Because Su Xiaoxiao committed suicide by cutting her wrists, and the blood loss was severe, the doctor immediately gave her a blood transfusion.

Outside the ward, Ye Yuqing and the others were filled with sorrow.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left Xiao Xiao alone in the house."

Su Tiantian burst into tears, full of self-blame.

"I can't blame you, it's all my fault, I was too careless."

Ye Yuqing comforted Su Tiantian.

Her original intention was to let Su Xiaoxiao be alone for a while, but no one thought that Su Xiaoxiao would commit suicide, but no matter what, she didn't take good care of Su Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, don't blame yourself, Xiaoxiao will be fine."

Qin Lie said.

He didn't blame anyone. After all, it was done, and scolding no one had any meaning except to make everyone more uncomfortable.

Even though Qin Lie said so, Su Tiantian couldn't help sobbing in a low voice.

About ten minutes later, the medical staff pushed Su Xiaoxiao out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, is my sister okay?"

Su Tiantian wiped her tears and asked nervously.

"Don't worry, the patient is out of danger, and he just needs to rest in peace."

The doctor in charge of the rescue replied to Su Tiantian and left, while the nurse pushed Su Xiaoxiao back into the ward.

"Your relatives should talk less to the patient in the past two days, let her rest more, pay attention to the diet, and pay attention to the patient's mood. If necessary, contact the attending doctor in time."

Before the little nurse left, Qin Lie specially told them a few words.

After leaving Su Tiantian alone to take care of Su Xiaoxiao, Qin Lie and others all retreated outside.

"Qin Lie, didn't you go to the poisonous woman Huang Yiyi before, did you find her?"

Ye Yuqing asked with hatred.

"I was about to tell you about it. She was already dead. She fell to her death from the upstairs."

Qin Lie answered.

"This poisonous woman is too cheap for her!"

Ye Yuqing said bitterly.

For them, even slashing Huang Yiyi with a thousand knives is not enough to quell their anger.

"By the way, let me tell you something. My master told me a secret recipe, which is specially used to treat and repair scars. I have already made the ointment. According to my master, using the ointment for a month should be enough to keep it safe. little face."

Qin Lie continued.

"Really, there is such a magical ointment in this world?"

Ye Yuqing asked in disbelief.

She couldn't blame her for not trusting Qin Lie, mainly because even the doctor said that there was no other way except plastic surgery.

"It shouldn't be a problem. The secret recipe of the fairy cream we are currently producing is what he told me. He has many secrets that are not shared."

Qin Lie is very clear that Chinese traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and many incurable diseases that cannot be treated by western medicine can be treated in traditional Chinese medicine.

It's just that the classics of traditional Chinese medicine have been lost too seriously. In addition, many black-hearted businessmen are cheating money under the guise of traditional Chinese medicine. This has led to the gradual decline of traditional Chinese medicine, and even traditional Chinese medicine has become synonymous with liars in all corners of the world.

But his master is the real master of Chinese medicine, since he said that he can save Su Xiaoxiao's face, then he can definitely do it.

"Well, wait a while for Xiaoxiao to wake up and try it. If it really works, Xiaoxiao will definitely not be looking for life again."

Hearing Qin Lie say this, Ye Yuqing couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation.

But she has already prepared for the worst. If the ointment doesn't work, she will definitely contact the best cosmetic surgeon in the world, and she will help Su Xiaoxiao restore her appearance no matter the cost.

At half past nine, Su Tiantian notified Qin Lie that Su Xiaoxiao woke up, and Qin Lie and others ran into the house immediately.

On the hospital bed, Su Xiaoxiao looked up at the ceiling, her eyes were blank, her face was ashen, and she looked like she had no love for life.

Her mental state is really distressing.

"Xiao Xiao, you scared my sister to death just now. Promise my sister that you will never do stupid things again in the future, okay?"

Ye Yuqing came to Su Xiaoxiao's bedside and said with a slightly reddened eye socket.

However, Su Xiaoxiao was like a walking corpse who lost his soul, not only did he not respond, his eyes didn't even move.

"Xiao Xiao, I have good news for you. Huang Yiyi is dead, and God has taken her away."

Lin Qiuzhu wanted to use the news of Huang Yiyi's death to make Su Xiaoxiao happy, but unfortunately it was useless.

"Little one, look at what this is?"

After Qin Lie came over, he shook the ointment in his hand. No surprise, he was also ignored.

Seeing this, Qin Lie said directly: "Xiao Xiao, this is the ointment I made for you. As long as you apply my ointment, I guarantee that your face will be restored to its original state within a month."

But Su Xiaoxiao decided in her heart that Qin Lie was lying to herself, as before, she stared blankly at the ceiling without saying a word.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie rushed into the bathroom and took off the mirror hanging on the wall of the bathroom.

After getting the mirror, Qin Lie came to Su Xiaoxiao again.

"Xiaoxiao, look at what you look like now. You are like a ghost. You can scare children to cry in broad daylight."

Qin Lie shouted at Su Xiaoxiao with the mirror.

"Qin Lie, what are you doing!"

Seeing Qin Lie's move, Ye Yuqing was immediately angry.

In order not to irritate Su Xiaoxiao, they had deliberately put away the mirror and all the things that could reflect the shadow, but Qin Lie turned out to be better, and pointed the mirror directly at Su Xiaoxiao, and said such a heartbreaking remark, This is simply rubbing salt on Su Xiaoxiao's wound!

"Sister Yuqing, leave me alone."

Qin Lie didn't explain much, and continued to stimulate Su Xiaoxiao with words: "Xiaoxiao, open your eyes and take a good look at your ghostly appearance, you are really ugly, if you go to a horror movie like this, you will even wear makeup. No need to change, I strongly suggest that you change your name to Su Choubi..."

Qin Lie kept provoking Su Xiaoxiao with vicious and bitter words, Su Xiaoxiao, who was already numb, suddenly sat up from the bed and shouted with a hint of tears: "Don't say it anymore, I beg you not to humiliate me again. "

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao finally reacted, Qin Lie let out a long sigh of relief.

He took the initiative to let Su Xiaoxiao lean on his shoulder, and then said softly: "I know you feel uncomfortable, just cry if you want to."


As soon as Qin Lie finished speaking, Su Xiaoyu burst into tears, and the cry was so heart-wrenching and gut-wrenching!

Qin Lie made a gesture to everyone, Ye Yuqing and others understood it, no one said a word, leaving Su Xiaoxiao to cry all by herself.

In this way, after more than half an hour, Su Xiaoxiao's mood slowly stabilized, and her eyes finally returned to their former look.

"How about it, can you hear a few words from brother now?"

Qin Lie asked after helping Su Xiaoxiao wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes with a tissue.

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