"How is it, my wine is not bad, right?"

Tang Yuhuang asked with a smile.

"Well, it's really good. This wine shouldn't be cheap, right?"

Qin Lie nodded and replied.

"Hey, this wine is made by myself. I have a winery in France. Every summer, after the grapes are ripe, I will personally brew a batch of red wine, but the wine I make is only for my friends, and everyone else has money. Can't drink."

Tang Yuhuang said slightly proudly.

"I didn't expect you to be so versatile. Your skills are probably comparable to those of those wine masters."

Qin Lie praised without hesitation.

He didn't mean to compliment Tang Yuhuang, because Tang Yuhuang's wine really tasted very good, completely comparable to the hundreds of thousands of bottles of famous wine that Qin Lie had drunk before.

"I'm not boasting. Many wine masters in France do not necessarily brew as well as me. If I didn't expect to make money from selling wine, my wine would definitely be famous at home and abroad."

Tang Yuhuang said proudly.

He has been studying winemaking for eight years. During these eight years, he has learned from many master winemakers. By learning from the strengths of many families and adding his own understanding of wine, he has created a winemaking secret that is unique to him.

But for a top rich young man like him, winemaking is just a way to cultivate sentiment and purify the soul, and he doesn't care about the three melons and two dates he earns from selling wine.

Hearing Tang Yuhuang's words, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the people in the city just know how to play.

If he hadn't found Roberts' treasure by chance, let alone sitting here chatting and laughing with Tang Yuhuang, he might still be worrying about next month's rent.

Next, Qin Lie followed Tang Yuhuang and the three to chat casually while drinking.

During the chat, Qin Lie learned again that the muscular man Andrew turned out to be the prince of the Netherlands!

However, because of coming out of the closet, Andrew voluntarily gave up his right to inherit the throne and acted in a romantic story of "love beautiful men but not the country" with practical actions.

And this William's identity is also unusual. He is one of the top ten consortiums in the United States, the direct bloodline of the Rockefeller family.

Usually, top-class sons like them are surrounded by beautiful women, who spend their days drinking and singing every night, but they are like an outlier who only likes men.

However, both of them belong to the kind of open-minded people who don't care what other people think. For them, their own life is their own decision, and a happy life is more important than anything else.

"Yuhuang, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

Qin Lie looked at the time, it was ten o'clock, and he said goodbye to Tang Yuhuang.

"Otherwise, don't leave, and stay with me today."

Tang Yuhuang looked at Qin Lie with affection.

That look instantly made Qin Lie play smart.

"I have something to do at home, I have to leave quickly."

Qin Lie hurriedly found a reason to reply, for fear that he would lose his chrysanthemum if he walked slowly.

"Haha, it scares you, I'm just joking with you."

Tang Yuhuang laughed and teased.

Although Qin Lie was very attractive to him, he knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he would slowly bend Qin Lie and let Qin Lie be his comrade willingly!

Then Tang Yuhuang gave Qin Lie a few bottles of red wine brewed by himself, and accompanied him to the second floor.

As soon as he entered the door, Qin Lie saw Qi Tianchang hugging from side to side in the box, so happy.

"You're really healed, the scar forgot to hurt."

Qin Lie said angrily.

If it weren't for the bruises on his face, who would have thought that Qi Tianchang had just been beaten an hour or two ago.

"Hey, it's not that I'm too boring to wait, I'm just looking for some fun."

Qi Tianchang laughed dryly.

"Have you finished finding the music? Let's go when you're done."

Qin Lie continued.

"Why don't you go first, I haven't done it yet."

Qi Tian often came to the prosperous dynasty for the sake of eating meat, and now that the meat was just on the table, of course he was reluctant to leave.

"Only this time, the next time is not an example."

Qin Lie knew very well that a carnivore like Qi Tianchang really had to open meat occasionally, otherwise, being vegetarian all the time would only cause this guy's rebellious psychology, which would be detrimental to his transformation, so he didn't force him to leave with him.

"Thank you Brother Qin."

Hearing that Qin Lie agreed to stay and continue to have fun, Qi Tianchang was as excited as a chicken blood.

"By the way, what about Boss Fan?"

Qin Lie scanned the room and didn't find Fan Chang, so he asked a question.

"He has something to do at home and has to go back first."

Qi Tianchang replied quickly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't say anything more.

Then Qi Tianchang sent Qin Lie to the gate, and then hurriedly returned to Wenrou Township to be happy.

Ye Yuqing, who had been waiting in the taxi, saw Qin Lie come out, and quickly got out of the car and walked over.

"Qin Lie, why is it taking so long? Nothing happened, right?"

Ye Yuqing was worried about Qin Lie just now. If she hadn't known that she couldn't help, she would have gone to the nightclub to find Qin Lie.

"Don't worry, everything is going well, I just happened to meet a friend and chat a few more words."

Qin Lie quickly explained.

"Qin Lie, is this your girlfriend?"

Tang Yuhuang, who sent Qin Lie down, looked up and down at Ye Yuqing and asked.

"Well, she's my girlfriend Ye Yuqing, Yuqing, this is..."

"You don't need to introduce me. If I don't know the most beautiful man in Longcheng, I will be too ignorant."

Ye Yuqing interrupted Qin Lie.

"Miss Ye is really charming and charming, no wonder she can fascinate Brother Qin."

Tang Yuhuang praised with a smile.

Ye Yuqing is intellectual and gentle, with a mature femininity on her body, and has a strong lethal power to men. Even Tang Yuhuang has to admit that she is indeed charming.

Of course, this is just his objective evaluation of Ye Yuqing, he will not be moved by a woman.

"Thank you for your praise, Tang Shao, but Tang Shao is the real handsome and handsome. Compared with you, I'm afraid that Pan An and Song Yu will feel ashamed when they are reborn."

Ye Yuqing is a businessman, and the scene is more beautiful than what Tang Yuhang said.

"Miss Ye is joking. I'm far worse than I'm afraid of Pan An and Song Yu. Besides, no matter how beautiful the skin is, it can't compare to an interesting soul. I hope others will pay attention to my talent rather than my appearance."

Tang Yuhuang replied humbly.

He has been talented since he was a child, but people always only pay attention to his appearance and ignore his talent, which makes him quite distressed.

"Yuhuang, it's getting late, I'll go first, we'll talk another day when there is time."

Qin Lie suddenly interjected, he didn't want the two of them to talk anymore, if they became 'good sisters' in a while, he would be in trouble.

"Go, go, go slowly."

Tang Yuhuang replied with a smile, but did not hold back.

After saying goodbye to Tang Yuhuang, Qin Lie took Ye Yuqing in a taxi to Wang Congcong's company again.

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