The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 624 The Qing Dynasty Is Dead, And This Is The Yellow Flag!

"Brother Qin, this is the contract I prepared. Take a look. If there is no problem, let's just sign it."

He Linfeng said to Qin Lie.

As the saying goes, there are many dreams in the night. Only after he has signed the contract and is bound by the law, he doesn't have to worry about Qin Lie changing his mind.

Qin Lie took the contract and flipped through it page by page, only then did he learn that He Linfeng's company was called Tianlin Technology, which was a domineering name.

After confirming that there are no hidden clauses in the contract, Qin Lie signed it directly.

"Brother Qin, thank you for your trust, I will not disappoint you."

When Qin Lie signed the signature, He Linfeng was already in tears with excitement.

To Qin Lie, this was a very common venture investment, but to He Linfeng, Qin Lie saved his life!

He doesn't need to apologize anymore, the company doesn't have to declare bankruptcy, he even has the opportunity to realize his dream and become a rule maker one day in the future!

"Calm down, this is just the beginning, I'm waiting for you to subvert the entire industry. By the way, send me your company account number, and I'll call you the money."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

Hearing this, He Linfeng quickly gave Qin Lie a bank account, and Qin Lie transferred 30 million on the spot.

The moment he received the money, He Linfeng, a big man, hugged his head and burst into tears.

No one understands how much pressure he has on his shoulders these days, how lonely and painful he is after being betrayed and separated, and how desperate he is after repeatedly looking for investment results but hitting a wall again and again.

Fortunately, all of this is over. Now that the rain is over, he can finally continue to charge towards his dream.

"Okay, don't cry, big man, don't bleed without tears, don't let people see jokes."

Qin Lie patted He Linfeng on the shoulder to reassure him.

He is still more optimistic about He Linfeng, otherwise he would not invest 30 million in his company.

After listening to Qin Lie's words, He Linfeng suddenly stopped his tears.

"You're right, I won't let people see my jokes again!"

He Linfeng said decisively.

He will prove to those who laughed at him that he is not a loser with practical actions!

At this point, Qin Lie got his satisfactory shares, and He Linfeng got the investment, which is a happy result.

Ten minutes later, He Linfeng said goodbye to Qin Lie.

He wants to return to the company as soon as possible to tell the good news to his colleagues who are also under countless pressures to follow him, so as to relieve their worries, so that everyone can devote all their energy to the research and development of super carbon fiber.

Qin Lie was about to take a taxi back to Ye Yuqing's company.

However, at this moment, a 418 bus just drove over.

Considering that it is very convenient to take the No. 418 bus from here to Ye Yuqing's company, and it only takes five stops, Qin Lie did not call for a car, and went directly to the bus.

At this time, there were not too many people taking the bus, and the bus was not crowded at all, but there were no empty seats, so Qin Lie just found an empty place and stood there.

When working in Longcheng, Qin Lie used to crowd the bus every day to save money, especially in the morning and evening rush hour.

But now that he is rich, he no longer has to go back to the sad days of running around for a living. Taking the bus has become a way of experiencing life for him.

After a while, the bus arrived at the next stop, the door opened, and an old lady in her 60s and 70s came up with a bag of eggs.

Sweeping left and right, the old lady came to the special seat for the elderly, young, sick, disabled and pregnant, and shouted to a girl on the seat with a drake voice: "You are blind, you don't know how to give me your seat."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you."

The girl was reading a book just now and didn't notice the old lady. After hearing what she said, she quickly apologized and stood up with her schoolbag.

The old lady sat on the seat, but she didn't let the girl go. Instead, she continued to swear arrogantly: "You stinky out-of-towner, you don't even know how to give up your seat when you see an old man. It's really incompetent. I look down on you."

"Grandma, I didn't mean to give you your seat just now..."

The girl still wanted to explain, but she was forcibly interrupted by the old lady before she finished speaking.

"Stop arguing, you out-of-towners are just here to beg for food in our Dragon City, learn to be smarter for me, or else you'll all be fucked!"

The old lady shouted unreasonably.

As the saying goes, the clay figurine still has three points of anger. Hearing that the old woman is so arrogant and unreasonable, the girl can't help but get a little angry: "Grandma, it's a bit too much for you to say that, Longcheng is not your home, why do you say we are out of town? People are here to beg."

"Because I was born under the red flag and grew up in Tiananmen Square, I am more noble than you stinky foreigners. I can scold you as much as I want! And I'm still a Manchu yellow flag. See, I still have a sky pattern, you. Are you there, you stinky bitch out of town?"

While speaking, the old lady also took off her hat and pointed to her forehead, which was called an arrogant and domineering man.

"Old woman, the Qing Dynasty is dead, and you still have the Yellow Banner of the Manchus. Can you stop being ashamed."

Qin Lie, who was standing by the side, really couldn't stand the mean look of this old woman, and sneered at her directly.

"This brother is right, don't talk about things like the ancients, it's really disrespectful."

Another passenger next to him spoke up.

"Shut up, both of you stinky out-of-towners. I'm a hukou in the Second Ring Road, and my home is right next to the Forbidden City. You stinky out-of-towners don't deserve to talk to me."

Lao Taotao continued to say nonsense, that posture, that tone, as if he was some great royal relative.

"Why don't you live in the Forbidden City and see if they will let you go."

"You are the right yellow flag, right? I am the inlaid yellow flag, and I have royal blood. Why don't you kneel when you see me?"

"Shameless old thing, don't be embarrassed here, you will lose all the faces of the people of Longcheng."


The other passengers really couldn't stand the ugly face of this old woman, and they scolded others, and even many of them were locals from Longcheng.

"Hmph, you don't bully me as an old man. I tell you, don't think that I'm afraid of you when there are too many people!"

Seeing that she caused public anger, the old woman was obviously a little panicked, but she still relying on herself as an old man to sell the old.

"Hurry up and shut up, don't be ashamed, this is not the Qing Dynasty, no one is used to you."

Qin Lie once again warned the old woman, if it wasn't for her age, Qin Lie would have slapped her face long ago.

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