"Yes, I'm Zhao Xiaoying."

Zhao Xiaoying smiled sweetly, took a few more steps towards Qin Lie, and finally stopped two meters away from Qin Lie.

"I don't know what you call handsome guy?"

Zhao Xiaoying then asked.

"My name is Qin Lie."

Qin Lie replied.

"Brother Qin, you should have been practicing martial arts for many years. I think your kung fu is much better than those of our crew."

Zhao Xiaoying looked at Qin Lie and asked very kindly, without any pretense of being a big star.

"I just practice casually when I have nothing to do. My three-legged cat kung fu is not worth mentioning in the eyes of those real masters."

Qin Lie replied modestly.

"Brother Qin, you are too low-key. The martial arts stars I know are probably not as good as you."

Zhao Xiaoying continued to praise her, her mouth was sweet.

"Miss Zhao, you're just trying to kill me. I'm not that good. By the way, I don't know if Miss Zhao has anything to do with me?"

Qin Lie changed the subject and asked.

You must know that he and Zhao Xiaoying had never met before. Today is the first time they met, but the other party gave him a good feeling.

She is beautiful, can talk, and is polite. It is no wonder that she has become popular all over the country and has become one of the four most popular actresses in the entertainment industry today.

"Actually, I don't have anything to do. I just want to get acquainted with Brother Qin, your neighbor, and get to know each other well in advance, so that if I have anything to ask for help, it will be inconvenient."

Zhao Xiaoying explained with a smile.

"Neighbors? Do you live next door to me?"

Qin Lie asked with a look of surprise.

"That's right. The villa next to you is mine, but I seldom came here before, basically only once a month or two, but I will definitely live here in the future, and I also invite Brother Qin. Take care."

Zhao Xiaoying replied quickly.

"You're welcome, we'll just take care of each other."

Qin Lie replied very kindly.

Ye Yuqing lived in a single-family villa, and there was another one next to their villa, but since Qin Lie and Ye Yuqing lived together, he hadn't seen anyone living in that house. He thought no one lived there, but he didn't expect it to be Zhao Xiaoying's house.

"Actually, we barely met half a month ago, but Brother Qin may not remember."

Zhao Xiaoying suddenly said such a sentence.

"You're mistaken, when will we meet?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown.

Zhao Xiaoying is not only a beautiful woman, but also a big star. If he has met the other party, he will never forget it.

"In Lucheng, when the Han Zongjin store opened."

Zhao Xiaoying reminded Qin Lie.

Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately recalled the memory in his mind again.

"Oh, I remembered, Han Yixian invited you to be a guest when he opened the business, right?"

After a while, Qin Lie finally recalled what Zhao Xiaoying meant.

"Yes, I was going to sing a song at the time, but then Su Xiaoxiao was suddenly kidnapped and the opening ceremony was forced to be interrupted. The security guard and I evacuated first. We looked at each other when we passed by. At a glance, Brother Qin, it's normal that you don't remember me."

Zhao Xiaoying is one of several heavyweight guests at the opening of Han Yixian's gold store. If everything is normal, Han Yixian will definitely introduce her to Qin Lie, but then unexpectedly, she quit the show without even performing.

But because Qin Lie rushed to the stage to save Su Xiaoxiao, she was impressed by Qin Lie.

"I didn't expect that we could become neighbors. Fate is really wonderful."

Qin Lie sighed with a smile.

Zhao Xiaoying is one of the hottest female stars at present, with tens of millions of fans. How many people squatted at the airport to chase stars and chased the crew. As a result, he became a neighbor directly with others. If those fans knew about this, they would be envious.

"I'm really glad to be neighbors with Brother Qin. With a master like Brother Qin living next door to me, I no longer have to be afraid of those crazy fans harassing me."

Zhao Xiaoying said with a smile.

"Don't worry, our Palm Springs community is still very strict, and most people can't get in at all."

Qin Lie continued.

The Palm Springs community is one of the most high-end communities in Longcheng. The security guards hired are all veterans. The security is very strict, and they pay great attention to the personal privacy of the owners.

Because of this, there are many rich and famous people living here.

"I know what you said, but some fans are very crazy and dare to do anything. For example, I met a fan when I was filming in Suzhou and Hangzhou last year. Fortunately, my assistant found out and called the police in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Zhao Xiaoying is in the entertainment industry. Over the years, she has met many strange fans. Some of them have even gone crazy because of chasing stars. It's scary to say it.

"Your concern is indeed quite reasonable, but don't worry, as long as you are in the community, no matter what kind of fan you have, I will help you settle it."

Qin Lie said confidently.

He knew very well that Zhao Xiaoying was not being alarmist. After all, he had only personally experienced Su Xiaoxiao being kidnapped by fans with a knife more than half a month ago. If Xing Feng had not shot the crazy guy in time, Su Xiaoxiao might have been stunned. perished.

"Then I will thank Brother Qin in advance."

Zhao Xiaoying quickly bowed to Qin Lie and thanked him.

The moment she bent over, Qin Lie, who was condescending, suddenly found that there was a vacuum inside Zhao Xiaoying, she was more predictable than she thought!

"This is at least a C. It seems that seeing is believing and hearing is false."

Qin Lie secretly underestimated in his heart.

He remembered reading an entertainment magazine before, saying that Zhao Xiaoying was too small, that is, a b, but the real thing obviously did not match the description of the magazine.

However, Qin Lie quickly figured out the reason behind this.

Because Zhao Xiaoying was still single at that time, now she is already a divorced person-wife.

Although Zhao Xiaoying and her husband had a flash marriage and divorce, the marriage lasted for less than a year and they had no children, but after a man's massage, it was normal for them to develop a second time.

"Brother Qin, you haven't had breakfast yet, why don't you go out to eat together?"

Zhao Xiaoying then invited and said that she didn't seem to know that she had just disappeared.

"No, I'll go home and eat later."

Qin Lie immediately replied without squinting, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Okay then, I'll treat you to dinner when I have time another day. By the way, can you tell me your mobile phone number, and I can ask you for help in case I get into trouble someday."

Zhao Xiaoying said again.

Qin Lie did not refuse, but told Zhao Xiaoying his mobile phone number, and Zhao Xiaoying also told Qin Lie his mobile phone number.

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