"Finish the banquet? Has your show finished?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"Well, it was just finished yesterday. Today, I brought the crew back to Longcheng, and I'm going to hold a banquet. If you don't have time, I can postpone the banquet for a few days."

Wang Sanri quickly replied.

By convention, a filming banquet will be held after the filming of a movie, and Qin Lie, as the sole investor of the entire movie, cannot be absent, so Wang Sanri called Qin Lie as soon as he got off the plane to see him. when do you have time.

"Don't delay, just tonight."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

Wang took the initiative to call and invite him on the third day, so he naturally wouldn't be so disrespectful. Besides, he himself had nothing to do at night, so going to the killing banquet was just a meal.

"Okay, okay, I'll go book a hotel later."

After confirming that there was no problem with Qin Lie, Wang Sanri hung up the phone.

Qin Lie got up and washed his hair, while Ye Yuqing quickly cleaned up the bed and the tissues thrown on the floor.

About forty minutes later, Su Xiaoxiao called and said that they would be arriving soon, and Ye Yuqing immediately took Qin Lie to the gate of the community. After a while, the taxi that Su Xiaoxiao and the two were taking arrived.

"Sister Yuqing!"

Seeing Ye Yuqing, Su Xiaoxiao immediately trotted over, and the two hugged first.

"Sister Ye."

Compared with Su Xiaoxiao's warm and unrestrained, Su Tiantian is much quieter.

"Xiao Xiao, why have you lost weight again? It seems that filming has been very hard recently, right?"

Ye Yuqing looked at Su Xiaoxiao and asked.

"It's okay, it's mainly because there have been several night scenes that have been quite boring recently, but my sister has worked harder than me. I can go to rest after filming, and she has to handle various tasks for me. Recently, it has been Wake up early and get dark."

Su Xiaoxiao replied with a bit of distress.

She doesn't need to think about anything other than filming every day, and her sister Su Tiantian, as her manager's part-time assistant, does all kinds of chores, almost all of them by herself, which is definitely more difficult than her.

Basically every day when she goes to bed, her sister is still awake, and when she wakes up, her sister is already awake.

"I do all the chores, and I'm not tired at all."

Su Tiantian smiled and said nonchalantly.

Being an agent for her sister is her own choice, and she never complains.

"You two sisters have worked hard. I will cook you something delicious in the evening and treat you well."

For Ye Yuqing, whether it is Su Xiaoxiao or Su Tiantian, they are the same as her own younger sister. Now that she is here, she will naturally spare no effort to take care of their diet and daily life.

"No need, sister, we have a banquet in the evening, you can go with us when the time comes."

Su Xiaoxiao said quickly.

"Look at my memory, I forgot about it."

Ye Yuqing slapped her forehead, knowing that Qin Lie just told her about the banquet, but she forgot it in a blink of an eye.

"Brother Qin."

After saying hello to Ye Yuqing, Su Xiaoxiao remembered Qin Lie next to her, and threw herself into his arms.

"Brother Qin, I miss you so much. I've been dreaming of you in my sleep these days. Do you miss me?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked very frankly.

She doesn't have a heart, and she doesn't hide her feelings, so she basically has nothing to say.

"Of course I think about it. I will think about you and Tiantian. I'm especially worried that you will encounter lunatics again. How is it? Nothing happened in the crew recently, right?"

Qin Lie replied very perfunctorily, and then quickly changed the subject.

"Don't worry, everything has been going well recently. Besides, didn't you arrange a few sisters for us to be bodyguards? Ordinary people can't get close to us at all."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and replied.

Hearing Su Xiaoxiao mentioning the bodyguard, Qin Lie immediately looked into the distance and did not see the shadow of the bodyguard.

"What about the three bodyguards? Why aren't they with you?"

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"I asked them to go to the hotel first. Anyway, Sister Yuqing is quite safe. There is no need for them to follow."

Su Xiaoxiao replied.


Qin Lie didn't say anything after learning that the three of them didn't leave without AWOL.

"Let's go, let's go back and say something, it's too cold outside."

It was already December, and the temperature in Longcheng was only seven or eight degrees during the day, and Ye Yuqing was wearing a thin layer of clothes, so she quickly called a few people home.

At nearly six o'clock, Wang Sanri called Qin Lie again and told him about the venue of the killing feast.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Lie drove with Ye Yuqing and sister Su Xiaoxiao to Yuanyang Restaurant.

Seeing Qin Lie getting out of the car, Wang Sanri, who had been waiting at the door, hurried up to meet him.

"Young Master Qin, please come inside."

When Wang Sanri faced Qin Lie, he was very courteous.

"Director Wang is so polite, there's no need for you to pick me up in person."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

"You are the chief investor, this is what I should do."

Wang Sanri replied respectfully.

"How is it, everyone is here?"

Qin Lie changed the subject.

"It's all here, just waiting for you."

Wang Sanri replied.

"Okay, let's hurry up."

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time and followed Wang Sanri to the banquet hall on the sixth floor of the restaurant.

At this time, the entire crew and the leading actors were already seated in order. Seeing Qin Lie coming over, many people stood up spontaneously to say hello to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't put on any air and responded with a smile.

After a while, several people came to the front table.

There are already four people sitting at this table. Except for the hero Lin Qiang, the other three Qin Lie are familiar but cannot name them.

"Master Qin, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Pang Wanhua, the veteran actor I specially invited, this is Liu Yi, the assistant director, and this is Yang Liansheng, the production director."

Wang Congcong knew that Qin Lie was not familiar with several people, so he quickly introduced their identities.

"Hello everyone, my name is Qin Lie."

Qin Lie greeted the four of them very gently.

"Hello, Mr. Qin."

Lin Qiang and the others responded immediately.

Qin Lie swept around again, then looked at Wang Sanri and said, "Is Huang Yiyi not here?"

He was very impressed with Huang Yiyi, but not because she was beautiful, but because she was too arrogant, and the other party was the second female, so it stands to reason that she should also attend the killing banquet.

"She has no face."

Su Xiaoxiao interrupted suddenly.

"What do you mean by that?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Huang Yiyi left the group after a week of acting, but three days ago, she suddenly ran into the crew to make trouble, saying that it was because of me that her husband divorced her, and she wanted to beat me, but I beat her instead. Suddenly, she has become the laughing stock of the entire crew, how can she have the face to participate in the killing banquet again."

Su Xiaoxiao explained with disdain.

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