For Qin Lie, Shinhwa Entertainment is a very important part of the closed ecological chain of his future business empire, so he took the initiative to find Wang Congcong and brought him closer to the list of partners.

But even so, with 51% of the equity, Qin Lie is still the absolute controller of the company. Even if he turns against Wang Congcong or Wang Sanri in the future, no one can shake his position in the company.

After the company was officially established, Su Xiaoxiao naturally became the first artist signed by Qin Lie Shinhwa Entertainment.

According to the urination of general economic companies, there will definitely be a bunch of restrictive clauses to bind Su Xiaoxiao deeply, but Qin Lie gave Su Xiaoxiao no constraints at all in the contract, Su Xiaoxiao is just like a name in Shinhwa Entertainment .

Other brokerage companies would never dare to do this, but Qin Lie dared, because based on the relationship between the two, he was not afraid of Su Xiaoxiao being poached by others or starting his own business.

After Su Xiaoxiao, Lin Qiang became the second contracted actor of Shinhwa Entertainment.

The reason for signing Lin Qiang is mainly because Qin Lie values ​​his acting skills and potential.

He believes that in time, Lin Qiang will definitely become a popular frontline and bring enough economic benefits to their company.

Lin Qiang is also very happy to join Qin Lie's company, especially after learning that Wang Sanri has helped him get the tickets for the third season of "I Am an Actor", he is even more excited to cry.

You know, since he set foot in the entertainment industry, he has been playing tricks, and no one looks down on him at all. In order to make a living, he even played dead bodies dozens of times.

Fortunately, he finally carried it over, and now he finally sees the sun. He believes that with the support of Shinhwa Entertainment, he will soon become a first-line star all over the country, saying goodbye to the poor days of the past, standing out, and returning home!

As for Qin Lie and the others, Lin Qiang is the first batch of actors they officially signed. As long as they can make Lin Qiang popular, they can play the role of buying a horse with a lot of money and attract more powerful but unsatisfactory actors to join them. Mythical Entertainment.

In this way, with the continuous injection of fresh blood, the company will be able to grow rapidly until it grows into an industry giant!

Of course, Qin Lie and the others have very strict requirements for signing artists. Those artists who have a good skin but no strength will not sign at all, especially those sluts who will be completely blocked by them.

They have only one principle, it is better to lack than to waste!

On the second day of the establishment of Shinhwa Entertainment, Su Xiaoxiao made a promotion for the company when he posted on Weibo.

Originally, many netizens were very curious about this Shinhwa Entertainment, but after a search on the Internet, they found that the company had only been established for a day, and after Wang Congcong turned out to be the co-founder, he immediately lost interest in the company.

In their opinion, Wang Congcong is a prodigal who only spends money on money. He must have established an entertainment company to make it easier for him to find girls. Maybe this company will go bankrupt one day.

As for those in the entertainment industry, they are also not optimistic about Shinhwa Entertainment, because one of the two artists signed by Shinhwa Entertainment is disfigured, and the other is a little dragon.

Some people in the entertainment industry even sneered on the Internet that Wang Congcong, a good-fortune boy, was going to throw money out for his father again.

If this was left in the past, Wang Congcong would definitely have fought against those who mocked him.

But recently, all his energy has been devoted to trading Bitcoin, and he has no intention to control those trolls.

"Brother Qin, why don't I post another Weibo and re-introduce our company to everyone, or I'm afraid no one will dare to join our Shinhwa Entertainment in the future."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but suggested to Qin Lie.

Her original intention was to attract more newcomers who are interested in developing in the entertainment industry for Shinhwa Entertainment. Whoever thought it would be self-defeating, but instead brought a lot of criticism to Shinhwa Entertainment, was undoubtedly a disservice.

"No, I think it looks good now. No one cares about us. Only then can our company develop better."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

In the entertainment industry, the competition is more intense, and it is full of all kinds of intrigue and intrigue. Even if you don't offend others, your peers will think of ways to kill you.

Because of this, Qin Lie did not make any publicity, in order to develop obscenely.

With the release of Su Xiaoxiao's Weibo, Shinhwa Entertainment was kicked into the bottom of the valley before reaching the top of the mountain, which was a good thing for him.

Because no one will take their company as a threat, they will have more time to develop the company well in the future, and they will save too much energy and time into vicious competition with other companies.

"But no one has come to our company. How can we develop?"

Su Xiaoxiao was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, let's keep a low profile for a while. After you and Lin Qiang are all famous, this is the best advertisement. I'm afraid others will sharpen their heads and squeeze into our company."

"Besides, why do you think I want to cooperate with Wang Sanri? The main reason is to see his connections in the entertainment industry. With his connections, we don't have to worry about not being able to sign artists."

Qin Lie said with a confident look.

He is not the kind of rookie who does whatever comes to his mind when his head is hot. He has already thought about everything in advance when he started the company.

"OK then."

Hearing what Qin Lie said, Su Xiaoxiao put away her worries.

"By the way, Tiantian, here is the ointment I made overnight. The amount here can be used for three days. You remember to change Xiaoxiao's medicine every twelve hours. I will make more for her when I have time. Save some ointment."

Qin Lie said, and hurriedly handed the incubator containing the ointment to Su Tiantian.

He may be busy recently, and he can't come to change Su Xiaoxiao's medicine in person every day, so it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to leave this matter to Su Tiantian.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Su Tiantian doesn't understand art. If it were other jobs, she might not be able to do it, but she can still do the right-hand job like changing medicine.

"Little one, tell her when your mother comes back. If she doesn't mind, she can stay at Sister Yuqing's house for a while. Anyway, there are quite a few vacant houses at home."

Qin Lie changed the subject and continued.

Su Xiaoxiao's father died in the air crash, but her mother was still alive and came to Longcheng by plane last night.

"No, my mom said she'd stay in a hotel. It's close to the hospital. She can come over anytime."

Su Xiaoxiao replied.

"That's fine too."

Hearing this, Qin Lie did not force it.

The two were talking when Qin Lie's phone suddenly rang.

After Qin Lie glanced at the screen, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because it was Cao Guowei who called him!

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