The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 602 I Can't Hold On Anymore, It Hurts Too Much

"Tell me, I'm listening"

Although it was still very painful inside, Su Xiaoxiao could at least have a normal conversation with Qin Lie.

"Xiao Xiao, I know it's hard for you to be splashed with sulfuric acid, but what I want to tell you is that I have a way to restore your appearance to the original."

Qin Lie stared at Su Xiaoxiao and said very solemnly.

"Brother Qin, you don't have to lie to me, I know I must have been disfigured."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled miserably.

Although she is simple, she is not stupid. In her opinion, this is just a white lie made up by Qin Lie, the purpose is to let herself live well.

"I didn't lie to you, what I said is true. This ointment was told to me by my master. It is specially used to repair festering skin, and it is just right for you."

Qin Lie and Su Xiaoxiao looked at each other and said.

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao still didn't believe it, Qin Lie directly raised his hand and made a poisonous oath: "I can swear to God, if I lied to you, Qin Lie will be hit by a car when I go out, and I will become a lonely ghost after death, forever and ever. Don't be overwhelmed!"

Originally, Su Xiaoxiao didn't believe Qin Lie, but seeing him make such a poisonous oath, she couldn't help but shake her heart.

"Brother Qin, did you really lie to me?"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Lie suspiciously.

"Think about it for yourself. I've prepared the ointment for you. If you find it useless after using it, then won't my lie be self-defeating? I'm not that stupid."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

"Xiaoxiao, you should be very clear about your brother Qin's character. It is absolutely impossible for him to deceive you on this kind of thing."

Ye Yuqing hurried to help.

After listening to the words of the two, Su Xiaoxiao, who was already heartbroken, couldn't help but rekindle a glimmer of hope in her heart.

"Brother Qin, hurry up and let me use your ointment."

Su Xiaoxiao said impatiently.

"Don't worry, wait for me to wash my hands first."

After replying to Su Xiaoxiao, Qin Lie immediately went to the bathroom.

After waiting, Qin Lie removed the gauze from Su Xiaoxiao's face little by little.

Because Su Xiaoxiao had covered it with her hands when Huang Yiyi poured sulfuric acid yesterday, her right arm was seriously injured, and the entire forearm was corroded, but this undoubtedly helped her reduce the damage to her face.

Even so, Su Xiaoxiao had large burns on her forehead and left cheek, and her flesh and blood were festering, looking shocking!

However, Qin Lie was mentally strong, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

"Little one, look at your face now."

Qin Lie said, and put the mirror in front of Su Xiaoxiao again.

"How, how do you feel?"

Qin Lie asked.

"It's so ugly, I want to die looking at it."

Even though Su Xiaoxiao was mentally prepared, she couldn't help clenching her fists when she saw that ugly face.

"Don't think so hard. I show you your face mainly because I hope you can become stronger. I promise that you will return to your original beauty in a month."

Qin Lie solemnly promised.

"If I can't recover, will you marry me?"

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly asked such a sentence.


Qin Lie replied decisively.

"Everyone present today is a witness. If Su Xiaoxiao's face can't be restored to its original state after a month, I, Qin Lie, will carry a large sedan chair and marry her!"

Qin Lie turned and said to everyone in the house.

"Thank you, Brother Qin."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that her heart didn't hurt so much. The darkness shrouded her head seemed to be dispelled at once, and her world suddenly became brighter.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I'll put the medicine on you. This plaster is more domineering, and it will be very painful for half an hour at the beginning. I hope you can hold back."

Qin Lie specially reminded Su Xiaoxiaodao.

"It's okay, just wipe it."

Su Xiaoxiao is not even afraid of death, pain is nothing to her.

After everything was ready, Qin Lie began to apply the ointment little by little to the wound on Su Xiaoxiao's face.


The moment the ointment touched her wound, Su Xiaoxiao felt as if someone had inserted a steel needle into her head. The pain was no less than the pain of dysmenorrhea when her aunt came, and she even wanted to die. .

"Hold on."

Qin Lie spat out two words and continued to apply the ointment.

Su Xiaoxiao thought she could hold on, but she couldn't stand it until half of the ointment was applied.

"Brother Qin, I can't do it anymore. I can't hold on anymore. It hurts too much."

Su Xiaoxiao said with a hint of tears, because of the pain, her body couldn't stop shaking.

"Hold on, you don't want to be ugly all your life."

Qin Lie continued to apply the ointment while encouraging Su Xiaoxiao.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao could only hold on to the sheets with both hands, gritted her teeth and persisted.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao with a painful face, both Ye Yuqing and Su Xiaoxiao were very distressed, but at this time they couldn't do anything, they could only cheer for Su Xiaoxiao.

Ten minutes later, Su Xiaoxiao's face and arms were corroded by sulfuric acid and the ointment was applied. Qin Lie bandaged her with gauze again.

"Persistence is victory. I believe you will be able to survive."

Qin Lie comforted Su Xiaoxiao again.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao was in so much pain that she didn't even want to talk to Qin Lie.

Time passed by minute by minute. For the first time, Su Xiaoxiao felt that time passed so slowly. Just half an hour seemed like centuries had passed.

Fortunately, as Qin Lie said, after half an hour, the pain really gradually eased. Although it never dissipated, it was within Su Xiaoxiao's tolerable range.

Until this time, Su Xiaoxiao did not believe that Qin Lie's ointment should be effective.

Because if Qin Lie casually came up with fake medicine to deceive her, it would never hurt so much.

After talking to Su Xiaoxiao for a few more words, Qin Lie got up and walked outside the house, and Ye Yuqing quickly followed.

"Qin Lie, you were so bold just now, you are not afraid of provoking too much and turning Xiaoxiao into a lunatic."

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie slightly complainingly.

At first, when Qin Lie looked at Su Xiaoxiao in the mirror, Ye Yuqing still didn't understand his intention, but then she saw Su Xiaoxiao burst into tears, she basically reacted.

Even so, she still felt that Qin Lie's method was too risky, and a bad move might have the opposite effect.

"Just like Xiaoxiao's situation at the time, she had to take risks, otherwise she would really be a waste."

Qin Lie didn't think there was anything wrong with his method.

He knew very well that Su Xiaoxiao just now had a dead end and completely closed himself. He had to open Su Xiaoxiao's heart and let her express her suppressed feelings. Dementia becomes mentally ill.

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