In fact, these words were deliberately said by Qin Lie, in order to win Fu Xiaolong's favor by doing what he likes.

Otherwise, with Fu Xiaolong's character, I'm afraid that if I can't say a few words to him, he will be ordered to expel customers, let alone sign him to his company.

"Do you still adopt orphans?"

As Qin Lie expected, Fu Xiaolong, who didn't plan to chat with him, took the initiative to ask him after hearing what Qin Lie said.

"Well, before, I assisted the police in destroying a professional begging gang and rescued more than 100 mutilated children. Because there was no suitable place for them in our hometown, I made a welfare home and adopted them. already."

"Later, more than 100 homeless orphans were successively accepted, most of them disabled. At present, there are almost 300 orphans in the whole orphanage."

Qin Lie nodded and replied quickly.

What he said was true. Before, he saw that the children who were mutilated by human traffickers were too pitiful, so he applied to the city government to adopt them. Anyway, there was no financial pressure to raise these children with his financial resources.

"So, you are the young man who donated 300 million yuan to the Aihua Foundation to establish a new charitable foundation in Lucheng more than two months ago?"

Fu Xiaolong looked at Qin Lie in disbelief.

"Hey, do you know about this?"

Qin Lie replied slightly surprised.

"What you said, I just like to be clean, and I'm not really isolated from the world. I usually watch the news, okay?"

Fu Xiaolong rolled his eyes and said.

Before Qin Lie donated 300 million to set up a charitable foundation, there was still quite a lot of trouble, and many media reported it.

It's just that Qin Lie didn't want to be disturbed by those reporters, so he refused all interviews. In addition, there were too many entertainment gossip news, and the popularity of this incident went down in a few days.

But Fu Xiaolong clearly remembered this incident. He never imagined that the philanthropist he called a patriotic youth at that time would actually stand in front of him like this!

"President Qin, before Fu did not know how disrespectful your identity was, please forgive me."

After a few seconds of silence, Fu Xiaolong's attitude towards Qin Lie suddenly changed 180 degrees, and there was obviously a trace of respect in his words.

He has always disliked rich people. This is not because he hates the rich, but because too many rich people are not benevolent to the rich, and they will do anything for profit.

But Qin Lie is a promising young man who donated 300 million and rescued hundreds of children. He must respect this kind of person!

"Mr. Fu is serious, just treat me as one of your fans. I really like your play very much."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

He first watched Fu Xiaolong's movie "Purple Sun". At that time, it was still played on a big screen in the village. When he grew up, he watched "Tiangu" and "Into the Capital" one after another. A passerby turned into a loyal fan of Fu Xiaolong.

"I didn't expect that President Qin was still my fan. I'm really flattered."

Fu Xiaolong had always thought that Qin Lie was a mercenary businessman, but now he found out that Qin Lie was 10,000 times stronger than he thought, and he also had an interest in in-depth communication with Qin Lie.

After that, the two chatted while digging lotus roots, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie and the others finally finished digging all the lotus roots in the lotus root field.

Although it was an obligation to help, the old farmer still gave Fu Xiaolong about ten kilograms of lotus roots and let him take it home to eat. Fu Xiaolong was not polite.

Soon, Qin Lie followed Fu Xiaolong to his house.

Fu Xiaolong's home is luxurious at all, and it looks like an ordinary farmhouse.

On the left side of the yard is a flowerbed, against the wall is a vine like a horned dragon, and on the right side of the yard is a small vegetable field, which is also planted with some seasonal vegetables such as spinach, garlic seedlings, radishes, and at the end of the vegetable field. It was the chicken coop, where a few old hens seemed to have just placed an order and were clucking.

No one would believe that this is the house of the actor unless they saw it with their own eyes.

"The family is simple, please don't dislike it, brother Qin."

Fu Xiaolong said a little embarrassedly.

"Brother Fu, what you said is a bit outlandish. Let me tell you, my house used to be much more dilapidated than yours."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

"Come on, it's cold outside, let's go in and talk."

After washing his hands, Fu Xiaolong took Qin Lie into the house.

The decoration of the house is not luxurious, but it gives people a warm feeling, and the house is very neat and clean. It can be seen that Fu Xiaolong's wife should clean every day.

"Xiaomi? Xiaomin?"

Fu Xiaolong called his wife, but got no response.

"Brother Qin, sit down here first, and I'll bring you some tea."

After talking to Qin Lie, Fu Xiaolong picked up the teapot on the coffee table to make a new pot of tea, and poured Qin Lie a cup first.

"What kind of tea is this? It's delicious."

Even if you haven't drunk it yet, the refreshing tea fragrance is already very intoxicating.

"This is the lotus tea I made myself."

Fu Xiaolong replied quickly.

"I can't see that Big Brother Fu is really versatile."

Qin Lie praised with a smile.

"Hey, make it yourself and drink it, it's not that particular about it."

Fu Xiaolong replied very modestly, and then took out several boxes from the cabinet.

"I grow these raisins, peanuts, melon seeds and dried sweet potatoes by myself. They are absolutely natural and pollution-free. You can try them."

Fu Xiaolong greeted very warmly.

If this were seen by other bosses who had been looking for Fu Xiaolong but ended up shutting the door, they would definitely drop their jaws.

Because in their hearts, Fu Xiaolong is not good enough, and he doesn't know how to praise him very much. They would never think that Fu Xiaolong also has such a warm side.

Qin Lie was not polite, grabbed a handful of melon seeds and tasted it.

The seeds that Fu Xiaolong grows are not as big as the ones that he sells, but they are full and delicious.

Just when the two were chatting, Rao Min came back from outside.

"Xiaomin, where have you been?"

Fu Xiaolong looked at Rao Min and asked.

"Aunt Luo's family killed pigs today. She asked me to get some pig water and fresh pork back. We will have a good time tonight."

Rao Min replied with a smile, while shaking the black plastic bag in his hand.

"You didn't go empty-handed, did you?"

Fu Xiaolong asked quickly.

"Don't worry, I brought some of our pickled fish to Aunt Luo."

Rao Min replied.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Fu Xiaolong felt relieved, because he never liked to take advantage of others.

"By the way, Xiaomin, hurry up and cook. Cook some more good dishes. I'm going to have a few drinks with Brother Qin tonight."

Fu Xiaolong then ordered.

Hearing this, Rao Min couldn't help but look at Qin Lie with a strange color in his eyes.

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