"Our company develops super carbon fiber. It has been established for three years now, but now the company has no money. If we can't get more investment, our company will have to go bankrupt in a month at most."

He Linfeng said with a heavy face.

Originally, he had a very decent job with an annual salary of 2 million, a car and a house, and a beautiful wife. Basically, he was a Ying Family.

But in order to develop super carbon fiber, he quit his job and used all his savings to set up the current company with friends.

At the beginning of the company's establishment, He Linfeng was ambitious and determined to become a subversive in the super carbon fiber industry.

It is a pity that the dream is very full and the reality is very backbone. During the research and development process, He Linfeng encountered one problem after another, the most important of which was the problem of funding.

After all, research and development is very expensive, and without sufficient funds, all dreams are empty talk.

At the beginning, He Linfeng found an investor and invested 20 million in him, plus self-raised funds, which allowed them to last for two years.

But because their research and development has not been fruitful, the investor not only refused to make additional investment, but also asked him to return the previous investment.

But He Linfeng has no money to pay back, so he can only keep saying good things to others.

After that, in order to continue the operation of the company, he sold his house and car, borrowed money from friends around him who could borrow money, and even borrowed millions from the bank.

Originally, He Linfeng thought that as long as he could successfully develop polymer nanocarbon fibers, he could turn the tide and become this new man of the year.

It is a pity that God did not take care of him, and until all the money was spent, his research and development still failed to achieve a substantial breakthrough.

To this day, he owes a lot of debts, his friends broke up with him, and his wife ran away with others. Now he can be described as separated from his wife and family, and his family is betrayed.

And today is his last fight. If he can't get the investment, he can only wait to die.

"The research and development of super carbon fiber should still be quite promising, why can't it attract investment?"

Qin Lie questioned while rubbing his chin.

He still has some understanding of super carbon fiber, which is one of the most popular high-end materials at present, known as black gold, and has a very wide range of applications in automobiles, fuel cells, power cables, missiles, launch vehicles, aircraft and other fields.

Even the most common civilian-grade t300 carbon fiber costs two or three hundred per kilogram. The top military-grade t1400 super carbon fiber costs tens of thousands per kilogram, and the unit price is directly catching up with the price of silver!

It's just that the top carbon fiber is said to be mass-produced only by two companies in Japan and Germany, and because of the monopoly of technology, coupled with the ban on sales in China, domestic money can't buy it.

And He Linfeng, who specializes in this research, should normally have no shortage of investment.

"Because there are several companies in China that specialize in the development of super carbon fiber, they are far superior to us in terms of technology and scale. Compared with them, our company is not competitive at all. If other investors invest, they will definitely give priority to investment. these companies."

"And there is a more important reason. I used to be a senior engineer of the Condor Group, and Condor is a leader in the domestic super carbon fiber industry. They have been deliberately suppressing me, so most well-known investment companies are reluctant to give I invest."

He Linfeng explained helplessly.

After that, Qin Lie asked He Linfeng a few more related questions, and basically got a general understanding of his current situation.

"I wonder how much investment you plan to pull this time?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"I want 5,000, no, 30,000,000. As long as I have money, I believe that my research will be able to achieve breakthroughs."

He Linfeng said very solemnly.

"Qin Lie, come here and I'll have a word with you."

Seeing that Qin Lie seemed to have investment intentions, Yang Liu waved to Qin Lie and called him to an unoccupied corner in front of him.

"Qin Lie, are you planning to invest in He Linfeng's company?"

Yang Liu looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"That's the plan."

Qin Lie didn't hide it.

"Listen to my sister, it's best not to vote, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have any pants left."

Yang Liu quickly persuaded.

"Can you tell me why?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

You must know that Yang Liu is the owner of a venture capital company, and her business vision is definitely sharper than her own. She didn't invest in He Linfeng's company before, and now she advises herself not to invest. There is obviously a reason.

"First, He Linfeng's company is too small and has no technical advantages; second, they are heavily suppressed by Shenying Group, and their living space is at stake."

"But the most important point is the third point. The company's infighting is too serious. A start-up company starts to fight for power and profit before it has developed. There are constant internal and external troubles. This company is destined to do nothing. If you really invest that money, it will be for nothing blind."

Yang Liu is a professional venture capitalist. She is very optimistic about the super carbon fiber industry, so she specially investigated He Linfeng's company, but the result disappointed her, so she rejected He Linfeng's financing invitation.

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't speak, Yang Liu thought that Qin Lie was still not giving up, so he continued: "In addition, I will reveal a business secret to you. Our company has investment in Shenying Group, and Shenying will soon conquer the t1400-level super market. Carbon fiber, if you are really interested in super carbon fiber, you can consider investing in Condor.”

Hearing that Yang Liu was an investor of Shenying Group, Qin Lie couldn't help being a little surprised.

After pondering for a while, he then asked: "If I invest in Condor, how many shares can I hold with 30 million?"

"At present, the market value of the Condor is more than 20 billion, and your 30 million is estimated to account for about one thousandth."

Willow replied.

"That's it."

Hearing Yang Liu's recommendation, Qin Lie wanted to invest in Shenying, but when he heard that his 30 million shareholding ratio was so low, he had no idea.

After all, he invested in order to make a lot of money, but one-thousandth of the equity has no right to speak among shareholders. It is estimated that he is a transparent person. If people are happy, they may give him a drink of soup. arrive.

"It's up to you to decide whether to invest in Condor. Anyway, I strongly don't recommend you to invest in He Linfeng. The risk of loss is too great, and it is very likely that you will end up losing everything in the end."

Willow said again.

She is not optimistic about He Linfeng's company at all. If it wasn't for Ye Yuqing's sake, she would not have said so much to Qin Lie.

"Okay, thank you Sister Yang for your reminder."

Qin Lie knew that Yang Liu was also doing it for his own good, so he still thanked her very much, but he still had to think about whether to invest in He Linfeng.

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