Cao Guowei was originally one of the Xu family's confidants, but after being threatened with death by Qin Lie last time, he was forced to defect and became a nail that Qin Lie placed beside Xu Fanzhou.

But since the separation, the two have not been in contact for a while.

Today, Cao Guowei suddenly called himself, obviously something important.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie didn't hesitate any longer and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Young Master Qin, is it convenient for you to talk over there?"

On the other end of the phone, Cao Guowei asked cautiously.

"Convenient, if you have something to say, just say it."

Qin Lie replied.

Although there are Su Xiaoxiao Chen Jinhu and others in the house, they are all people he absolutely trusts, and he is not afraid of being overheard his conversation with Cao Guowei.

"Master Qin, do you know Cai Zhixiong from Xiangjiang?"

Cao Guowei asked suddenly.

"Cai Zhixiong? I don't know."

Qin Lie shook his head and said, he had never heard of this name.

"Cai Zhixiong is a big drug lord in Xiangjiang. He is still very powerful in Xiangjiang, and the backer behind him is the Xu family!"

Cao Guowei said solemnly.

"According to what you mean, the Xu family is secretly involved in drug trafficking?"

Qin Lie asked quickly.

"No, no, the Xu family is not directly involved in drug trafficking, and the Xu family doesn't like the little money they make from drug trafficking. To put it bluntly, Cai Zhixiong is a dog raised by the Xu family, and the Xu family mainly asks Cai Zhixiong to help do some shameful things. , in return, they will provide Cai Zhixiong with some protection, and because of this, Cai Zhixiong has not been arrested and brought to justice for more than ten years in Hong Kong."

Cao Guowei explained briefly.

The Xu family is a real estate tycoon, and those who started in real estate have more or less a dark history, but Qin Lie did not expect the Xu family to be related to a big drug lord.

"What do you mean by telling me this?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and asked.

"Cai Zhixiong should have a lot of black material about the Xu family in his hands. If Qin Shao can get it, he may be able to remove Xu Ying in one fell swoop, and once Xu Ying is finished, the Xu family will naturally fall apart."

Cao Guowei continued.

Ever since he promised Qin Lie to be an undercover agent, Cao Guowei has not retreated.

He knew very well that he and Qin Lie were grasshoppers on a rope. If Qin Lie died, he would have to be buried with him, so he wanted the Xu family to fall, otherwise once Xu Ying knew that he had betrayed him, he would Absolutely will die horribly.

"Okay, let me see if I can catch Cai Zhixiong."

The relationship between Qin Lie and Xu Fanzhou has long been like water and fire. He wants to destroy the Xu family and kill Xu Fanzhou more than Cao Guowei.

"Xu Shao, in fact, I'm not calling you today mainly for this, but for two other things."

Cao Guowei suddenly changed the subject.

"Oh? What else?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"One, I just got news that Cai Zhixiong ordered a batch of ephedrine, the raw material for making methamphetamine, with a total of almost eight tons. Along with this batch of ephedrine, there was also a batch of jewelry looted by the European mafia, jewelry. The value is about one billion yuan, and when Cai Zhixiong takes over, the Xu family will help sell the stolen goods."

"Second, Xu Fanzhou has found two more people to pretend to be your parents, and he still wants to take your property."

Cao Guowei did not hesitate, and quickly told Qin Lie what he wanted to say.

"This stupid pig dares to find someone to pretend to be my parents, is he in the shit?"

Qin Lie cursed coldly.

The last time Xu Fanzhou let Yang Cuifeng pretend to be his mother, if Yang Cuifeng later found out in conscience and took the initiative to admit everything to him, I am afraid that Xu Fanzhou would have really lied to the sky.

And Qin Lie had already suffered this kind of loss once. He really didn't expect Xu Fanzhou to repeat the same trick.

"Listen to what Xu Fanzhou said, it's a trick. You wouldn't guess that he would use a failed method a second time. Plus he arranged everything in advance, this time the plan has a high probability of success. Take one back. For Wanbu, even if the plan fails, it won't be a big loss for him."

Cao Guowei quickly explained.

"Hmph, never tire of fighting back? This idiot knows a lot."

Qin Lie sneered.

To be honest, he did not expect that Xu Fanzhou would continue to use the same method to plot against him.

But now that he knew everything in advance, Xu Fanzhou's plan was stillborn.

But Qin Lie won't expose him, but is ready to do another trick.

You must know that last time he counter-calculated Xu Fanzhou, and he took 5 billion from him. If he can swindle several billion more, Xu Fanzhou is estimated to be directly angry.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie asked directly: "Do you know the specific transaction time of Cai Zhixiong and when Xu Fanzhou will send someone to pretend to be my parents?"

"I haven't figured out the transaction time yet, but Xu Fanzhou will arrange for your fake parents to meet Ye Yuqing at the orphanage the day after tomorrow."

Cao Guowei replied.

"How can Xu Fanzhou be sure that Ye Yuqing will meet them by chance?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"This is a public welfare event organized by our Longcheng Disabled Persons' Federation to focus on orphans. We have invited many entrepreneurs from Longcheng. As early as four days ago, Ye Yuqing was confirmed to participate, so Xu Fanzhou arranged the encounter there. place, which adds credibility.”

Cao Guowei replied.

"This dog is quite calculating."

Qin Lie used to think that Xu Fanzhou was ruthless, but now it seems that he really underestimated the other party. Other than that, using the charity activities organized by the Disabled Persons' Federation to get people close to Ye Yuqing is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

"Young Master Qin, I won't tell you first, and I will notify you of any news. Be careful recently."

In order to avoid revealing his identity, Cao Guowei hung up the phone after telling Qin Lie what he wanted to say.

Putting away the phone, Qin Lie's face couldn't help but think more, and he thought about the countermeasures in his heart.

"Brother Qin, are you in any trouble?"

Seeing the change in Qin Lie's face, Su Xiaoxiao asked.

"It's nothing, just a little thing."

Qin Lie said casually.

It's not that he doesn't trust Su Xiaoxiao, it's mainly that Su Xiaoxiao's most important task at the moment is to rest in peace, and he doesn't need to say that these chores affect her mood.

Seeing that Qin Lie was reluctant to say more, Su Xiaoxiao didn't ask any more.

At this moment, the door of the ward opened, and Ye Yuqing walked in with a middle-aged beautiful woman.

And this beautiful woman is Su Xiaoxiao and Su Tiantian's mother Cai Yunya.

Listening to Su Xiao's novels, her mother was a flower in Dian City back then, with countless suitors, and it took her father more than a year to embrace the beauty.

Don't look at Cai Yunya's forty-five years this year, but because of the good maintenance, her skin is fair and supple, her body is slender, and her mature charm makes her look like a 30-year-old woman. Stun any normal man.

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