"Hahahaha, that's awesome!"

Hearing Fei Lian learn to bark, Qin Lie and the others immediately burst into laughter.

The bursts of laughter were like thorns piercing Fei Lian's heart, and Fei Lian's face was ashen with extreme anger, and he almost exploded in place.

But in the end, he resisted all the humiliation and climbed towards the elevator.

"What are you doing here, get out of here!"

Qin Lie then shouted at Fei Lian's subordinates.

Hearing this, the group of people didn't hesitate, and immediately ran away.

"By the way, Yu Huang, Fei Lian and the others seem to have not settled the bill just now."

Qin Lie then reminded Tang Yuhuang.

"Don't worry, no one dares to come to me to drink Bawang wine."

Tang Yuhuang replied lightly, and then directed at Feng Xiao, "Calculate their consumption and give me a lot of money to get it back."


Feng Xiao nodded, and quickly trotted away.

"Qin Lie, if you're okay, let's have two drinks together."

Tang Yuhuang took the initiative to invite.


Although Tang Yuhuang had a special orientation, he had helped him just now, so Qin Lie agreed after thinking about it.

"Brother Qin, go up. Boss Fan and I are waiting for you here."

Qi Tianchang didn't know if Tang Yuhuang called Qin Lie for any special purpose, but he was very sensible and didn't follow.

Qin Lie did not force Qi Tianchang, and followed Tang Yuhuang to the supreme box on the third floor.

This supreme box and the ordinary box below are completely two concepts. The decoration is called a luxurious atmosphere. It is like coming to the palace hall, and it reveals a luxurious and noble atmosphere everywhere.

There were two other foreign men in the box at this time.

These two are very handsome, but one of them has a feminine air, and the two behave very closely, like a couple in love.

"Let me introduce you, this is my friend William, this is Andrew, both of them are gay."

Tang Yuhuang took the initiative to introduce the two, without concealing the fact that the two were gay.


Qin Lie greeted them with a smile.

Although he does not discriminate against gays, he is still a little uncomfortable being in the same room with three gays at the same time.


Both William and Andrew responded very politely.

"Qin Lie, you should already know that I'm gay, right?"

Tang Yuhuang asked very straightforwardly.

"Oh, I see."

Qin Lie nodded.

"Do you look down on me for this?"

Tang Yuhuang then asked, his eyes fixed on Qin Lie without blinking at the same time.

"No, no, I have always treated homosexuals and heterosexuals equally. I have always felt that a person prefers the opposite sex or the same sex is his freedom, outsiders have no right to interfere, and I never discriminate against homosexuals."

Qin Lie immediately expressed his opinion.

In the past, he really couldn't understand why some people liked homosexuality, but after he was gradually exposed to some homosexuals because of volunteer work in college, his views on homosexuality gradually changed.

To this day, he no longer rejects nor looks at this special group with colored eyes, but he has not changed his sexual orientation because of this, he still only likes beautiful women!

"I didn't expect you to have the same opinion about homosexuality as I do. We are really heroes and see the same thing."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Tang Yuhuang's gaze towards Qin Lie became more and more gentle, and his eyes were obviously like he was looking at his lover.

"Cough, although I have no prejudice against homosexuality, I personally still like women, and I already have a girlfriend."

Qin Lie was afraid that Tang Yuhuang would suddenly confess to him again, so he quickly added another sentence.

"Why are you telling me this, is it because you are afraid that I will bend you?"

Tang Yuhuang laughed recently and asked with a playful face.

"No, I just said it casually."

Qin Lie quickly denied it.

"You don't have to lie to me, I know what you're thinking. Yes, I like you. If you can give me a chance, I promise to let you experience the purest love in the world."

Tang Yuhuang said with a smile.

Hearing this unexpected confession, Qin Lie almost sat on the ground.

"Tang Shao, thank you for your love, but I'm just a layman, I really only like women."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched and said very clearly.

How embarrassed he was at this time, he even regretted agreeing to Tang Yuhuang's invitation.

"It seems that your ideological level still needs to be improved. If you want me to say, the love between men and women is just for sex. Only men and women in this world are true love!"

"Just like Andrew and William, the love between them is very pure. Before they encountered a terrorist attack, Andrew did not hesitate to use his body to block bullets for William in order to save him, and his actions also moved God, which made him He was shot three times and survived."

Tang Yuhuang continued to express his views, and when he looked at Andrew, there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

"Although my ideological awareness is not as high as yours, I don't agree with your opinion. I think the love between men and women is often more pure. As long as it is true love, they can definitely give their lives for each other!"

Qin Lie immediately retorted.

He has personally experienced this, for example, he and Chen Xiaoyu, he and Ye Yuqing, they can sacrifice their lives for each other!

"I admit that the situation you mentioned does exist, but it is too rare. Many men and women are basically together to satisfy the primitive flesh-lust. Because of this, there are scumbags who are scumbags in society today. Women are everywhere."

"But it's different between people of the same sex. They will really think about each other and continue to be friends even if they break up."

Tang Yuhuang argued with reason.

"Then what, let's not talk about this topic, we are not participating in the debate, there is no need to score a high or low, you say yes."

Qin Lie quickly changed the subject.

Although Tang Yuhuang's words made some sense, they seemed to Qin Lie to be arrogant, but he was not interested in continuing to waste time on this topic.

"Okay, stop talking."

Tang Yuhuang knew that his worldview was fundamentally different from Qin Lie's, so he did not force Qin Lie to agree with his point of view.

Then Tang Yuhuang took out another clean glass, poured a glass of red wine in it and handed it to Qin Lie.

"Come on, have a drink."

Qin Lie didn't refuse, took the wine glass and touched Tang Yuhuang, then took a sip.

I don't know what brand this red wine is, but it has a mellow aroma and a sweet aftertaste. It is definitely a rare wine.

Before he knew it, a small glass of red wine entered Qin Lie's stomach, and he was still a little unsure.

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