"Little bastard, what kind of thing are you, you dare to yell in front of me. Believe it or not, I can make you go back to your poor ravine!"

The old woman did not restrain herself because of Qin Lie's warning, but instead aimed the gun at him, another foul language.

"You have the guts to repeat what you just said."

Qin Lie's eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of danger on his body.

"I just said what to do, hit me up and try!"

The old woman was already very frightened, but for the sake of face, she was still stubborn.

"Then you said it."

Qin Lie's expression was calm at this time, but there was a chilling aura in that calm.

"Little bastard, stinking beggar, who are you scaring, I'm not afraid of you!"

When she thought that she was a descendant of Manchu nobles, and Qin Lie was just a foreigner, the old woman became arrogant and domineering.

Hearing that she was still spouting feces in front of him, Qin Lie stepped forward to teach the old woman a lesson.

Of course, he didn't intend to really hit her, he just wanted to scare her.

However, who knew that Qin Lie hadn't started to act yet, the old woman just lay down on the ground.

"I've beaten someone, I've been killed, oh, a foreigner beat an old man, is there still a law of heaven, is there a law of the king..."

Seeing the old woman who was lying on the ground crying constantly, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

He thought that the old woman had a dirty mouth, but he didn't expect that she was still a sloppy pickled vegetable. This kind of person is simply social garbage, and it is not difficult to see from her skillful movements that this old man usually does this kind of backbiting. One bite thing.

"Everyone should have seen it just now, but I didn't hit her."

Qin Lie said to the other passengers in the car.

"Little brother, don't be afraid, I can testify for you."

A middle-aged man beside him immediately supported Qin Lie.

"I can too."

"And I."

The eyes of the masses are sharp, no one is helping the tyrants, and everyone dislikes this old man who has become a grandmother.


There was a screech of brakes, and the bus stopped at the stop.

After stopping the car, the driver came over from the driver's seat.

"Mrs Zhao, get up quickly, if you make trouble again, I'll call the police."

The driver shouted at the old woman who was howling on the ground, that this old woman had been looking for trouble in the car more than once.

"There are so many of you together to bully me, an old woman. It's not as good as a beast. Sooner or later, you will be punished..."

The old woman did not listen to the driver's words and got up, but continued to curse the passengers in the car.

"Clean your mouth, you dead wife!"

A hot-tempered passenger was irritated by the old woman's swear words, and stepped forward to beat her, but was stopped by other passengers in time.

After all, this old woman has gone into the grave with half of her foot. If the wife dies again when they do it, then they have no reason to say it.

Seeing that no one dared to beat herself, the old woman was even more fearless, and she kept cursing and swearing in her mouth, just like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"I'm so sorry, all passengers and friends. This old woman is a well-known shrew around here. If you want to squeeze in the next bus, I'll call the police and let the police deal with her."

The driver apologized to the passengers in the car, and he was helpless in the face of this shameless old guy.

Everyone can fully understand the difficulties of the driver, they swiped their cards to get out of the car and waited for the next 418.

Just when Qin Lie was about to get out of the car, the old woman hugged his leg.

"You little bastard don't want to leave if you don't apologize to me today!"

The old woman said very shamelessly.

"Hurry up and let me go!"

Qin Lie said coldly, he really wanted to kick this shameless old man to death.

"I beat someone, help, I beat someone."

The old woman's roar attracted many people waiting for the bus at the station.

"Don't believe what this old lady said, no one beat her at all, she was just touching porcelain."

The girl who was abused by the old woman immediately clarified for Qin Lie.

As soon as they heard the word 'touching porcelain', the attitude of the onlookers changed immediately, and they all accused the old man of not being a thing.

However, the old woman was very thick-skinned, as if she heard everything, she continued to hug Qin Lie and shouted Qin Lie to beat someone.

"Young man, don't do it. I have already called the police, and the police will be here soon."

The driver was worried that Qin Lie would be at a loss, and hurried over to remind him.


Hearing this, Qin Lie simply sat on the chair next to him, letting the old woman yell and scream.

About ten minutes later, a police car arrived at the scene.

Just as the old woman wanted to sue the wicked first, several enthusiastic passengers who stayed to testify for Qin Lie immediately told the police the whole story. The driver also told the police that the old woman had scolded people in his car more than once.

As soon as they heard that the old woman had a criminal record and the passengers testified, the police did not believe her nonsense and took her away on the charge of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

"It's really heartwarming."

Seeing that the old woman was forcibly taken away, the remaining passengers immediately clapped their hands and cheered.

"Several big brothers and sisters, thank you for your testimony just now."

Qin Lie immediately thanked several people.

"The road sees the injustice and draws a knife to help, this is what we should do."

These passengers have no purpose at all to help Qin Lie, they just don't want Qin Lie to be wronged by that shameless old woman.

"Come on, come on, everyone gets on the bus, ready to go."

The driver suddenly shouted at Qin Lie and them.

Hearing this, Qin Lie and the others got on the bus together.

"Handsome guy, get to know me. My name is Kong Lianxing. Thank you for helping me speak just now."

After waiting for the car to start, the abused girl took the initiative to sit next to Qin Lie and thank him sincerely.

"You're welcome, I wasn't the only one helping you just now."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

This Kong Lianxing is still quite beautiful, with big eyes, willow-leaf eyebrows, and white skin that is better than snow, a proper pure beauty.

Of course, Qin Lie helped her but because she was a beautiful woman, purely for justice.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be Qin Lie, right?"

Kong Lianxing asked suddenly.

"Huh? You know me?"

Qin Lie looked at the girl in surprise.

To know that he is not a star, he can be recognized on the bus, which makes Qin Lie a little surprised.

"Of course, I came here specifically to find you today, but I didn't expect that we would be so lucky to be sitting on the same bus. It saved me a lot of time."

Kong Lianxing smiled.

"Come to me specifically? I don't know what you have to do with me?"

After listening to Kong Lianxing's words, Qin Lie was even more surprised.

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