The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 606 I'm Not Against You Being Together Anymore


Seeing Cai Yunya coming in, Qin Lie immediately greeted him.

Cai Yunya nodded towards Qin Lie in response, then pointed to the fruit she had just bought with Ye Yuqing and asked, "Xiao Lie, do you want to eat bananas?"

"If you don't eat it, put it there first."

Qin Lie shook his head.

Hearing this, Cai Yunya didn't force it, she put the fruit on the table and cared about Su Xiaoxiao's situation: "Xiaoxiao, do you feel better today?"

"It's much better. Except for the pain when I first started applying the medicine, I don't usually feel much pain anymore."

Su Xiaoxiao replied quickly.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Cai Jianya felt relieved.

Next, the mother and daughter chatted for a while, and Tanya Cai made an excuse to call Qin Lie into the corridor outside.

There is a faint fragrance on Cai Tanya's body, which is very attractive. Coupled with her delicate face and plump figure, it is easy to make people think about it.

However, Qin Lie, as a real man who has experienced the test, did not have any distractions when facing Tanya Cai.

"Aunt, I don't know what you want to say?"

Qin Lie was the first to break the silence.

"I think you tell me the truth, can the little face be saved?"

Cai Jianya asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, as long as Xiaoxiao uses my ointment for a month, she will definitely be able to return to her original appearance."

Qin Lie replied with certainty.

"Thank you Qin Lie, you are the great benefactor of our family, I don't even know how to repay you."

Cai Jianya said gratefully.

Sister Su Xiaoxiao was able to survive on the deserted island thanks to Qin Lie's protection. Later, Su Xiaoxiao was smeared, and Qin Lie helped to clarify everything and return her innocence, and this time Su Xiaoxiao was thrown sulfuric acid, it was Qin Lie Lie helped her find a salve that could restore her appearance.

Qin Lie's kindness to her two daughters is as heavy as a mountain, and she may not be able to repay this kindness in her life.

"Aunt, you're welcome, this is what I should do."

Qin Lie didn't mean to repay any kindness. In his opinion, Su Xiaoxiao was his friend and it was right for him to help his friend.

"Qin Lie, I know Xiaoxiao likes you. In fact, I didn't approve of her being with you before. I always wanted her to marry my best friend's son, but Aunt will never stop you from dating from now on. , if you get married, I can vacate the villa at home for you to use as a wedding room."

Cai Jianya said solemnly.

She has a very close best friend, who is a famous female rich man in Dian City, and the other party's son is handsome and talented. She can be regarded as a golden child with her daughter. She has always hoped Su Xiaoxiao very much. If you can marry that man, the two families will be more relatives.

But after really getting to know Qin Lie, she has changed her mind. If nothing else, she is worthy of Qin Lie's character, which is enough to be worthy of her daughter.

"Cough, Aunt, you misunderstood, Xiaoxiao and I are ordinary friends."

Qin Lie replied with a look of embarrassment, he really didn't expect Cai Jianya to tell him such a thing, which really caught him off guard.

"I know that the two of you didn't have a formal relationship before because of me, but it's okay, you can openly communicate in the future. Aunt believes that you will make Xiao Xiao happy."

Cai Tanya said again.

At this moment, she looked at Qin Lie as if she was looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

Qin Lie knew that Cai Jianya was preconceived. No matter how he explained the other party, he would not believe it. He simply found a reason to end the conversation and returned to the ward.

After eating at noon, Wang Sanri came to the hospital again.

"Master Qin, I have already contacted Fu Xiaolong. He agreed to meet with us this afternoon."

Wang Sanri said to Qin Lie.


Hearing this news, Qin Lie was instantly overjoyed.

Fu Xiaolong is a real powerful actor in the film and television industry. As early as more than ten years ago, he won the honor of the double actor with his superb actors.

But this person cherishes feathers very much. He has three principles: no hype, no advertisements, and no variety show.

Because of this, even if he was awarded the title of Best Actor at a young age, he is still not well-known in the entertainment industry, and is even called the "Poorest Actor"!

Compared with those celebrities who spend millions of dollars in luxury cars and mansions, Fu Xiaolong is really poor. Even so, he always abides by his own principles of being a human being, not acting for money, not acting for money. The name picks up the play, not in a hurry to pick up the play.

He is like the pines in the snow, standing tall and proud!

So Qin Lie told Wang Sanri as early as yesterday that he hoped to sign Fu Xiaolong, not only because he did not want gold like Fu Xiaolong to be buried, but also because of his respect for the performing artist!

Qin Lie told Su Xiaoxiao and the others, and then left the hospital.

After more than an hour's drive, Qin Lie and the others came to Lianhua Village on the outskirts of Longcheng.

Lianhua Village relies on the Qingyun River. In the past, almost every household planted lotus roots. In summer, the lotus flowers of hundreds of acres of lotus roots bloomed together, which was a beautiful sight.

And about ten years ago, Fu Xiaolong used all his savings to buy a piece of land in Lianhua Village, and built a house here. When he wasn't filming, he basically enjoyed 'picking chrysanthemums and discovering Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence'. rural life.

"Here, it's Fu Xiaolong's house in front."

After Wang Sanri parked the car, he pointed to a house road in front of him.

Qin Lie hummed, got out of the car and knocked on the door.


Soon a woman's voice came from the courtyard, and about two minutes later, a woman in her thirties appeared behind the door.

This woman is not particularly stunning, but she is still pretty, very attractive, and gives people a very gentle and virtuous feeling.

And she is Fu Xiaolong's wife Rao Min!

It is said that Rao Min is eight years younger than Fu Xiaolong, but the two have been married for eleven years, and they are very loving until now.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Rao Min looked Qin Lie up and down and asked.

"My name is Qin Lie, and I have an appointment with Mr. Fu Xiaolong to meet at 3:30 this afternoon."

Qin Lie immediately revealed his identity and intention to come.

"Oh, you are Mr. Qin. Brother Long went to the field to help the villagers dig lotus root. Why don't you go in and sit for a while?"

Rao Min knew that Qin Lie had an appointment with Fu Xiaolong, so he didn't turn him away.

"No, can you tell me where Teacher Fu is digging lotus roots? I'll go directly to him."

Qin Lie came to find Fu Xiaolong this time with sincerity, so he naturally wouldn't sit at home and wait for Fu Xiaolong to come back.

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