Qin Lie was about to make fun of Lin Hang, the arrogant villain, when Zhou Kui got the news and ran over quickly.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Yang, Mr. Qin, I have heard about what happened just now. It's all my fault for not taking good care of me. Please give me a face, and don't let it affect your mood."

Zhou Kui reassured Qin Lie and the others with a smile on his face.

Although he is the chairman of the Longcheng Disabled Persons' Federation, he can be regarded as a high-ranking person, but Ye Yuqing and Yang Liu are big businessmen. They donate a lot of money to the Disabled Persons' Federation every year. .

It's just that he didn't expect that he was just picking up people from outside, and as a result Lin Hang had such a big disaster, he was so angry that he wanted to kill Lin Hang.

"Chairman Zhou, it's not that I don't give you face, the main reason is that Luo Taijun is too hateful, eating Chinese people's rice but smashing the Chinese people's pot, I don't think this kind of person deserves to appear at the scene of this kind of public welfare activity, so as not to teach bad things again. What do you think, child?"

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

If Luo Hao kept a low profile, he wouldn't bother Luo Hao at all, but this guy kept ranting and slandering his motherland again and again. Qin Lie naturally wouldn't let him go easily.


Zhou Kui certainly understood what Qin Lie meant, but no matter how Luo Hao was also an invited guest, and he was also an Internet celebrity, if he just kicked Luo Hao out like this, it would probably affect the reputation of the Disabled Persons' Federation.

"Chairman Zhou, Qin Lie means what I mean, either Luo Hao leaves or we leave, you have a choice."

Ye Yuqing then stated that a sentence pushed Zhou Kui to the cusp of the storm.

"This bastard!"

Zhou Kui scolded Lin Hang so much in his heart that he even wanted to kill him.

But he knew very well that he had to give an attitude, otherwise Ye Yuqing would never give up.

As the so-called two evils have the lesser power, after a period of difficult choices, Zhou Kui finally decided to drive Luo Hao away.

At least he can bear the result of offending one Luo Hao, but if he offends Ye Yuqing, even Yang Liu and Chen Meiwei will be offended. The price is too heavy.

"Mr. Luo Hao, since your inappropriate remarks have seriously hurt the emotions of other guests, I think you are no longer suitable to continue participating in today's public welfare activities. Please come back."

Zhou Kui said to Luo Hao.

"Very good, Chairman Zhou really knows how to watch people cook, I remember this."

Even if he had already guessed the result, but being expelled by Zhou Kui on the spot, Luo Hao couldn't help but hold a grudge.

But he knew that it was all Qin Lie's fault. If it wasn't for him, how could he have been so humiliated.

"Don't be complacent. Sooner or later, I will double the humiliation I suffered today."

Luo Hao is not the kind of broad-minded person. On the contrary, this person is very narrow-minded and will retaliate. Today, he has settled with Qin Lie, a Liangzi, and he will definitely take revenge on Qin Lie if he has the opportunity.

"Losang, I'll go with you."

At this time, Ito Godai also had no face to stay any longer. After calling Luo Hao, the two walked towards the door together.

"Chairman Zhou, when you invite more guests in the future, the threshold will be raised a little bit, but don't let some cats and dogs come in."

Seeing Luo Hao and the others leaving, Qin Lie didn't forget to taunt them in innuendo again.

"Okay, okay, it's all right, let's all go."

Zhou Kui did not go to echo Qin Lie, but let the surrounding guests dispersed.

"Brother, you did a really good job just now. I have long thought that Luo Hao's hypocrite was not pleasing to the eye. Someone made him shriveled today."

Everyone else dispersed, but the man with glasses who had confronted Luo Hao before took the initiative to come over and give Qin Lie a thumbs up.

"I just did what I was supposed to do, who made this dog bark all the time."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"Well said, you can't be polite when dealing with this kind of zealot, but you should also be careful to get revenge by Luo Hao, he is not a good man and a woman, and I heard that there are Japanese chaebols behind him, otherwise he will eat inside and out. I'm afraid that the guy would have been beaten to death long ago."

The glasses man kindly reminded Qin Lie.

"It's alright, he wants to take revenge, even if he takes revenge, I'll wait."

Qin Lie said with disdain.

After all, he even offended Xu Fanzhou, and he really didn't care about a little Luo Hao.

"By the way, your accent is from Lucheng, right?"

Qin Lie changed the subject and asked.

"Hey, how do you know?"

The man with glasses asked in surprise.

"Because I am from Lucheng."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

The glasses man's hometown accent is still quite heavy. As a native of Lucheng, he can hear it instantly.

"Haha, that's really a coincidence, I didn't expect that we are still fellows."

The glasses man was obviously very happy to meet a fellow on this occasion.

"By the way, my name is He Linfeng, I don't know what your name is, brother?"

The glasses man immediately introduced himself.

"My name is Qin Lie."

Qin Lie replied.

"He Linfeng? Have we met before?"

At this moment, Yang Liu suddenly came over and asked.

"Mr. Yang is really a noble person who forgets things. I went to you for investment half a year ago, but you rejected me."

He Linfeng said with a wry smile.

"Oh, I remembered, you are the one who developed the super carbon fiber, right?"

Yang Liu slapped his forehead, and the blurred memory reappeared in his mind.

"Yes, it's me."

He Linfeng nodded.

"How about it, have you successfully developed it?"

Willow asked.

"It has not been successful yet, and it is still in the experimental stage."

He Linfeng replied with an embarrassed expression.

"Look, I knew you couldn't succeed. Fortunately, I didn't invest, otherwise my money would be lost again."

Yang Liu subconsciously joked.

However, she soon realized that her words seemed inappropriate, and quickly changed her words: "Mr. He, I'm not gloating, I'm just not very optimistic about your project."

"It's okay, I understand what you mean. I'm not afraid of your jokes, I haven't pulled in new investment until now. I came to participate in this public welfare event today to see if I can find a new investor, otherwise our company may really is going bankrupt.”

He Linfeng replied with a bitter face.

The Disabled Persons' Federation held today's public welfare activity mainly to raise funds, but He Linfeng wanted to find investors. It would be shameful to say this.

But He Linfeng was really desperate, otherwise he wouldn't have resorted to this.

"Mr. He, what does your company do?"

Qin Lie asked curiously, if the project is profitable, he would not mind giving He Linfeng some investment.

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