The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 615 Old Cows Will Eat Young Grass

By the time Qin Lie arrived at the Sunflower Welfare Institute, the people from the Disabled Persons' Federation had already arrived.

"Mr. Ye, you are here. Welcome."

Seeing Ye Yuqing's appearance, Zhou Kui, chairman of the Disabled Persons' Federation, immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

"Hello, Chairman Zhou."

Ye Yuqing responded with a smile.

"Mr. Ye, don't call me the chairman of the board, just call me Lao Zhou." Zhou Kui replied kindly, then glanced at Qin Lie who was walking side by side with Ye Yuqing, "Mr. Ye, this is... …”

"He's my friend Qin Lie. I heard that our Disabled Persons' Federation is holding a charity event today, and I want to come over and make a contribution."

Ye Yuqing briefly introduced.

"Hello Mr. Qin, I only represent the Disabled Persons' Federation and thank you for your support for our work."

Zhou Kui immediately bowed and said thanks.

"Chairman Zhou is very polite, I just want to do my best."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"Mr. Ye, it's too cold outside. Why don't you go in with Mr. Qin first, and I'll wait for the others."

Zhou Kui said.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Ye Yuqing nodded and followed Qin Lie into the orphanage.

"Sister Yuqing, are you familiar with that Chairman Zhou? I think he is very enthusiastic about you."

Qin Lie asked after getting away from Zhou Kui.

"If you donate five million to the Disabled Persons' Federation every year, he will be so enthusiastic about you."

Ye Yuqing smiled and said.

"I see."

Hearing Ye Yuqing's words, Qin Lie immediately understood the mystery behind it.

He said that he saw Zhou Kui standing still when facing other people, but as soon as he saw Ye Yuqing, he immediately greeted him. The reason why Ganqing treated him differently was because Ye Yuqing was a big donor.

I have to say that money is a good thing, and money can really enlighten the mind.

"Although we are a private company, we are definitely not inferior to those state-owned enterprises in doing public welfare. The annual donations and aid materials add up to almost 40 million, which is more than many New Third Board listed companies have more profits. ."

Ye Yuqing proudly introduced.

In terms of public welfare and charity, she has always practiced herself and taken the lead, never saying that she has money and is reluctant to spend.

"As expected of my woman, she really has a social responsibility."

Qin Lie praised with a smile.

China's multi-millionaire billionaires are like crucian carp crossing the river, but there are not many people who are as keen on charity as Ye Yuqing, which makes Qin Lie have a sense of honor and glory.

"If you are good, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone. I may not be able to help the world, but there is no problem in contributing to socialism."

Ye Yuqing smiled and said.

She is very clear that the greater a person's ability, the greater the social responsibility, especially entrepreneurs like them, should be grateful and know how to give back to the society, so that the country will become more and more prosperous.

"That's great."

Qin Lie very much agrees with Ye Yuqing's point of view, even because he was born in a rural area, he is more socially responsible than Ye Yuqing. Because of this, he did not hesitate to donate 300 million to establish a charitable foundation.

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to the activity center of the orphanage.

At this time, many business tycoons and celebrities had gathered here, and everyone gathered in groups of three or five to chat.

As a strong woman in the business world, Ye Yuqing has a very wide network of contacts. Many people here know her and will take the initiative to greet her when they see her.

Especially after seeing Qin Lie next to her, she will ask a question with special concern.

If it was Qin Lie, a former junior staff member, he would definitely be quite restrained in such a gathering of bigwigs, but now, he is enough to be on an equal footing with those billionaires, so even under the eyes of many people, he is still calm and unhurried. When I meet someone who has a good relationship with Ye Yuqing, I can talk and laugh freely.

"Qin Lie, let me introduce to you. This is my best friend Yang Liu. If she hadn't helped me at a critical moment three years ago, our company would have been annexed by the Lin Group."

At this moment, Ye Yuqing took another middle-aged woman and introduced it to Qin Lie.

This woman has short ear-length hair, wears professional attire, flaming red lips, and high heels. She is tall and has a delicate face. She walks in a valiant manner. At first glance, she belongs to the type of domineering female president.

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

Qin Lie is very clear that being called a best friend by Ye Yuqing shows that the relationship between the two is not normal, so he has a very good attitude towards Yang Liu.

"What's your name, Mr. Yang, just call Sister Yang."

Yang Liu said very boldly.

"Qin Lie, let me tell you, Yang Liu is the founder of Hongtian Capital. At present, she manages more than 50 billion funds. She is called the female version of Buffett by people in the circle. Many big bosses have to shout when they see Yang Liu. How about Miss Yang?"

Ye Yuqing continued.

"The founder of Hongtian Capital? Oh, sister Yuqing, your best friend is really not an ordinary person."

Qin Lie said in surprise.

Although Qin Lie used to be a 9-to-5 clerk, he still heard a little about the name of Hongtian Capital.

It is said that this company is one of the top three venture capital companies in China. It has invested in hundreds of start-ups, and even the unicorn companies with a valuation of more than one billion US dollars, such as Dudu Taxi, Xiaojiang UAV and Flying Bird Network. All have the presence of Hongtian Capital.

However, Qin Lie did not expect that the helm of such a huge venture capital firm was actually a woman.

But this is enough to prove that Yangliu is definitely not a vase, but really has extraordinary skills and abilities. Otherwise, in the turbulent capital market, she would have been swallowed up to the bone.

"Yuqing, don't flatter me. I'm far worse than other people's stock gods. I just make a little money by luck."

Yang Liu said very modestly, and did not appear arrogant because of his identity.

"I see, this is the real big man, rich and low-key, the person I admire most in my life is Yang Liu."

Ye Yuqing continued to praise.

She has a very good relationship with Yang Liu, and the most important point is that Yang Liu is a humble person, never showing off, let alone bullying others.

"Yuqing, tell me the truth, is Qin Lie your little boyfriend?"

In order to prevent Ye Yuqing from touting herself there, Yang Liu quickly changed the subject.

"No, we are just ordinary friends."

Ye Yuqing immediately denied it.

"Che, you still want to lie to me, do you think you can hide my fiery eyes?"

Yang Liu pouted, she didn't believe Ye Yuqing's words at all. .

After all, she is the boss of a venture capital company, and she is best at penetrating people's hearts, so just from Ye Yuqing's look at Qin Lie, she can tell that the relationship between the two is definitely not ordinary, and they must be lovers!

After sizing Qin Lie up and down, Yang Liu turned his attention to Ye Yuqing, the corners of his mouth curled up, and laughed and teased: "Not bad, all the old cows will eat the tender grass, it seems that the sisters will learn more from you. ."

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