"Don't talk nonsense, stop talking nonsense and see that I won't sew your mouth!"

Ye Yuqing stared, pretending to be a vicious threat.

It's just that she is too familiar with Yang Liu, and her threat has no deterrent effect.

"Tsk tsk, I'm so embarrassed, it looks like I've hit the nail on the head." When he said this, Yang Liu glanced around, and then lowered his voice and continued to joke, "How, our little boyfriend can be satisfied. You thirsty tigress?"

Hearing Yang Liu and Ye Yuqing talking about such unrestrained content, Qin Lie, who was drinking water, almost spit out the water.

"Hurry up and shut up, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll strangle you to death!"

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Ye Yuqing reached out and covered Yang Liu's mouth.

Although she has already committed herself to Qin Lie, she does not want to disclose the relationship between the two.

After all, besides her, Qin Lie has other women. As a smart and very considerate woman, she doesn't want to make Qin Lie embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, okay?"

Yang Liu took a step back with a smile, and did not continue to make trouble with Ye Yuqing, so as not to be laughed at by outsiders.

"Yangliu, Yuqing, what are you talking about, add me."

At this moment, another lady who was very fashionably dressed came over.

From the other side's slightly raised abdomen, it is not difficult to see that she is obviously pregnant, and it is estimated that she is four or five months old.

"My aunt, you are not at home to raise your baby at ease. What are you doing here?"

Seeing this lady, Yang Liu hurried over.

"Hee hee, my husband originally said he wanted to attend today's event, but he couldn't come because of something temporarily. Let me show his face here instead of him."

Chen Mei replied with a smile.

"Wang Changsheng's heart is really big enough to ask you, a pregnant woman, to attend the event for him. If it happens, I don't think he will regret it for the rest of his life."

Yang Liu said slightly angrily.

"Don't worry, I'm not that squeamish. And I've been here for almost six months, and the doctors have said that I can go out for more walks, otherwise I'll be suffocating depression if I stay at home all the time. Besides, the two of you who have no conscience don't usually visit me, so I can't take the initiative to come to you."

Chen Meiwei replied with a slightly resentful tone.

In the early stage of pregnancy, in order to protect the miscarriage, she basically stayed out of the door, and usually couldn't watch TV or play with her mobile phone, which made her bored to death.

It is now in the second trimester, and the fetal development is normal. After learning that Ye Yuqing and Yang Liu will participate in today's public welfare activities, she took the initiative to invite her husband to participate in today's activities, just to relax and chat with her friends. .

"Cough, it's not that I don't look for you. You know, I've been busy recently and haven't had the right time."

Yang Liu coughed dryly and explained a little embarrassedly.

"It's the same with me. There are a lot of things in the company waiting for me every day. I'm really tired."

Ye Yuqing spit bitter water along.

"Okay, okay, no need to explain, I know you two are busy people, and I'm not mad at you."

Chen Mei smiled.

She is a full-time wife, and the most important thing is time, but the two are strong women in the business world. It is normal to have no time, and she can fully understand it.

Besides, as far as the relationship between the three of them is concerned, even if they don't contact each other for a year, they will definitely appear by their side as long as they make a phone call. The real friendship will not only be seen on the surface.

"Hey, I really envy you and Yuqing. Both of you are famous and have masters. I'm still the only one. When will God send my true son to me."

Yang Liu then sighed.

Hearing this, Chen Meiwei's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yuqing, do you have a boyfriend? Where is it, did you bring it today?"

"Well, that's the one next to you."

Yang Liu pointed at Qin Lie and said.

Until then, Chen Meiwei didn't notice Qin Lie.

"Not bad, you are still a little fresh meat, Yuqing, you are an old cow eating tender grass."

Chen Meiwei teased Ye Yuqing with the same tone as Yang Liu before.

"Don't listen to Yang Liu's nonsense, Qin Lie and I are just ordinary friends, and I'm still single."

Ye Yuqing immediately clarified that she still did not admit the relationship between the two.

"Yang Liu, this is your fault. They are just ordinary friends. What are you making up rumors?"

Chen Mei glared at Yang Liu and said.

"Meiwei, you are pregnant and pregnant, right? Think about it for yourself. When did our Yuqing treat ordinary friends like this?"

The corners of Yangliu's mouth twitched, and she said meaningfully.

"Yes, Yuqing, hurry up and confess, what is your relationship with this handsome guy? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame the sisters for being rude."

Chen Meiwei, who had reacted, immediately questioned Ye Yuqing.

As a best friend, she knows Ye Yuqing better than Yang Liu. She knows very well that since Ye Yuqing's husband passed away, in the past three years, she has basically kept a stranger's attitude towards men.

"Don't ask, I'll tell you when it's time to tell you."

In order to avoid the two of them breaking the casserole and asking to the end, Ye Yuqing could only give an ambiguous answer.

Seeing that Ye Yuqing seemed to have something to hide, Yang and Liu were both sensible and did not ask again.

Next, Ye Yuqing formally introduced Qin Lie and Chen Meiwei.

Qin Lie learned through communication that Chen Meiwei is Ye Yuqing's college classmate. The two have known each other for more than ten years, and they have a good relationship like sisters.

And Chen Meiwei's husband is Wang Changsheng, a pharmaceutical giant. It is said that Wang Changsheng is worth over 100 billion, and he is a real super boss!

Now that they finally met, Ye Yuqing and the three became happier as they chatted, and Qin Lie was naturally regarded as air.

Qin Lie didn't care. He got up and was about to go to the toilet when he suddenly found that a small group of people in front of him seemed to be arguing about something.

Driven by curiosity, Qin Lie moved up.

The people here are not familiar with Qin Lie, but there is someone he recognizes at a glance. It is the first-generation Internet celebrity Luo Hao who is quite famous!

Speaking of this Luo Hao, it is really tossing, he graduated from high school, and has been in the society for a few years. With his ability to speak well, he has successfully become a training teacher.

It's just that Luo Hao was naturally restless, and he resigned after a few years as a teacher.

After that, Luo Hao opened a website, opened a school, and built a mobile phone, but he almost never did anything successful. Later, after squandering the investors' money, he became a scumbag.

However, I have to admit that Luo Hao's eloquence is really good. With his eloquent skills, he is quite popular in the society, and he has a group of fans.

But Qin Lie is not a fan of Luo Hao.

The reason why he knew Luo Hao was because Luo Hao had publicly released a lot of Jingri remarks, and he was a downright 'Jingri' member!

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