"The ground is too dirty. You should wait at home. Brother Long should be back in a while."

Rao Min continued.

In her mind, Qin Lie must be a big boss, but she was embarrassed to let Qin Lie go directly to the field to find her husband.

"It's alright, I grew up in the countryside, and I'm very familiar with the work in the fields. Just tell me where he is."

Qin Lie insisted.

Rao Min thought for a while, and then agreed: "Well, keep walking along this road, turn right at the end, and then go straight for about 50 meters, there is a large lotus root field, you should be able to Then see Brother Long."

"Okay, thank you."

After learning about Fu Xiaolong's location, Qin Lie did not ink any more, and followed Rao Min's instructions.

About ten minutes later, Qin Lie saw the lotus root field that Rao Min said.

There were four people in the lotus root digging lotus root, and Qin Lie recognized at a glance that one of them was Fu Xiaolong.

"Teacher Fu!"

Qin Lie stood on the ridge and shouted at Fu Xiaolong.

Hearing someone calling him, Fu Xiaolong turned his head and glanced. He didn't know Qin Lie, but he knew Wang Sanri who came with Qin Lie.

"Wait for me there, I'll be busy here soon."

If other stars saw the boss of a brokerage company or a big director coming to him, they would have run over to flatter him long ago, but Fu Xiaolong didn’t take Qin Lie seriously at all, saying After saying this, he continued to dig lotus root. It seemed that in his heart, digging lotus root was more important than meeting Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't care.

He knew very well that Fu Xiaolong was a man with few desires and no desire for fame and fortune. Otherwise, it would be a matter of minutes if he wanted to make money by virtue of his title of Double Actor.

"Uncle, can you lend me your waterproof jacket? I'll dig it for you."

Seeing an old farmer bring the lotus root he just dug up, Qin Lie asked the other person.

"Young man, digging lotus root is dirty and tiring. You can't do it."

The old farmer smiled and said, from the way Qin Lie was dressed, he made Qin Lie a pampered rich boy.

"Don't worry, this matter is not difficult for me, please trouble you."

In order to convince the other party, Qin Lie deliberately took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it over.

"Since you want to do it, try it. If it doesn't work, you can return the clothes to me later. I don't want the money."

The old farmer was quite simple and did not ask Qin Lie for money.

But Qin Lie still forced the money into the opponent's hands.

Then Qin Lie changed into the old farmer's one-piece waterproof suit, so as to avoid getting his clothes wet.

It was already December, and although it wasn't as cold as the sky, the temperature had dropped to a very low level, especially after entering the water, Qin Lie immediately experienced a biting coolness.

Fortunately, he has lived in Longcheng for many years and has long been accustomed to this temperature.

After getting used to it a little, Qin Lie came to Fu Xiaolong wearing a waterproof suit.

Fu Xiaolong didn't know how long he had been working in the lotus root field. He had a lot of mud on his face and hair. In addition, his skin was dark and he had short inches. At first glance, he looked more like a peasant. farmers.

"Mr. Fu, I'm Qin Lie. We made an appointment to meet this afternoon."

Qin Lie took the initiative to introduce himself to Fu Xiaolong.

"I'm sorry, I helped my friend dig lotus root today and forgot about it. Come to the field to find me if you want."

Fu Xiaolong said that he was embarrassed, but there was no apology on his face, and he was even a little indifferent.

Because the last thing he likes to see are those businessmen who are covered in copper smell.

Before, many bosses wanted to make a movie with him, but they were all closed to him. He of course put Qin Lie in this category.

He wouldn't even agree to meet this afternoon if it wasn't for an old friend doing his job.

"It doesn't matter, I have nothing to do if I'm idle anyway."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

He saw that Fu Xiaolong was not interested in ignoring him, so he did not continue to chat with the other party, but put his hand into the cold water along the lotus pole.

He knew very well that there were usually lotus roots under the surface of the yellow lotus root, and basically no black ones, and the one he chose was the yellow lotus root.

After groping for a while, Qin Lie determined the trend and length of the lotus root. After dredging quickly, Qin Lie dug out a nearly one meter long lotus root with a little force.

After placing the lotus root on the foam next to it, Qin Lie took another shot and dug up several lotus roots, each of which was very complete.

Seeing this scene, Fu Xiaolong couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on his face.

"You still dig lotus root?"

Fu Xiaolong couldn't help but ask.

You must know that digging lotus root looks simple, but it is actually a technical job. Some people who don’t know how to dig lotus root may not find a single lotus root in the mud for a long time. The lotus root is cut off, and the price of the broken lotus root is greatly discounted.

Even he had been digging for a week before he mastered the skills. He couldn't believe that Qin Lie went to learn lotus root digging in order to get along with him.

"I grew up in the countryside. We used to have lotus root fields in our family. When I was a child, I went to dig lotus root with my grandfather during the holidays. It was not difficult for me at all."

Qin Lie explained with a smile.

"I see."

Hearing this, Fu Xiaolong's attitude towards Qin Lie was obviously milder.

Because he was born in the countryside, he has a natural affinity for farmers.

"Mr. Fu, do you often come to dig lotus root?"

Qin Lie asked casually.

"Almost, anyway, after moving to Lianhua Village, basically every year I come to dig."

Fu Xiaolong replied.

"You are really outstanding. Compared with you, I feel that I am a vulgar."

Qin Lie said slightly self-deprecatingly.

Other actors are all trying their best to make themselves popular, and then try their best to make money. Like Fu Xiaolong, the actor who does not like fame and fortune, and is half-reclusive in the countryside, is probably the only one in the entire entertainment industry.

"President Qin is wrong. I'm just a layman, but I prefer this kind of clean life without being disturbed."

Fu Xiaolong replied indifferently.

In the eyes of others, he is arrogant and arrogant, but in fact he is also an ordinary person, he is just living the life he wants to live according to his own wishes.

Even so, there are very few people in the whole society who can be as free and easy as he is and not be assimilated by the world.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I was young, my family was very poor, and it was almost a family. At that time, my biggest dream was to live in a bright and spacious building. Today, I am rich, but I am more eager to return The most pure and simple life when I was a child.”

"But I know that the past together will never return, and now I have too many responsibilities on my shoulders, even for the employees who fight with me and the homeless orphans, I can't live the life of Xianyun Yehe. "

Qin Lie said with emotion.

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