"Young Master Qin, you... are you kidding me?"

After hearing Qin Lie's answer, Chen Papi stammered.

As a native of Xiangjiang, he knows too well how terrible Hong Hanyi is. He is definitely a murderer. He doesn't know how many people died tragically at his hands, but Hong Hanyi is still at large until now. , However, Qin Lie actually said that he was going to destroy Hong Hanyi, which seemed a bit whimsical to Chen Papi.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Qin Lie asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Master Qin, Hong Hanyi's subordinates are all outlaws who lick blood, and they have the most sophisticated equipment. He is not that easy to kill."

Chen Papi reminded Qin Lie very politely.

He actually wanted to say that if Qin Lie went to kill Hong Hanyi, it would be courting death. After all, Hong Hanyi was a top gangster who had fought with the police many times. If Qin Lie killed him, he would undoubtedly kill himself.

"It's not that you can't kill it, but it's not that you can't kill it. Today, I will definitely do justice for the sky and take the head off his neck!"

Qin Lie revealed his murderous intent.

"Good luck then."

Seeing that Qin Lie made up his mind to deal with Qin Lie, Chen Papi did not make senseless persuasion.

However, he had already made up his mind, and he would be ready to run away at any time, otherwise, if Hong Hanyi knew that he was providing arms to Qin Lie, Hong Hanyi would definitely kill him.

"Boss Chen, I told you such a secret thing because I treated you as a friend. I hope you can keep your mouth shut and don't reveal a word."

Qin Lie then instructed Chen Papi.

Seeing Qin Lie's smiling face, Chen Papi shuddered inwardly.

"Young Master Qin, I promise that no one other than me will know about what happened today."

Chen Pipi hurriedly replied.

Hong Hanyi is a big drug lord and murderer, and Qin Lie has Murong Huanyu as his backer, all of whom he cannot afford to offend.

He really hopes that the two of them can perish together, so that no one will trouble him again in the future.

Of course, he only dared to say this idea in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, otherwise Qin Lie would definitely kill him.

"Boss Chen, you should know a lot about Hong Hanyi, please tell me all about him, so that I don't have to ask others."

Qin Lie continued.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be invincible in a hundred battles. Chen Papi is a local snake in Hong Kong. Generally, such people know more about the evil forces than the police.


After hearing Qin Lie's question, Chen Papi couldn't help showing a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"It seems that Boss Chen is unwilling to cooperate. If that's the case, then I won't force it, but if one day Hong Hanyi comes to you, you can't blame me."

Qin Lie smiled lightly, but got up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, I just didn't think about what to say. I have long hated a vicious guy like Hong Hanyi, and of course I'm willing to do my part."

Chen Papi said quickly and righteously.

He didn't want to betray Hong Hanyi's information, but from the moment he provided Qin Lie with firearms, he was on a boat of thieves.

He can only pray for Qin Lie to kill Hong Hanyi, otherwise, if Hong Hanyi comes to him one day, his whole family will suffer.

After that, Chen Papi quickly revealed all the information he had about Hong Hanyi, including several secret nests of Hong Hanyi.

"Do you know where Hong Hanyi is now?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and said again.

"I really don't know about this. Hong Hanyi is very careful. He never stays in the same place for more than a week, and he will move immediately if there is a slight disturbance."

Chen Pipi shook his head and said.

It is said that there are three caves for cunning rabbits, but just because he knows that there are four dens where Hong Hanyi hides, he doesn't know more, and no one knows where Hong Hanyi will be.

"That's fine, let's do this first, and I will definitely notify you when I destroy Hong Hanyi."

Qin Lie had already obtained the weapons and information he wanted. He didn't stay in Chen Papi any longer, and took Chen Jinhu and a group to Shaluowan in Kowloon District.

Shaluowan Pier is a pier for small fishing boats. It was quite lively a decade or two ago, but with the depletion of offshore fisheries, it has gradually declined. In addition, there are no job opportunities around, and young people are basically When I went to the city, the people who stayed behind were all the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. If anyone entered the city, it would be easy to be discovered.

Because of this, Hong Hanyi chose the trading location here.

In order to avoid alarming the snakes, Qin Lie and the others did not enter the town rashly, but stationed at the periphery.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin entered the town on foot, and pulled out all the guard posts that Hong Hanyi had left to look out for the wind. Qin Lie and the others followed in their car.

When they were about 500 or 600 meters away from the Shaluowan Pier, Qin Lie and the others hid the car in the barren grass beside the road. The group took the equipment and quickly approached the pier under the cover of the night.

At this time, it was quiet at night, but the pier was full of people, and all of these people were Hong Hanyi's subordinates.

Qin Lie roughly counted, there were twenty-three people outside, and everyone was holding a guy, just like the one in the Hong Kong movie.

But he didn't see Hong Hanyi, and he didn't know which car this guy was sitting in.

After making a gesture with Jiang Lei and the others, everyone spread out in a fan shape, vaguely surrounding Hong Hanyi in the middle.

Because the trader hasn't come yet, Qin Lie naturally won't be in a hurry, but lurks patiently.

Time passed, and at 11:15, a somewhat dilapidated fishing boat came over from the sea.

When they were about to arrive at the pier, someone on the fishing boat used a strong flashlight to shine on the shore, then the light was turned off, and then it was lit again.

Seeing the transaction code sent by the other party, Hong Hanyi's men immediately responded in the same way, but they turned on and off the flashlight three times in a row.

After confirming that the code was correct, the fishing boat stopped at the pier.

"Brother, they are here."

Confidant Yang Qi immediately reported to Hong Hanyihui, who was squinting and dozing off.

"Got it, go according to plan."

Hong Hanyi replied indifferently, picked up a golden pistol from the car and hid it in his waist, then got out of the car.

At the same time, a group of foreigners disembarked from the fishing boat, each with a gun in his hand, full of vigilance.

"Henry, hello, welcome to Paradise Xiangjiang!"

Hong Hanyi greeted one of the white men with a warm smile on his face, and the other party also gave a warm response.

After hugging, Hong Hanyi said straight to the point: "Henry, have you brought all the goods I want?"


The man called Henry replied, then snapped his fingers behind him.

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