.

His slap was so hard that Feng Xiao stumbled and fell to the ground.

However, Feng Xiao didn't show any anger. After getting up from the ground, he quickly bent over and stood in front of Tang Yuhuang, with a stance of being beaten and beaten.

"Shit, apologize to Qin Lie immediately!"

Tang Yuhuang shouted coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Feng Xiao chicken nodded as if pecking at the rice, and hurriedly said to Qin Lie, "Mr. Qin, I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. Damn it, please let me have a lot of money."

"Qin Lie, tell me, what do you want to do with him?"

Tang Yuhuang continued.

"That's it, we didn't suffer just now anyway."

Qin Lie said lightly.

He could see clearly that Feng Xiao was so humble at this time entirely because of Tang Yuhuang, and he naturally wouldn't push his nose on his face.

"Why are you still stunned? Why don't you thank Qin Lie quickly?"

While speaking, Tang Yuhuang kicked Feng Xiao again.

"Thank you Mr. Qin for your generosity."

Feng Xiao hurriedly thanked him, but in his heart he was glad that Qin Lie didn't let Tang Yuhuang clean up, otherwise he would definitely end up miserably.

Qin Lie didn't talk to Feng Xiao anymore, but turned his attention to Fei Lian, the initiator.

"Fei Lian, did you do it yourself or did I do it?"

Qin Lie stared at Fei Liandao with a cold smile.

Although Qin Lie's words were a bit vague, Fei Lian immediately understood the meaning of these words.

"Qin Lie, keep everything on the line. I really want to see you in the future. I advise you not to do anything."

Fei Lian gritted his teeth and replied.

He originally wanted to watch a good show, but he didn't see it, and now he has become extremely passive.

If he knew it would be such a result, he should have slipped away just now.

But there is no medicine for regret in this world, and he can only hope that Qin Lie can give him some face because he is afraid of the power of the Xu family.

"Haha, what you said is too ridiculous. It's obviously because you are too good at doing things. You want to use Feng Xiao's hand to clean up me, but unfortunately it is self-defeating. Now you bite back. You are really shameless."

Qin Lie laughed loudly and sneered unceremoniously.

"Qin Lie, was he the one who beat up your brother just now?"

Tang Yuhuang interjected.

"It's not him, it's that bastard!"

Qi Tianchang pointed at Wei Pengdao angrily, just like the wronged daughter-in-law.

"Feng Xiao, break his limbs and throw him out."

Tang Yuhuang commanded coldly.

"Tang Shao, can you let me do it myself?"

Before Feng Xiao could respond, Qi Tianchang asked quickly.


Tang Yuhuang didn't know Qi Tianchang, but just because Qi Tianchang was Qin Lie's friend, he would not refuse.

"Thank you Tang Shao."

After hearing Tang Yuhuang's words, Qi Tianchang's face immediately showed excitement.

"Boy, don't say that the young master bullies you, we two are one-on-one, as long as you can beat me, I will let you go."

Qi Tianchang looked at Wei Fengdao with a grin.

"Brother save me!"

Wei Peng just called because he couldn't beat Qi Tianchang, so he didn't dare to fight Qi Tianchang, and hurriedly asked Fei Lian for help.

However, Fei Lian couldn't protect himself from the Bodhisattva crossing the river at this time. He didn't have the mind to take care of Wei Peng, so he turned his head to the side, and Quan Cheng didn't hear anything.

"Boy, the young master is about to do it, eat the young master with a punch!"

Qi Tianchang showed no mercy, and immediately rushed forward and punched Wei Peng in the face.

Wei Peng has been drinking and having fun all day long, and he has long been hollowed out by the wine. He is not Qi Tianchang's opponent at all. With just one punch, his nose bleeds.

After seeing the blood, Qi Tianchang, like a bloodthirsty wolf, attacked even more brutally.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Peng was beaten out of human form, and his limbs were in a twisted shape, and he seemed to have lost half his life.

"Waste, if you see your grandfather Qi in the future, hide away from me, or I will hit you every time I see you! hetui~"

After venting the bad breath in his chest, Qi Tianchang spit out a thousand-year-old phlegm on him!

At this time, Wei Peng had already been beaten to the death. Except for the constant humming, he could no longer resist.

"Qin Lie, you also beat my people, now I can go."

Fei Lian suppressed the anger in his heart.

Seeing his little brother being beaten, but he didn't dare to do anything, this has made him face disgrace.

"Sure, but I wish you could crawl out like a dog."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched, and he put forward his own conditions with a smile.

In fact, he didn't intend to treat Fei Lian like this, who made this guy so arrogant just now, Qin Lie can only teach him how to be a low-key person.

"Brother Qin, what you said is wrong. He was originally a dog, and it was not difficult for him to climb out."

Fan Chang unceremoniously fell down the stone road.

"Don't deceive people too much!"

The angry Fei Lian roared in exasperation, with a strong killing intent in his cold eyes.

"You don't have to listen to Qin Lie, but I promise you will be like him."

Tang Yuhuang, who was standing beside him, spoke indifferently.

He doesn't care who is right or wrong in this matter, he will only stand on Qin Lie's side.

Fei Lian's heart was full of anger, he really wanted to fight Qin Lie to the death.

But in the end he held back.

Because he knew Tang Yuhuang's identity very well, even his master Xu Fanzhou would not dare to offend the superhero.

In order to survive, Fei Lian finally chose to endure the humiliation.


Fei Lian knelt on his knees like a dog, crawling outside without dignity.

But for a person like him who can betray even his adoptive father, his dignity has long been fed to the dog, and living is more important than anything else.

"Fei Lian, bark and crawl, or who knows if you're a dog or a pig."

Qin Lie suddenly stopped Fei Lian and took the opportunity to continue humiliating him.

"Wang Wang Wang."

Fei Lian looked at Qin Lie with resentment, and then really barked like a dog.

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