The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 617 Luo Taijun, A Member Of The Elite!

"Jingri" is the abbreviation of "spiritual Japanese", which refers to non-Japanese people who worship Japanese imperialism and hate their own nation, and regard themselves as military Japanese in spirit.

And Luo Hao is a typical zealot!

Someone has specially compiled Luo Hao's quotations. He has said a lot of remarks that belittle China, kneeling and licking Japan. For example, his spiritual hometown is Japan. Without Japan, Asia is not worth mentioning.

For another example, Huaxia is the only continental country on earth with a strong idiot-force island temperament, narrow-minded, materialistic, fragile, and second-force.

The most hateful thing is that this coercion even said that having offspring anywhere in China is a sinful thing, completely forgetting that he is a Chinese himself, and the blood flowing in his body is yellow blood!

If it is said that the social scum of Muyang dogs kneeling and licking foreign countries, then these elites who have forgotten their ancestors are social cancers. They are really hateful and deserve to be killed!

It was not until later that the official media came out and criticized Luo Hao by name, saying that his three views were not right. Luo Hao changed his previous tone in order to continue to make money from the Chinese people. Act as a spearhead!

Because of this, some netizens specially gave Luo Hao the nickname "Luo Taijun".

Qin Lie didn't expect Luo Hao to be invited by the Disabled Persons' Federation to participate in today's public welfare activities. He seriously doubted that the inviter was either a head in the water or a fan of Luo Hao.

"Okay, don't argue with me, after all, the quality of the Chinese people is not good, you go to see other people in Japan, the welfare is complete, the people's lives are healthy, and the quality of the people is a few streets away from us, even if they have a major disease, the country will still be there. After all, there is no such thing as abandoning children."

Luo Hao waved his hand, and sneered at a man in front of him with a high attitude.

"You don't have to step here, there are still few abandoned children in Japan? Go and see for yourself, the Tokyo orphanage is already overcrowded, and you haven't seen the incidents exposed on the Internet? Also in Japan High-quality people? Tall ass!"

The man with glasses who confronted Luo Hao refuted in dissatisfaction.

"You are just talking about individual incidents. It is normal for so many people in Japan to have one or two black sheep, but this does not prevent Japan from becoming the greatest nation in Asia. Not to mention, Japan's craftsmanship, Japan's professionalism , the quality of Japanese people is the first in Asia!"

"On the other hand, China is barbaric and vulgar. In order to develop the economy, it completely ignores the life and death of the people. There is pollution everywhere. Many children are born with congenital deformities. Disabled children."

Qin Lie originally just wanted to join in the fun as a spectator, but when he heard Luo Hao slandering his country so much, he couldn't help it.

"Luo Taijun, can you show your face when you ride a horse? Your father's Minamata disease, rice bran oil incident, and bone pain disease incident were not caused by environmental pollution? All kinds of frauds in car companies and steel mills have long been exposed. You're bragging about your mother's craftsmanship."

"By the way, there is also the recent discharge of nuclear waste water into the ocean. This is also a good thing your Japanese father has done. Elementary school students know that you are still licking your Japanese father's stinky feet here. I have never seen you so brazen. man of!"

Qin Lie's words were not rude, and he angered Luo Hao with full firepower.

As a native descendant of Yan and Huang, Qin Lie is very aware that his country has many shortcomings, and he usually complains when he is chatting with friends.

But even so, this still won't change his deep love for the motherland. He will never allow outsiders to slander and insult his country, and he will not allow a shrewd person to make nonsense here!

"Who are you, have I spoken to you, how can you make irresponsible remarks!"

Luo Hao was not the one who suffered the loss, so he scolded Qin Lie directly.

"This is Lao Tzu's country. What Lao Tzu wants to say is Lao Tzu's freedom. Why, if you are not convinced, then you can beat me."

Qin Lie sneered and replied sullenly.

"The export is dirty, arrogant and unreasonable, and it really is unqualified. I am too lazy to have the general knowledge of a vulgar person like you."

Luo Hao looked at Qin Lie with contempt.

"Hehe, you are noble, then why don't you hurry to find your Japanese father, why are you still staying in China? Oh, I remembered, you are still planning to earn money from the Chinese to honor your Japanese father, and you must be reluctant to leave. already."

Qin Lie's mouth twitched, and he continued to sneer.

"Don't think that saying these words will irritate me. In my eyes, you are an ignorant clown. I have seen a lot of people like you. You are self-righteous, ignorant and fearless. It's really pitiful."

If it were an ordinary person, I would have been speechless, but Luo Hao was the best at sophistry, so he quickly retorted and criticized Qin Lie for nothing.

"If you say I'm a clown, then what are you? A dog wagging its tail and begging for pity with the Japanese?"

Qin Lie smiled and said.

Although his words were not very hurtful, they were extremely insulting, and even Luo Hao was so angry that his forehead burst into blue veins.

"Lausan, what happened?"

Luo Hao was just continuing to fight back when suddenly a voice interrupted him.

Luo Hao turned his head to look, only to realize that it was Ito Godai, the general manager of Zhishengtang in China.

"Hello Mr. Ito."

Luo Hao immediately bowed his knees and said hello to Ito Godai, looking like a servant.

"Tsk tsk, have you seen that, dogs are good in front of their masters. I wish I could raise a dog like this."

Qin Lie slapped his mouth and sighed with mock envy.

When facing the Chinese, Luo Hao has always been aloof, criticizing the motherland to show off the depth of his thoughts, but when facing the Japanese, he immediately showed servility.

It can be said that this person is very servile, and that kind of humility has long been integrated into his bones. I am afraid that in his heart, the Japanese are fragrant when they fart.

Qin Lie has no doubt that Luo Hao would be a traitor and lackey who betrayed the country and sought glory in the war years!

"You are not allowed to insult my friend Lobsang, and apologize to Lobsang immediately!"

Iteng Goudai has been in Huaxia for many years and is considered a Huaxia Tong. He naturally heard that Qin Lie was mocking Luo Hao, and immediately scolded Qin Lie aggressively.

"Have you lost your mind, have you ever seen someone apologize to a dog?"

Qin Lie replied with a hippie smile.

Don't say that he doesn't know this Ito Goyo, even if Ito Goyo is the emperor, he will not apologize.

"I warn you one last time, and apologize to Lobsang immediately!"

Itou Godai narrowed his eyes, and the aura on his body also became fierce.

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