Because of money issues, his best friend turned against him, which was the pain of He Linfeng's life.

If time could repeat itself, he would never start a business again, trying to be a disruptor in any industry.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Today, he has lost his friends, his wife, his family, and everything he once had. The only thing left is that poor dream.

And if you can't get more investment, this dream will be completely shattered.

At that time, he may no longer have any nostalgia for this world.

"The partners are gone, so how many people are left in your company? Will not even the R&D team be disbanded?"

Qin Lie then asked a question that he was more concerned about.

"The people who were recruited when the company was founded have basically disappeared, but the R&D team is still there, because these people are basically some old colleagues I took with me when I left the Condor Group. They all trust me very much and are willing to work with me. I'll fight to the end."

"But because of the broken capital chain, I haven't paid them wages for three months. They are all people who need to support their families. If I can't pull in any more investment, our company is really over."

He Linfeng replied with a heavy expression.

When he left the Condor Group with those old colleagues, He Linfeng promised everyone that he would lead them to become a multi-millionaire together, realize the freedom of wealth, and reach the pinnacle of life.

But now, let alone a multi-millionaire, he can't even pay the most basic salary, and he himself feels ashamed of these old colleagues who follow him so zealously.

Originally, Qin Lie thought that He Linfeng's company had lost its investment value, but when he heard that the R&D team was still there, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After all, for such a high-tech company, the most important thing is the R&D team. As long as this core is still there, the remaining departments can be formed in minutes as long as they have money.

"Brother He, if you give your company a valuation, how much do you think your company is worth now?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"To be honest, I think our company may be worthless now, because in addition to the unpaid 20 million from the investor at the beginning, we still owe the bank several million in loans, and our company's current assets are more than 2,000 negative. Ten thousand."

"But if you are willing to give me a chance, my life will be yours in the future, and I am willing to spend my whole life to repay you."

He Linfeng said very solemnly.

At present, he is basically desperate, he even thought about dying, but he can't do that, because those colleagues who trust him are still waiting for his good news, even if he is dead, he has to wait until he gets the money. Say it again.

"If I invest in you, can you guarantee that you will develop the top super carbon fiber?"

Qin Lie asked again after pondering for a while.


He Linfeng replied very single.

"When you were in the orphanage before, didn't you say that as long as you have money, you will be able to successfully develop the top super carbon fiber? Why can't you do it now?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"I was just thinking about getting the investment as soon as possible, so I was bragging, but I don't want to lie to you, in fact, we have been trapped in the last step of graphitization of synthetic super carbon fiber for nearly a year, and this year we have almost Standing still, no breakthroughs have been made.”

"However, after our theoretical analysis, I think the problem should be the problem with the equipment used in our laboratory. If we can order a new equipment and re-adjust the test parameters according to our deduction results, there should be a problem. There is a high probability that the top super carbon fiber can be synthesized."

"It's just that this machine is too expensive, and a set costs 20 million. If our analysis is wrong, all previous efforts may be in vain."

He Linfeng could see that Qin Lie was a good person. He didn't want to fool Qin Lie, so he took the initiative to tell the truth.

"Then what is the probability of your success?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"Fifty percent."

He Linfeng replied.

Either success or failure, it is almost a step in heaven and a step in hell.

After some deliberation, Qin Lie finally decided to invest in He Linfeng's company.

Maybe Yang Liu is right, investing in this company will lose everything, but Qin Lie is still willing to take a chance.

What if the bet won? That's definitely a win.

After all, the valuations of other companies that mainly focus on super carbon fiber are too high. Even if he wants to get in, he can't get in. This kind of small company on the verge of bankruptcy is more suitable for him.

"Okay, I have invested in your company. Let's talk about the equity issue. I wonder how much I can account for 30 million?"

Qin Lie looked at He Linfeng and said.

"Really, are you really willing to invest in our company?"

He Linfeng looked at Qin Lie in disbelief, his body trembled slightly because of his excitement.

"Of course, but the premise is that the equity must satisfy me."

Qin Lie said with a slight smile, he seemed more calm at this time.

"At present, our company's shares are divided into three shares, the entire R&D team holds 13%, Qiao Guansheng holds 20%, and I still have 67% of the shares. If you are really willing to invest 30 million, I can transfer the shares. Give you 60% of the shares, but you only have the right to dividends, no voting rights and decision-making rights, do you agree?"

He Linfeng quickly explained the equity distribution plan that he had thought about for a long time.

He is very clear that Qin Lie may not invest if his equity is too small, and his company's equity will be worthless once it goes bankrupt.

Therefore, he basically transferred all the shares he held to Qin Lie. In this way, Qin Lie will be deeply bound to their company in the future. If the company encounters another crisis, Qin Lie will definitely not die.

And because Qin Lie only has the right to dividends, he is still the actual controller of the company, and he does not have to be afraid of Qin Lie's random interference in the company's operations or kicking him out.

This is the same reason that Ma Yun can control the Ali Empire with a market value of several trillions with only 7% of the shares.

"Okay, just do as you say."

Qin Lie himself did not intend to intervene in the management of the company, so he readily accepted He Linfeng's proposal.

For him, 30 million to hold 60% of the company's equity is quite good. After all, if this is replaced by the Condor Group, the money can only get 1/1,000 of the shares. There is a world of difference between the two.

Of course, investing in Condor is basically a guaranteed profit, but investing in He Linfeng's company needs to take huge risks.

But he doesn't care, the big deal is a loss of 30 million, which is nothing compared to the 3 billion lost by Wang Congcong in Bitcoin.

He Linfeng seemed to be afraid that Qin Lie would go back on it, so he took out the investment agreement he carried with him from his briefcase and handed it to Qin Lie.

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