After the two exchanged their contact information, they chatted and laughed and started to return the same way. When they reached the gravel path in front of the villa, they parted ways and went back to their respective homes.

"You timed it right. You came back as soon as my meal was ready."

In front of the restaurant, Ye Yuqing, who had just set the table and chopsticks, said with a smile.

"Sister Yuqing really worked hard for you. You got up so tired yesterday and made breakfast for me. It is definitely the luckiest thing in my life to meet you."

Qin Lie stepped forward and hugged Ye Yuqing's waist and said with a happy face.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Yuqing is a domineering female president who acts vigorously and resolutely, but in his eyes, Ye Yuqing is a good wife and mother, and he is really grateful to God for sending this woman to his side.

"Okay, stop flattering, wash your hands and eat quickly."

Ye Yuqing glanced at Qin Lie angrily.

"As ordered."

Qin Lie kissed Ye Yuqing lightly on the face, quickly went to wash his hands, and sat down with Ye Yuqing at the dining table.

"Wow, Cordyceps and wolfberry porridge is so good for breakfast. It's a bit extravagant."

Qin Lie said with a look of amazement.

"This is a reward for you. You put in so much effort last night. You have to make up for it. I'll make you a soft-shelled turtle and deer whip soup at noon."

Ye Yuqing said shyly, like a newly married Yan Er's little daughter-in-law.

Although she knew that Qin Lie was fierce, she still had to make up when it was time to make up, which was also to prepare for her future sexual well-being.

"It seems that there will be another fierce battle tonight. Sister Yuqing, you have a sinister intention."

Qin Lie picked up the porridge bowl and joked with a smile.

"Don't be poor, eat your food quickly."

Ye Yuqing glared at Qin Lie and said.

She knows that she can't always occupy Qin Lie, but now Qin Lie belongs to her, of course she must enjoy the joy of being a woman.

Otherwise, when she is alone in the empty room, she can only rely on those toys to relieve her loneliness.

Qin Lie didn't joke with Ye Yuqing anymore, and hurriedly picked up the porridge and ate it.

In addition to the Cordyceps wolfberry porridge, there is also a shredded potato fried with bread eggs and Ye Yuqing on the table.

This meal is not too rich, but Qin Lie eats it with relish.

"By the way, Sister Yuqing, I want to ask you something. Do you know that our neighbor is the big star Zhao Xiaoying?"

After breakfast, Qin Lie asked casually.

"I've known it for a long time, but she seldom lives here. I don't see her a few times a year. Why are you asking this?"

Ye Yuqing replied quickly.

She bought a house earlier than Zhao Xiaoying, and Zhao Xiaoying moved in about two years ago, but one of them is a strong woman and the other is a big star.

"I just happened to meet her when I went out to practice boxing. We chatted a few times. She said that she will live here forever."

Qin Lie didn't hide the fact that he saw Zhao Xiaoying.

"Stay here forever, what's so strange about it? Could it be that you still want to bring people into the harem?"

The corners of Ye Yuqing's mouth were slightly raised, and she asked with a deep expression on her face.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just telling you about it, I don't have any thoughts about her."

Qin Lie hurriedly clarified.

Zhao Xiaoying has an outstanding appearance and a good figure, but there are enough women around him, so he will not go to mess with flowers.

"Hmph, I forgive you that you don't dare."

Ye Yuqing did not doubt what Qin Lie said.

After all, she and Qin Lie have experienced life and death together. She knows Qin Lie's character better than anyone else. He is definitely not the kind of womanizer who can't walk when he sees beautiful women.

After the two chatted a few more times, Qin Lie took the initiative to wash the dishes, and then went out shopping with Ye Yuqing.

Today is Wednesday, but Ye Yuqing deliberately gave herself a holiday, she wanted to have a good life with Qin Lie.

After shopping and shopping for clothes, the two went to the vegetable market again.

Ye Yuqing originally wanted to buy a deer whip to nourish Qin Lie's body, but as a result, this thing had to be pre-ordered, and there was no immediate sale, so Ye Yuqing had no choice but to buy a bull-whip.

In addition, she also bought oysters, sea cucumbers, sheep kidneys, pigeons and other ingredients that have the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying yang.

At noon that day, Ye Yuqing turned into a chef and cooked a table of nourishing meals, one dish was harder than the other.

And the efficacy of these dishes did not disappoint Ye Yuqing. Not long after eating, Qin Lie felt that his blood was on the rise, and he felt like he was going to poke a hole in the sky.

At this time, the beauty was on the side, Qin Lie naturally did not restrain himself, and brought Ye Yuqing into the house.

The fully-fueled Qin Lie turned into a Spartan warrior, and the storm in the house lasted for an hour and a half!

It was also thanks to the fact that the bed Ye Yuqing bought was a high-grade mahogany bed, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to withstand the torment of the two of them.

After the wind and rain stopped, Ye Yuqing fell asleep on Qin Lie's arm.

Although this was a bit unpleasant, Qin Lie didn't move any longer in order not to disturb Ye Yuqing's rest.

Because he was not sleepy, Qin Lie turned on his phone and found a movie to watch.

Time flickered, and an hour passed. Ye Yuqing's cell phone on the bedside table suddenly buzzed, and Ye Yuqing, who was asleep, was also awakened.

"Whose phone number?"

Ye Yuqing asked sleepily.

"It's small."

Qin Lie glanced at the screen and said.

"Give me the phone."

Qin Lie didn't hesitate and handed the phone to Ye Yuqing.

"Hey, little one, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Yuqing asked after yawning.

"Sister Ye, I've arrived at Longcheng Airport. Are you in the company now? I'll go look for you with my sister."

Su Xiaoxiao replied.

"I'm not at the company, I'm at home."

Ye Yuqing replied quickly.

"That's better, I'll take a taxi to find you now, don't go out yet."

Su Xiaoxiao said.

"Okay, call me when you get to the community."

Ye Yuqing replied.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, and we'll talk when we meet."

After saying this, Su Xiaoxiao hung up the phone.

"Wait a while, Xiaoxiao and Tiantian will come over, get up quickly."

After putting down her phone, Ye Yuqing said to Qin Lie, she didn't want to wait for Su Xiaoxiao and the others to see them still making out on the bed when they arrived.


Qin Lie responded and was about to get up when his phone rang.

But it was not Su Xiaoxiao who called him, but director Wang Sanri.

"Hey, what is Director Wang's advice?"

Qin Lie teased after getting on the phone.

"How dare I advise you, I just want to ask if you are in Longcheng or not, if you have time to attend the killing banquet tonight."

Wang Sanri asked very respectfully.

In the past, he was polite to Qin Lie because Qin Lie was a friend of Wang Congcong, but since the last time he learned that Qin Lie had a relationship with Murong Huanyu at the film and television base, he has added Qin Lie to the list of the most not to offend.

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